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Looking through my wardrobe earlier, I realised I have ridiculous number of pairs of shoes.  Not counting pairs that I haven't worn for roughly a year, I have 14 pairs, I need all of them for various reasons.

2 pairs of casual shoes, one of which has holes in the sole but I wear on dry days because I'm a skinflint and want to get the full use out of them.

2 pairs of smart work shoes, one of which are comfortable but leaky so again I only wear on dry days.

2 pairs of slip on shoes for wearing in the summer - I need two because one of them is on the verge of falling apart and I don't want to be caught without a pair should we get a heatwave next summer.

1 pair of black boots I wear when it's snowy.

1 pair of hiking boots.

2 pairs of cycling shoes, one for summer road riding, one older pair for winter / off road.

1 pair of old trainers I wear on my turbo trainer.

1 pair of running trainers.

2 pairs of old shoes I wear for doing work around the house.

This doesn't even include a new pair of running trainers I haven't worn yet, 3 pairs of football boots as I haven't played for more than a year, my trusty slippers (who can walk around their home without slippers on?), plus 2 or 3 old emergency pairs of shoes up in the loft.

Any other Imelda Marcos copycats out there?

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I have one pair of casual shoes for wearing with trousers and a shirt. One pair of black shoes for wearing with a suit, and four pairs of trainers. Two pairs are normal looking trainers, but are from Foot Solutions, designed to take the two bespoke NHS insoles I need for an ongoing foot problem, one pair is for the gym, and the final pair are a white lightweight pair of Skechers for wearing with shorts on holiday.

That is far from excessive, in anyone’s book, surely!

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19 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

The fact that I now know that a complete stranger wears black boots during snowy weather has made my weekend complete.

It's a Sunday afternoon thread on the GN forum.  Surely you weren't expecting better?

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41 minutes ago, Gnash said:

Looking through my wardrobe earlier, I realised I have ridiculous number of pairs of shoes.  Not counting pairs that I haven't worn for roughly a year, I have 14 pairs, I need all of them for various reasons.

2 pairs of casual shoes, one of which has holes in the sole but I wear on dry days because I'm a skinflint and want to get the full use out of them.

2 pairs of smart work shoes, one of which are comfortable but leaky so again I only wear on dry days.

2 pairs of slip on shoes for wearing in the summer - I need two because one of them is on the verge of falling apart and I don't want to be caught without a pair should we get a heatwave next summer.

1 pair of black boots I wear when it's snowy.

1 pair of hiking boots.

2 pairs of cycling shoes, one for summer road riding, one older pair for winter / off road.

1 pair of old trainers I wear on my turbo trainer.

1 pair of running trainers.

2 pairs of old shoes I wear for doing work around the house.

This doesn't even include a new pair of running trainers I haven't worn yet, 3 pairs of football boots as I haven't played for more than a year, my trusty slippers (who can walk around their home without slippers on?), plus 2 or 3 old emergency pairs of shoes up in the loft.

Any other Imelda Marcos copycats out there?


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1 hour ago, Gnash said:

Looking through my wardrobe earlier, I realised I have ridiculous number of pairs of shoes.  Not counting pairs that I haven't worn for roughly a year, I have 14 pairs, I need all of them for various reasons.

2 pairs of casual shoes, one of which has holes in the sole but I wear on dry days because I'm a skinflint and want to get the full use out of them.

2 pairs of smart work shoes, one of which are comfortable but leaky so again I only wear on dry days.

2 pairs of slip on shoes for wearing in the summer - I need two because one of them is on the verge of falling apart and I don't want to be caught without a pair should we get a heatwave next summer.

1 pair of black boots I wear when it's snowy.

1 pair of hiking boots.

2 pairs of cycling shoes, one for summer road riding, one older pair for winter / off road.

1 pair of old trainers I wear on my turbo trainer.

1 pair of running trainers.

2 pairs of old shoes I wear for doing work around the house.

This doesn't even include a new pair of running trainers I haven't worn yet, 3 pairs of football boots as I haven't played for more than a year, my trusty slippers (who can walk around their home without slippers on?), plus 2 or 3 old emergency pairs of shoes up in the loft.

Any other Imelda Marcos copycats out there?

Sports casual.

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Like the alky who stashes bottles away, I’ve got various shoes stashed in cars, at work, in a box in the garden, in gym bags, hidden under clothes in most of my drawers. I do generally adopt a one pair out, one pair in policy though so they are all in fairy good order. 

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Looking through my wardrobe earlier, I realised I have ridiculous number of pairs of shoes. I have 14 pairs, I need all of them for various reasons.

^^^ Exactly this.

Wife used to nip my heid all the time about my footwear taking up all the cupboard floor until it was pointed out she has even more shoes than me.
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57 minutes ago, mathematics said:

@Gnash these are all but one pair of my DMs, plus 10 pair of Mrs Mathematics’ DMs.

There’s over 100 pairs of footwear in my house. There’s just the two of us, each egging the other on.



If you took that photo specifically for this thread then you’re a weirdo.

If you took it for any other reason then you’re probably still a weirdo.

In the last year I have been persuaded by my wife to wear Sketchers.  They are brilliant.

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Went through a stage of collecting trainers and ended up with about 20 pairs. Got this down to about 15 now plus a couple of pairs of hiking boots and dress shoes.

What possessed me to buy about ten pairs of Adidas originals I will never know? About eight of them are identical and feel like wearing primary school gutties. 

Bought a pair of these while pissed but ended up selling them for £50 profit.

Wore them once and felt ridiculous.


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