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Yeah, Jericho just does not have any chemistry with anyone else involved in that segment.

Thought the rest of the show was pretty good though. Really enjoying the Continental Classic, all the matches feel like there's stakes involved and it helps that all the matches are good as well.

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I don't know why they keep putting babyfaces into these unscripted promos with Starks, because Starks comes out of each one looking far cooler and the faces look like idiots.

Hopefully this Omega/Jericho team is done with soon and Omega can get back to having incredible matches. I've got a bad feeling it's going to drag on for a bit though.

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18 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Hopefully this Omega/Jericho team is done with soon and Omega can get back to having incredible matches. I've got a bad feeling it's going to drag on for a bit though.

Looks like he won't be doing anything for a while




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59 minutes ago, forameus said:

So is that going to be Jericho getting written out too to give him some time o...

Lol.  No.  He's getting a different partner.  Cannae be having him out of the spotlight for any sort of time.

Aye no doubt, sadly.

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9 hours ago, forameus said:

So is that going to be Jericho getting written out too to give him some time o...

Lol.  No.  He's getting a different partner.  Cannae be having him out of the spotlight for any sort of time.

Which is utterly bizarre given how much Jericho got it back in the day that if you piss off for a long time, people begin to look forward to you returning.

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On 15/12/2023 at 22:44, djchapsticks said:

Time for Omega to chuck it, I think. His long term health genuinely isn't worth it and he was on the fence whether he'd come back with all the multiple injuries last time around.

Feel for are Kenny. I fantasize yet about him ending up in WWE but these current health issues mounting up plus his injuries would make it a retirement tour I'd rather not see. 

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It does open up some questions around that.  If Omega has got designs on going to WWE at some point, if his career now looks shorter, it could mean that happens sooner rather than later.  I think it's gotten to the point that WWE are now happy to let certain people choose their schedule, and although the travel is a lot worse, you'd imagine the in-ring stuff holds less risk than it would in AEW (although I guess it's a toss-up between harder matches and more of them).  If he did want to go, and made the move, would all his pals want to go too?

And if Omega and perhaps the Bucks were to go, there's a certain Charles Montgomery Punk there now, and WWE could spin quite the yarn with that one if they can get on the same page.

Fantasy booking of course, I expect Omega doesn't really feel the need to go to WWE, but I could be wrong.

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4 hours ago, forameus said:

Fantasy booking of course, I expect Omega doesn't really feel the need to go to WWE, but I could be wrong.

The Elite's deals were up this year. They re-signed. Bucks on the Swerve's podcast were talking about retirement as an option and what might be next for them. Kenny was (in)famously snapped playing cameraman for Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita on the streets of Tokyo when they filmed the bit to attack Kota Ibushi. He seems happy enough moving into his New Japan Dad era eventually.

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2 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

That was the best JR has sounded in years. Hopefully he's now through the worst of his health problems.

Agreed, he sounded years younger. 

I did laugh though, when he came out and walked down to the ring only to realise that the commentary desk was actually at the side of the stage 

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Looking at twitter, how CJ Perry (Lana) has not had her middle finger amputated I do not know. It started with a splinter she got at TV tapings that ended up infected and wreaked havoc on her full arm.

It looked awful before surgery, frostbitten almost. Now it genuinely looks dead.

Edited by djchapsticks
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