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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

This level of clarification being needed is evidence of how easy it is to use this to bash the SNP, and that you've already lost the argument.

SNP should have told Greens to get to f**k or linked it specifically to accompanying public transport improvements. I have no option but to drive to my work and there will be a bunch of folk reading leaflets about this for ages.

Absolutely. If the SNP want to go into an Independence Referendum at the turn of the year they are going to have to show something better than taxing Scots more for simply being Scottish! 

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8 hours ago, GordonD said:

If England was handing over £12.6 billion that Scotland wouldn't get if we left the Union, why would they be fighting so hard to keep us in it? All it would need would be for Boris to say, "Okay, away you go!" and he suddenly has £12.6 billion to plough back into their economy. The fact that he doesn't do that is proof that the £12.6 billion figure is bullshit.

The nuclear 'deterent' is in Scotland and it would be difficult to move it elsewhere. 

Maybe we could keep it here for a large rent. (only kidding, get it tae f*ck)

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50 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

The nuclear 'deterent' is in Scotland and it would be difficult to move it elsewhere. 

Maybe we could keep it here for a large rent. (only kidding, get it tae f*ck)

It isn't going anywhere unfortunately in the short to medium term after independence. It will take some time for them to plan and build facilities.

However I agree we should be using it as leverage during the time it takes to get it shifted.

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16 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Lets think this through though. Lets say Boris Johnston decided that each region that fails to raise as much revenue as it spends gets ejected from the UK - as you are suggesting he should wish to do to Scotland.

Straw man argument. Are the people of, say, the north-east of England demanding independence? Nobody mentioned 'ejecting' from the UK against the will of the people (as implied by your very choice of word), rather than accepting their wishes.

And the fact that you equate Scotland with a 'region' says it all.

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3 hours ago, GordonD said:

Straw man argument. Are the people of, say, the north-east of England demanding independence? Nobody mentioned 'ejecting' from the UK against the will of the people (as implied by your very choice of word), rather than accepting their wishes.

And the fact that you equate Scotland with a 'region' says it all.

You started it with your ridiculous assertion that the fact the UK Government doesn't want to see the break up of the UK means professional actuaries can't do their sums. 

The ONS report divides the UK economy into regions - not me. That you are trying to deflect from your ridiculous assertion using this shows how desperate your argument has become

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Just now, Malky3 said:

..... Your grave? Don't need to. I think your argument has been buried deeply enough now. Tell me though, where would you make £12.6Bn of cuts? 

No need. Just read the other replies to your bullshit.

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3 minutes ago, GordonD said:

No need. Just read the other replies to your bullshit.

I must have them on ignore. All i can see is you standing on your own looking very silly

Edited by Malky3
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2 hours ago, Malky3 said:

I must have them on ignore. All i can see is you standing on your own looking very silly

No wonder you keep spouting the same old crap. Your lies about the £12.7 billion have been disproven over and over but you know you can't support your argument so you just pretend those posts aren't there. Kind of like the poor people you claim don't exist.

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23 minutes ago, GordonD said:

No wonder you keep spouting the same old crap. Your lies about the £12.7 billion have been disproven over and over but you know you can't support your argument so you just pretend those posts aren't there. Kind of like the poor people you claim don't exist.

Lies? - The figures have been directly confirmed by the Scottish Government, by the Finance Minister, by the ONS and by all the professional bodies and actuaries who ensure that professional standards have been kept. Your counter argument was that English politicians wouldn't want to keep the Union together if the figures were true - you have no facts and no back up, just supposition. 

Other Nationalists have accepted the figures as fact - as they should. They countered that the figures whilst accurate represent a Scotland in the Union. The figures do indeed. I applaud them for being slightly smarter than you. This is indeed true. An Independent Scotland would not receive a grant through the Barnett Formula and would not be able to share in London's wealth. I keep asking what cuts Nationalists would make to make the books balance but this is where they fall down. The slightly smarter ones think we could borrow it - the highest debt to GDP ratio in the Western World. It doesn't seem likely if we are to follow Sterlingisation but it might be possible if wealthier Scots were willing to invest in Scottish Government Gilts. The less smart ones think the UK Government is hiding charges somewhere and that Scotland would be able to collect tax revenue, run defence services, foreign aid, embassies, diplomats, The Bank Of England, and the Royal Mint - as well as many other of the services we currently share across the UK for free. What I haven't seen is anything remotely credible from any Nationalist when it comes to figures that show that an Independent Scottish Government would have more money to spend than it does as part of the UK. 

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Very much enjoying the block function so I don’t have to suffer the misfortune of reading Milkys trolling posts. I encourage everyone else to do the same. That is unless you enjoy watching the guy continually make a rip roaring c**t of himself, in which case carry on.

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23 hours ago, Malky3 said:

It was voted into existence by SNP MSP's - something Scotland won't forget. The SNP is the only party in Scotland determined to tax Scots more heavily than the rest of the UK, simply because we live here. So much for looking after our interests. 

It wasn't "voted into existence by SNP MSP's". The power to impliment this tax from central government was already available. They're simply devolving it to the local councils as per their request.

The Tory/Labour councils that are making the biggest song and dance out of this are the same councils who asked for the power to be devolved to them.

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Very much enjoying the block function so I don’t have to suffer the misfortune of reading Milkys trolling posts. I encourage everyone else to do the same. That is unless you enjoy watching the guy continually make a rip roaring c**t of himself, in which case carry on.
The app is even better - you don't even see the twat's name.
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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

Repeat lies enough, people will soon start believing them.

Or not! Don't respond to the wee fanny.

I've given up on him. I don't think even he believes the crap he's spouting - remember he swore blind that there were only 12,000 on the March, a figure he was utterly unable to back up. Just kept stamping his little foot and saying "But it's truuuuueeeeeeee!"

So he's on ignore.

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