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Celtic v Motherwell

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19 minutes ago, Greenlantern said:


Peter Lawwell makes the banners in his office, didn’t you know?


I don't think he does to be honest, but at the same time I have no doubt whatsoever that he has no problem whatsoever with said banners being displayed at Celtic Park.

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54 minutes ago, MJC said:

Your second paragraph is one of the biggest reasons why I can't stand them or their club and why they're really not 'spot on' about any of the so called causes they claim to support...because in reality they are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical, sanctimonious, psuedo pious blowhards who are only capable of seeing things from their own warped perspective. 

This is a group who would have you believe that they are 'all inclusive' and 'welcoming to all' but neglect to mention that that's only as long as you share their viewpoint and 'political' standing on most matters and if you don't then you aren't actually welcome at all. "No bloostained poppies on our hoops, but Celtic Football Club are open to all"...."Celtic football club destests racism....but that Shay Logan is a liar and an arsehole for accusing one of our players of racially abusing him, fucking booooooooooo that c**t"..."Leigh Griffiths was caught on video in an Edinburgh pub singing wha...? Nah f**k up, brave, brave man is our Leigh".

The 'stands' they take are nothing more than what they perceive to support the Celtic FC position of "we are holier than thou, but just don't ask too many questions" and I for one am more than happy that our support don't bother with that nonsense, because it really, REALLY isn't worth its weight in shite.


24 minutes ago, MJC said:

That same supporters group that seem to have absolutely no problem whatsoever in getting their 50ft + banners displaying their messages into the clubs home ground on a regular basis? That supporters group? Yeah?


1 minute ago, MJC said:

I don't think he does to be honest, but at the same time I have no doubt whatsoever that he has no problem whatsoever with said banners being displayed at Celtic Park.

Anybody reading this **** posts as William Ulsterman? 


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1 minute ago, MJC said:

I don't think he does to be honest, but at the same time I have no doubt whatsoever that he has no problem whatsoever with said banners being displayed at Celtic Park.

Neither he should, I'm glad you have a problem with them though as you're a fucking welt.

I'm all for more GB banners if it boils your piss. 

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I don't think he does to be honest, but at the same time I have no doubt whatsoever that he has no problem whatsoever with said banners being displayed at Celtic Park.

I’m sure he fully approved the ‘Don’t sleep at the wheel’ display targeting his good self, Desmond and Lenny at the Europa League game in August.
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1 hour ago, MJC said:

This is a group who would have you believe that they are 'all inclusive' and 'welcoming to all' but neglect to mention that that's only as long as you share their viewpoint and 'political' standing on most matters and if you don't then you aren't actually welcome at all

In fairness that's true of anyone who leans either side of the political spectrum.

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1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:

Neither he should, I'm glad you have a problem with them though as you're a fucking welt.

I'm all for more GB banners if it boils your piss. 

So basically, you're happy with the Green Brigade banners as long as they provoke some sort of reaction? Basically what you are saying is that you don't care what they say so long as it annoys folk?

And that's the voice of Celtic Park, the voice of the support, the voice of the Green Brigade isn't it? Who cares if we spout a load of hypocritical, self righteous guff that contradicts the 'ethos' of the club that 'We're open to all', as long as we annoy our haters. 

That kind of destroys the image that you are so keen to display tbh...that image of all these 'displays/prorests' by the Green Brigade as being for some sort of good cause...

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2 minutes ago, MJC said:

So basically, you're happy with the Green Brigade banners as long as they provoke some sort of reaction? Basically what you are saying is that you don't care what they say so long as it annoys folk?

And that's the voice of Celtic Park, the voice of the support, the voice of the Green Brigade isn't it? Who cares if we spout a load of hypocritical, self righteous guff that contradicts the 'ethos' of the club that 'We're open to all', as long as we annoy our haters. 

That kind of destroys the image that you are so keen to display tbh...that image of all these 'displays/prorests' by the Green Brigade as being for some sort of good cause...

As I said previously, if it rips your knitting fair fucks to them.

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4 minutes ago, Flybhoy said:

As I said previously, if it rips your knitting fair fucks to them.

I'll take it 'ripping my knitting' any day of the week if it shows you up and illustrates your club and supports' hypocrisy and the fact that you, your fellow supporters and your club are full of utter bullshit. :)

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2 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

Neither he should, I'm glad you have a problem with them though as you're a fucking welt.

I'm all for more GB banners if it boils your piss. 

Thou shall not criticise anything celtic related.



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11 hours ago, MJC said:

I'll take it 'ripping my knitting' any day of the week if it shows you up and illustrates your club and supports' hypocrisy and the fact that you, your fellow supporters and your club are full of utter bullshit. :)

And see, this is where your 'I'm so chilled and cool about Rangers as they're just another club' argument falls off a very steep cliff.

MJC is cancelled.

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29 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

And see, this is where your 'I'm so chilled and cool about Rangers as they're just another club' argument falls off a very steep cliff.

MJC is cancelled.

This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with Rangers and my views on them. It's possible to be able to dislike and call out Celtic without being pro-Rangers, you do realise that?

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1 minute ago, MJC said:

This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with Rangers and my views on them. It's possible to be able to dislike and call out Celtic without being pro-Rangers, you do realise that?

Yes dumb dumb.

Your very tedious Rangers stance is based on the idea that you hold some high ground over people who lose their head over a club they don't support far too much. And yet, you've made 3 or 4 absolutely seething posts about Celtic last night. Which makes your entire argument on your very hilarious 'YATP' sketch totally redundant.

Crack on with your views on Celtic though, I don't disagree.

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32 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Yes dumb dumb.

Your very tedious Rangers stance is based on the idea that you hold some high ground over people who lose their head over a club they don't support far too much. And yet, you've made 3 or 4 absolutely seething posts about Celtic last night. Which makes your entire argument on your very hilarious 'YATP' sketch totally redundant.

Crack on with your views on Celtic though, I don't disagree.

The difference is that I am making what I think are valid points about Celtic and they are based on personal experience. I am not in the least bit seething, I have made my points and put them across in a clear and coherent manner and I don't see anyone of a non Celtic perspective disagreeing with them.

My Rangers 'act' is aimed at the usual suspects on here, and it isn't everyone, it's normally a core of specific posters, they are found on every single Rangers match thread moaning and whinging about the most trivial of matters, from the colour of socks they are wearing to the manner in which their support celebrate goals, and so on. Some of them seem to post more about Rangers than they do about the club they actually support. They whinge and the exaggerate and it sounds pathetic.

Unlike them I don't frequent every single Celtic match thread, I am on this one because it involves the club I support and indeed my first contribution since the game on Sunday was to challenge the view of another Motherwell fan who said that he found the Green Brigade 'spot on' with alot of the things they get involved in. 

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14 hours ago, nsr said:

In fairness that's true of anyone who leans either side of the political spectrum.

That is true yes, but they are not a political party or movement, they are a supporters group of a football club which markets itself as "Open to all". The actions of that particular group on a regular basis and the club itself often flies right in the face of their supposed "Open to all" ethos and shows them up as the utter hypocrites that they are.

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1 minute ago, MJC said:

That is true yes, but they are not a political party or movement, they are a supporters group of a football club which markets itself as "Open to all". The actions of that particular group on a regular basis and the club itself often flies right in the face of their supposed "Open to all" ethos and shows them up as the utter hypocrites that they are.

Again this is not unique to them. Generally anyone who loudly trumpets themselves as being tolerant and inclusive usually doesn't extend it to their ideological opponents.

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