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Team of the season

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6 minutes ago, CowdenPhil said:

Well that's just fantastic, 2 convicted (criminal & civil) sexual predators in the Team of the Season for League 2.  

It's a collection of the best football players in the division this season, sunshine. Your gang of a team might provide a few bodies to the League Two Good Guys XI when that's announced, though, so don't be too disheartened. 

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Just now, the_bully_wee said:

It's a collection of the best football players in the division this season, sunshine. Your gang of a team might provide a few bodies to the League Two Good Guys XI when that's announced, though, so don't be too disheartened. 

Thought it was an Interpol poster when I saw those two sexual deviants pop up on here. My apologies. 

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10 minutes ago, CowdenPhil said:

Seriously how the f**k did the Clyde keeper get in that team? Currie is a bombscare as a keeper. 

Perhaps it's something to do with a clean sheet in nearly half our fixtures?

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Apart from the pick of keeper then I’d say that’s fair enough, however Calum Ferrie, Jordan Hart, Peter Morrison, David McGurn and Callum Antell have impressed me more than Blair Currie when I have seen them.

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