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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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6 minutes ago, squeezebox-son said:

That would be nice. You only have to look at what happened with David Robertson and Goodwillie should have done the same.

He isn't a decent person whatsoever and has spent his whole life getting in fights and doing horrible things. He doesn't deserve the right to be looked up to by young fans who don't know what he is actually like or what he has done.

I think your assessment of his character is absolutely spot on for back when this happened. However, his behaviour on/off the park since would suggest otherwise. 

It would seem to me that he is a very different person now. Do you believe people have the ability to change in terms of their attitudes/behaviour? To grow up and mature, become more responsible individuals? If so, why would the likes of David Goodwillie be incapable of such progression?

Edited by RutherGlen
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8 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

A start would be him showing literally any remorse whatsoever. 

He doesnt believe he has done anything wrong so difficult to show remorse for something he hasnt done.

If he did then he could open himself up to potential prosecution.

I am sure he is sorry that the whole event ever happened and wished he could go back in time to change everything.


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4 minutes ago, Jack Burton said:
8 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:
Well, that's obviously not going to happen as he has always maintained his innocence. To apologise in any way would be an admission of guilt, at least in part. 

Even if he doesn't believe he raped her his actions that night were disgusting. He's never acknowledged any wrongdoing whatsoever.

Again, any sort of apology even if it was issued alongside a denial of rape would not look good for him and I would assume his legal team would have advised against such action. Goodwillie may well feel a lot of remorse and would like to publically apologise for his actions but to do so would always be interpreted as guilt of the rape itself and so will never happen.

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2 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

He doesnt believe he has done anything wrong so difficult to show remorse for something he hasnt done.

If he did then he could open himself up to potential prosecution.

I am sure he is sorry that the whole event ever happened and wished he could go back in time to change everything.


Thats my take on it too

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9 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Ok, well in that case I’ll continue in my view that he should not be allowed to play any form of professional football in Scotland, and that any club who employ him are utter scum.

Sure, you’re perfectly entitled to your opinion.

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3 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

He doesnt believe he has done anything wrong so difficult to show remorse for something he hasnt done.

If he did then he could open himself up to potential prosecution.

I am sure he is sorry that the whole event ever happened and wished he could go back in time to change everything.


The way you defend a guy you don’t even know is creepy. w**k bank stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

Yeah I’m sure the sponsors were really pushing for a high profile rapist to be brought back on board.

They were pushing for a really good footballer to return to a Club he served in exemplary fashion for over 4 seasons.

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7 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

I think your assessment of his character is absolutely spot on for back when this happened. However, his behaviour on/off the park since would suggest otherwise. 

It would seem to me that he is a very different person now. Do you believe people have the ability to change in terms of their attitudes/behaviour? To grow up and mature, become more responsible individuals? If so, why would the likes of David Goodwillie be exempt from such progression?

Well put.

He was a bit of an idiot in his younger days getting into trouble on more than one occasion but plenty of us have been the same in our younger days.

But like most people it appears he has matured in recent years and become the model pro both on and off the park.

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Well put.
He was a bit of an idiot in his younger days getting into trouble on more than one occasion but plenty of us have been the same in our younger days.
But like most people it appears he has matured in recent years and become the model pro both on and off the park.
"Bit of an idiot" is a bit of a stretch [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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10 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

I think your assessment of his character is absolutely spot on for back when this happened. However, his behaviour on/off the park since would suggest otherwise. 

It would seem to me that he is a very different person now. Do you believe people have the ability to change in terms of their attitudes/behaviour? To grow up and mature, become more responsible individuals? If so, why would the likes of David Goodwillie be incapable of such progression?

Whether or not I believe in the ability to rehabilitate isn’t really the matter here. I don't think the punishment he received was anywhere near harsh enough and feel he has been let off with just going about his business far too much. Yes, he would have played at a higher level and made more money. But, I don't believe he should ever have been allowed to play at a professional level again.

As people have mentioned already, he hasn't ever shown any remorse for what happened. In any walk of life people apologise in situations, even when they don't believe they have done anything wrong. It's how things work. So whether he thinks he done nothing wrong with regards to raping the girl, it should never have happened the way it did.

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20 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

What exactly would you like to see happen to Goodwillie? As we all know, he was found guilty in a civil court and has paid compensation to his victim as per the ruling. He also lost his right to play at the top level (despite clearly being more than capable of playing there, even now.) Since then he has worked hard and kept his head down.

This isn't enough for many but I wonder what would be enough? What exactly do you wish to see happen for justice in your eyes to be done? Should he be banned from playing football ever again? From working in any capacity, whether that be as a tradesman or otherwise?

At what point do people say, "ok that'll do."? I'm genuinely interested to know...

He hasn't paid his compensation though, has he? He hasn't kept his head down, he moaned about not being able to afford a fancy car. And he hasn't commented - even without making a full apology that could possibly be construed as an admission of guilt - on the events of the night, about how he has realised that despite not thinking he'd been done anything wrong he still appreciates how much if an ordeal it was for the victim, etc. Even if he'd done all those things, I'd still be reluctant to have him do something that would keep his name in the papers tbh. 

Other than that though, good post.

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2 minutes ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

The way you defend a guy you don’t even know is creepy. w**k bank stuff.

Is that similar to attacking a guy you don’t even know?

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Well put.
He was a bit of an idiot in his younger days getting into trouble on more than one occasion but plenty of us have been the same in our younger days.
But like most people it appears he has matured in recent years and become the model pro both on and off the park.

Most of us managed not to rape someone though…
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2 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

but plenty of us have been the same in our younger days

I'd hope that there isn't "plenty" of people who have been accused of rape and then taken to a court and found guilty of it. Nevermind the charges of assault and all that that he's also got to his name.

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4 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

Legend? Really?

Your club has won the Scottish Cup three times.

There are countless players who merit the accolade of being labelled a Clyde legend.

And you lump them in with this individual.

What a sordid mess.


We must be the first club in history to have a section of fans which continues to hero worship a player who handed in a transfer request mid-season to force a move (never mind all the rest). I can't fathom it myself.

I see it's now been formally announced by the club, with a comically sheepish adjoining statement and tweet. Deary me, what an absolute mess they've made here.

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