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Remembers the last month of unspooling the All Out Fallout. Takes everything with more than a pinch of salt.

There's been a history of wrestlers getting into behind the scenes fights. The failing here is in AEW producers etc not having the foresight in keeping the two far apart from each other.

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Oh, so these two guys - at least one of which has history of trouble - have been jawing at each other over Twitter?  Aye, just let them wander into each other's path at the office, I'm sure nothing could go wrong there, in AEW of all places...

I think Khan did a great job in the aftermath of the Brawl Out at All Out, but clearly he hasn't learned too much.  This time they send one guy home and let the other hateful wee c**t get the pin in the main event.  Is it really that hard to get all the talent in a room and ask them not to go on Twitter and post like a stay-at-home maw?  And if they really can't manage that, maybe organise your workplace so they're not scrapping in every hallway?  They need to be careful here - not like it's going to bring the company down or anything, but they are doing so much right pretty much every week now.  They can't afford to let that all be brought down by fights, and particularly not by Sammy Fucking Guevara.

EDIT: And now here comes "journalism" with the conflicting stories.  Big Dave Meltzer reckons Sammy didn't throw a punch and got Kevin Keegan'd, and "4 out of 5 people" agreed.  I expect some other guy will be along soon to say something different.

Edited by forameus
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Aye, it’s not exactly a surprise that there was a brawl between these two given they all but said there would be on Twitter over the last couple of days.


As soon as they arrived at the arena last night, they both should be have been pulled in to an office with Khan and talent relations and told to chill the f**k out. There should have been a firm discussion that they don’t need to like each other but to behave like professionals and stop with the childish Twitter pish, with clear consequences noted for not doing so. They should have been offered the chance to talk things out as well.


Khan is out of his depth and really needs help. He’s got guys like JR and Regal at his disposal, so needs to start using them, or hire someone specifically to handle folk.


I sort of get why Sammy wasn’t sent home given he was scheduled to be in the main event, but he needs to be sent the f**k away now. Personally I would punt him, as he’s shown repeatedly that he’s a wee dick. I also can’t stand him in general and don’t like his matches.

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39 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

As soon as they arrived at the arena last night, they both should be have been pulled in to an office with Khan and talent relations and told to chill the f**k out. There should have been a firm discussion that they don’t need to like each other but to behave like professionals and stop with the childish Twitter pish, with clear consequences noted for not doing so. They should have been offered the chance to talk things out as well.

How does anybody know that didn't happen, and it still kicked off because they're two egotistical twats?


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24 minutes ago, AFCDannyFTH said:

Andrade getting sent home and Sammy getting to stay suggests that Andrade attacked Sammy. Quite possible that he has seen this as his opportunity to be fired and head back to WWE. 

This seems to be the story currently going around, that Sammy didn't really do anything and Andrade waited for and attacked him.  Maybe a trying to get fired sort of deal.  General consensus amongst Wrestling Reddit seems to now be that Sammy didn't do anything wrong, can't do anything wrong, and anyone who says so is a c**t.  Until the next story comes out.  

If that is the case though and Andrade is trying to get fired...well, it's a bit thick isn't it?  If you're WWE, do you really want to take him back?  I don't think he's that much of a get at the best of times, but off the back of going after a coworker you can't really see the corporate machine being too happy to bring him back.

1 hour ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Bring back wrestlers court and have them drink beer out of a jockstrap or something similar as a punishment. Wouldn't have happened on Undertakers watch 

While obviously the olden days pish seems a bit archaic now...wouldn't something like that actually help here?  It's much better now that most wrestlers would probably rather head to their hotel room and play Mario Kart on Twitch, but it seems like that just leads those that are headcases to just get to do whatever they want.  They could really do with someone on the roster to look up to and respect who can show them that that's not the way to behave.  Not knock f**k out of them, times have moved on, but there doesn't seem to be any checks and balances at any level, management or otherwise to handle anyone acting like that.

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Also, sickening to see another one of those weirdos who insists on wearing a football top whenever they're going to be on TV with the red and yellow on front row yesterday.  Guys next to him put masks on later in the show, so can only assume he was bogging.

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2 hours ago, forameus said:

This seems to be the story currently going around, that Sammy didn't really do anything and Andrade waited for and attacked him.  Maybe a trying to get fired sort of deal.  General consensus amongst Wrestling Reddit seems to now be that Sammy didn't do anything wrong, can't do anything wrong, and anyone who says so is a c**t.  Until the next story comes out.  


My take the two's egos got bruised during the twitter exchange. This was Andrade looking to have the face to face over it. Words were exchanged, the two doubled down, and it led to fisticuffs.

I see it more as men trying to be "men". Than some ulterior motive hyperbrained way of trying to get out of a contract.

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4 hours ago, forameus said:

While obviously the olden days pish seems a bit archaic now...wouldn't something like that actually help here?  It's much better now that most wrestlers would probably rather head to their hotel room and play Mario Kart on Twitch, but it seems like that just leads those that are headcases to just get to do whatever they want.  They could really do with someone on the roster to look up to and respect who can show them that that's not the way to behave.  Not knock f**k out of them, times have moved on, but there doesn't seem to be any checks and balances at any level, management or otherwise to handle anyone acting like that.

I would agree to an extent, definitely seems like a lack of locker room leaders to step in and have a word when things like this happen. There's clearly a few there like Regal so whether or not they don't fancy getting involved or are outright told not to is a mystery 

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Backstage brawling aside, it was another decent episode.

MJF vs Yuta was great. Really enjoyed it. How fucking big is MJF these days?! Guy is absolutely jacked. A total star.

Lethal vs Darby was good.

Wardlow vs Cage was great fun.

The women's trios match was decent.

The Scissoring Day nonsense was enjoyable, the good type of daft wrestling silliness.

Hangmas vs Rush was ok. The Mox promo after was immense though.

Didn't care for the main event.

For a company with such a massive roster, they really need to stop featuring the same guys over and over and give other folk air time. Also, there's far too many stables. Yet another one was introduced last night (The Embassy). Get that sorted out.

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I forgot how good the build to Hangman Page's title win at All Out 2021 was. 

Genuinely one of the best builds I've seen. It was so emotional and so relatable. The narrative around his anxiety, how it led him to do certain things (especially turning on the Bucks), and becoming a drunk, hitting bottom with joining the 'f**k Hangman!' chants and then his friendship with the Dark Order, them helping him out of his darkness, him getting better and stronger (and more confident in his abilities), his apology to the Bucks along with his warning, him sticking with the Dark Order and becoming their leader and the lead in to Full Gear*; it was so, so good, and not ashamed to say I shed a wee tear over it. His win was a great moment, great pop and great emotion, comparable to the likes of Kofi's title win.

Also, the match with Omega where he won the belt was a total banger.

What a shame it was how poorly he was booked as champ, but he's young so he'll be back there one day.



*A PPV named after him from a BTE episode.

Edited by DA Baracus
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