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7 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Going to be very sad when that last Sting match comes around, but what a run. Going out just shy of 65 with some of the injuries he’s had is remarkable as well. Very glad I got to see him in the summer.

He's done amazingly to get so far and keep in such good shape.

He was down that hole if addiction for a long time during WCW and it could easily have claimed him at that point.

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I think as long as they keep him safe until his retirement bout then you really couldn't have asked for a better final run than Sting has had. AEW get a lot of things wrong but they've handled Sting very well and he deserves a big send off and not the damp squib that was his run with WWE.

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48 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

Going to collision/battle of the belts tonight. Going to be weird going to the wrestling in Memphis and Jerry Lawler not being wheeled out.

Yes, that tattoo is atrocious.

Looks like a cracking card! Let us know how it was.

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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Looks like a cracking card! Let us know how it was.

The main card was really good, with the Danielson match being the standout. Jarret got a good reaction as well. The first house of black intervention got a huge pop, the subsequent ones not so much, but they're definitely over. Max casters memphis grizzlies jibes didn't go down well though.

During commercials Dasha had good banter with the crowd, which was a nice change from WWEs slick video packages and Ads. A lot of people recognized Skye Blues opponent from the Netflix show, Wrestlers, which is worth a watch.

They taped ROH matches before and after and they were pretty poor: Angelico v someone, Dalton castle (good value) v someone, athena/billie starks v Martinez and Diamante (God awful match, and my bar is low), then we left during Kyle Fletcher v Willie mack because the kids were becoming restless.


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MJF is just so fucking good.  I don't think there's anything he's done in AEW that he hasn't absolutely knocked out the park.  From low-hanging heel fruit, to some very close-to-the-edge stuff, to hot face, to getting over a stupid move.  He just can't do wrong.  My only worry with the current stuff is that they seem to be chucking absolutely everything at him, and that it might derail the story a bit.  I know the whole story *is* that he's under attack from all sides, but there's now just so many stories milling around that it risks obscuring when they're actually telling a good one.  I'm sure they'll get out of it fine, there'll presumably still be a pay-off, but still playing with fire.

And what a fucking choice AEW have made with Sting's "present".  To be fair, probably not the first time Ric Flair's been involved with a promoter offering a wrestler a human being as a present.  The way the segment was pitched suggests he's going to be sticking around for the Sting storyline, which is...a risk.  When the best case of the harm that could come out of that is that the guy just dies, that's not a great place to be.  Not so long ago he was subject of pretty serious sexual assault allegations, and they never really go away.  Sting looked genuinely touched that he was there, but can you imagine we get to February time, heading into the home straight of his career and another story comes out about Ric Flair being a creep?  Not exactly a million to one shot.  It was highly amusing having Christian come out though.  Should've gone further.

Not sure what happened at the end.  Certainly seems like a shoot injury with how flustered pretty much everyone seemed to be, but you never really know with Danielson.  Guy decided it'd be a right laugh to fake a seizure when selling.  But the doctor immediately going over, everyone sort of standing around looking awkward, seems like Okada is now 2 for 2 in fucking up Danielson.  And if it is serious, oddly hilarious to watch the English-less Okada not read the room and start to heckle him.  Top work.


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15 minutes ago, forameus said:

MJF is just so fucking good.  I don't think there's anything he's done in AEW that he hasn't absolutely knocked out the park.  From low-hanging heel fruit, to some very close-to-the-edge stuff, to hot face, to getting over a stupid move.  He just can't do wrong.  My only worry with the current stuff is that they seem to be chucking absolutely everything at him, and that it might derail the story a bit.  I know the whole story *is* that he's under attack from all sides, but there's now just so many stories milling around that it risks obscuring when they're actually telling a good one.  I'm sure they'll get out of it fine, there'll presumably still be a pay-off, but still playing with fire.

And what a fucking choice AEW have made with Sting's "present".  To be fair, probably not the first time Ric Flair's been involved with a promoter offering a wrestler a human being as a present.  The way the segment was pitched suggests he's going to be sticking around for the Sting storyline, which is...a risk.  When the best case of the harm that could come out of that is that the guy just dies, that's not a great place to be.  Not so long ago he was subject of pretty serious sexual assault allegations, and they never really go away.  Sting looked genuinely touched that he was there, but can you imagine we get to February time, heading into the home straight of his career and another story comes out about Ric Flair being a creep?  Not exactly a million to one shot.  It was highly amusing having Christian come out though.  Should've gone further.

Not sure what happened at the end.  Certainly seems like a shoot injury with how flustered pretty much everyone seemed to be, but you never really know with Danielson.  Guy decided it'd be a right laugh to fake a seizure when selling.  But the doctor immediately going over, everyone sort of standing around looking awkward, seems like Okada is now 2 for 2 in fucking up Danielson.  And if it is serious, oddly hilarious to watch the English-less Okada not read the room and start to heckle him.  Top work.


It's just Danielson being Danielson. He loves an injury angle at the end of a show. Remember the one where he got his leg stuck in the ramp?

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The MJF Omega match was about as great as you'd expect it to be, two of the best around going at it for 30 minutes.

Apart from that, really liking the direction they're going with MJF having everyone after them and assuming this is going to lead to some big multi man match at the new PPV in December.

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Fairly meh episode but did set a lot of story beats up going forward and think that's at least 5 matches officially confirmed for full gear. 

Enjoyed the MJF stuff and got a good laugh when Jarrett popped up.

Paul Wight does not look good.

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Paul Wight seems like a really poor choice just to pick up someone who is "bigger" than Hobbs.  I know it's a street fight, but there's only so far you can go with hiding someone not being able to move.  It's not like you've brought back some huge name who can get carried just by the excitement of seeing him.  It's fucking Big Show.  Great guy, but is anyone clamouring to see him wrestle?  Also an odd choice to put it on Dynamite prior to Full Gear, although it's presumably as there'll be some shenanigans, and some combination of those involved will end up in a match anyway.  Still though...I know WWE are really, really guilty of picking a PPV match and then spending four or five weeks doing absolutely f**k all, but there has to be some middle ground between that and AEW's habit of absolutely steaming through stories.

MJF stuff was brilliant, as always.  Felt like they missed a wee bit of a trick in the reveal of the partners given the build-up, but that's pretty minor.  MJF continues to sell absolutely everything you give him brilliantly, and when they finally pull the trigger and (probably) have Adam Cole come back and betray him, the heat that is going to rain down is going to be immense.  

Good to hear the announcement on Wembley though.  Will pick up tickets as early as possible, really looking forward to it again.  I'd say hopefully they learn from some of the mistakes they made with juggling All Out and All In, but after worrying about the card so much prior to the show, I don't think I'll care.

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4 hours ago, forameus said:

It's not like you've brought back some huge name who can get carried just by the excitement of seeing him.  It's fucking Big Show.  Great guy, but is anyone clamouring to see him wrestle?  Also an odd choice to put it on Dynamite prior to Full Gear, although it's presumably as there'll be some shenanigans, and some combination of those involved will end up in a match anyway.

When I heard it was for TV. I breathed a sigh of relief as Kenny's hopefully going to do something else on the PPV. Maybe Golden Lovers v. Takeshita & Ospreay/Fletcher?

As for Paul Wight. I figure it's just the LA factor. He is more of a known quantity for press and media.

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