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Treble Winners (Celtic) v Sheep worriers (Aberdeen)

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Naive from Cosgrove to fly in like that and think he's not going to get a red with 50,000 baying for blood, Ajer milking it for all its worth, Broony telling the ref it's a red. 

No point in appealing as might so as well to just donate the cost to a charity

Who is the classless c**t in hoops applauding the showing of the red card ?


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8 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

But but it’s a weegie ref, broonys a ref, wouldn’t have been given up the other end, Ajers fault.


Deep down, you know that this part is true.

Ajer makes that tackle on Cosgrove and, guess what? He's not sent off. Simple as.

It's not a pro-Celtic conspiracy, it's a simple matter of referees being too scared to upset the 50-60,000 freaks inside of Ibrox/Celtic Park.

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33 minutes ago, gannonball said:

The absolute state of some people on here

You think one thing in favour of your team, others think differently in favour of their team. How is that an “absolute state”? Definitely a 50/50 decision and worth an appeal. (That’s me getting into an “absolute state”, by the way.)

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7 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

The red card didn't change the result, Mikey Johnston made the difference when he came on. 
Celtic were the better team by far again, should've been a more comfortable result plus the performance was good.
At no time did I think Celtic would drop points today.

Celtic had more football knowledge imvho.

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10 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

The red card didn't change the result, Mikey Johnston made the difference when he came on. 
Celtic were the better team by far again, should've been a more comfortable result plus the performance was good.
At no time did I think Celtic would drop points today.

A team that is one goal behind goes down to 10 men, and you confidently say that that decision didn’t change the result. I like your confidence.

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You could almost make an argument for excessive force but I think that’s a very harsh red.

Celtic fans are surely capable of realising that a red is far more likely to go in celtics favour at Celtic park, there is no way eduoard goes off for the same at the other end.

It’s fairly immaterial to the result anyway, sounds like 2-1 flattered us.

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There are very few Celtic players that I don’t like, in fact there are only two. Scott Brown is a given, but Ajer gives him a run for his money as the most despicable Celt. He is either the one that runs 80 yards to get involved in situations that have nothing to do with him, or he is the cheating bugger that pretends he has been fouled. Clutching his leg just below the knee today was the main reason that Cosgrove got the red. If he had just got up, as he should have, no foul given, never mind a card.

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