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Jarrett is an asset behind the scenes.

I really don't get why Tony Khan needs to give every hire a couple of shows in the ring as a new start though. The amount of talent they've hoarded and don't use only to put Jarrett in a feud is a bit bizarre to say the least.

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Think that's the first Dynamite I've watched where it's felt completely pointless.  It's really quite some going to have that many title matches on the show and still manage to mean nothing.  Crowned by the BCC vs JAS stuff.  What the f**k is the end-game there?  Are they just keeping it going so they can blow it off in some big match type and hope we forget they've already had both an anarchy in the arena and blood and guts match?

With the first big test of HHH's tenure at WWe coming up with Survivor Series, you'd think AEW would want to really pull out all the stops for Full Gear.  I don't think MJF winning really does that alone.

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Skipped through most of the episode as didn't have time to watch it all this morning. Sounds like I haven't missed much at all. What's bugging me about aew right now is the amount of belts. Its like everyone either has one or is challenging for one. It devalues the main belts like the wc, tnt (although tks booking of wardlow is doing a good job of that) and the story with Cargill has lost me completely to the point I just skip that segment. They've been putting on some great dynamites lately but that definitely felt like a L from the limited stuff I did see.

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Not long finished watching and aye, an absolute shocker.

Agree with pretty much every point made above. There are far too many belts and far too many TV defences of them making them meaningless. How is a Battle of the Belts different from a regular show? There were 4 title defences last night. Get so many of them to f**k. All of the ROH ones need punted. Also all ROH stuff needs punted too. Get ROH their own show and punt loads of wrestlers to it.

The roster is mad bloated yet we still see far too much of the same folk. They need to be much stricter on which wrestlers they feature.

Where are Miro, Starks, Hobbs, Ethan Page, Kingston, Archer, Santana, Ortiz, Rush, Scorpio Sky to name a few each week? Instead we have to see pish like Lee Moriarty and the same old faces over and over (JAS being a main offender).

There's far too many factions. Stop it. The JAS need to get to f**k. So bored of them. The Firm? A waste of everyone in it. BCC? Not actually sure of the point of them given when Mox was getting battered last week they were nowhere to be seen.


That women's match stuff was an time horrendous segment. I think the two wrestlers could have had a decent enough match, but the shite with Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose was so bad. Firstly, get the 'Excuse me!' schtick to f**k. It's 'turn the channel' bad. It had it's place and that was about 10 years ago. Secondly, the story of someone stealing a belt and claiming to be the champion is abysmal. Always has been and always will be. Worse, it's lazy. Who is writing that utter dreck. Third, Nyla Rose's 'commentary' snapped all my bones from cringing. Presumably she and Jade will fight for the belt at Full Gear, but this feud is absolute garbage and ice cold.


A big bag of shite last night.

Edited by DA Baracus
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16 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Where are Miro, Starks, Hobbs, Ethan Page, Kingston, Archer, Santana, Ortiz, Rush, Scorpio Sky to name a few each week? Instead we have to see pish like Lee Moriarty and the same old faces over and over (JAS being a main offender).

Santana got hurt at Blood & Guts and has been out since the end of June. With the speculation he was looking to leave before that. He's not back until the new year regardless.

Scorpio Sky got hurt just before the Wardlow TNT title defense. That was back in June/July and is another long term injury. Dropped the title and dipped.

Eddie Kingston twatted Sammy backstage which lead to a suspension in the run up to All Out. After wrapping up the story at Grand Slam. He's just been working the youtube shows often in tags with Ortiz. There's been the tease of something recently with a backstage bit with him, Ortiz & Death Triangle.

Archer went to Japan for the G1 came back and just doing the monster on the youtube shows.

RUSH probably has Andrade and Hangman to play a part in his booking. He stepped up more when Andrade disappeared. The Dark Order/LFI angle looked to be including Hangman.

Ethan Page has been on TV most weeks for bits, just not matches. Same for Hobbs the last couple of weeks.

At this point with Miro it seems more obvious that wrestling isn't a top priority for him.

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Cabana coming back is some laugh.

The guy's shite. He's always been shite. Anyone who is remotely interested in him is shite.

I had a girl raging at me at ICW through in Edinburgh back in the day when he was teaming with Grado because I said within earshot of her that he's an unfunny comedy jobber who can't actually do anything. She turned round and had his t-shirt and headband on and was really aggressively trying to tell me what he was good at and I just stood laughing at her, let her say what she needed and then countered it with 'He's that talented, you've spent the last 2 minutes with your back turned to the ring to tell me how good he is rather than actually watching him' at which point she stopped and fucked off elsewhere in the hall. :lol:

But then ICW had a LOT of incidents like that.

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Though I did like his podcasts back in the day. He should stick to that.

Much in the same way I find Danhausen mildly amusing outside wrestling and in backstage segments but cannot hit skip fast enough on anything he does in the vicinity of a wrestling ring either in or around it.

Edited by djchapsticks
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14 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

BCC? Not actually sure of the point of them given when Mox was getting battered last week they were nowhere to be seen.

To be slightly fair, they had a 5 second scene of that older backstage interviewer gimp outside their "dressing room" and it was padlocked shut while they tried to get out.  Think it was intimated that after their big chat backstage because Danielson and Yuta are having a tiff, they were all together and all locked in.  Or something.  Because of course it was never mentioned again.

Pretty much agree on the rest though.  I'm not quite on the same level with factions - I think they have their place.  I actually like how they've got groups going that have interests all over the company but can come together when needed.  But you need a handful of those, not the entire company.  It's fine to have someone just be on their own (Moxley would be the perfect example for this) and it's fine just to have a tag team without adding a little guy, and a big guy, and a woman, and a manager etc etc.  Wrestling is at its best when there's a little bit of everything, but at the moment it's a whole lot of the same handful of things, over and over again.  If you want to have JAS vs BCC (you shouldn't) then have it and limit it to one segment.  ROH should have its own show, but until then, give it one segment, not several.  

Or they could go to three hours.  I think that'd be a mistake long term, but if they're determined to book their show like this with the same faces given a huge amount of time, then they need more time..

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Apart from the Kennelis Bennet mob I've thought the signings have all been of a really high standard. However its a bit like playing football manager with unlimited money and you sign 10 top class strikers then wonder how you shoe horn them into your team / keep them all happy.

However when you see the amount of people out missing at the moment through injury,  Adam Cole, Darius Martin, Adam Page, Scorpio Sky, Kyle O'Reilly, Christian and Santana or suspension / asked for leave in Andrade, Malachai Black, Punk, Omega, Kingston, Jeff Hardy, The Bucks its half the roster nearly

I agree they need another show that is ROH centric, im happy to blur the lines and and have FTR defending ROH title on Dynamite etc, or Dalton Castle on Rampage etc but it feels now like its all title matches and no decent build.

Also have to say that was some 2 finger salute to Punk having Colt come out

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2 hours ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

They really need to get ROH off of AEW TV. Give it it's own Youtbue show or something.

Literally nobody is tuning in to Dynamite to Colt fucking Cabana or any of the ROH titles.

There are a very vocal minority of utter c***s on social media who claim that they want to see people like Cabana and the other indie idiots. 

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As per numerous posts above, by far the worst Dynamite in ages, made all the worse by the last few weeks (since the media scrum/Punk carry on) being pretty good.

Still, echoing some of the above posts;

Aye, there are far too many belts.

JAS are awful and Jake Hager skips leg day.

Jade Mangirl is an absolute bore. 

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Dare I say it, but a lot of the Cornette criticisms are looking extremely on point right now.

It's so frustrating as they've plenty of brilliant talents with some old guys that can still go and add something to the product such as Billy Gunn, Sting and ill admit, I've not seen him for a long time but Dustin Rhodes.

Get the main talent on Dynamite. Let the older guys work with some of the greener talent on Dark and get back to basics by getting rid of the 100s of titles.

With talent like MJF, Danielson & the likes of Regal able to sell the shit out of things, AEW should be absolute must watch for the 2 hours it's on TV. Far too much filler shite.

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