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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Guest Moomintroll

Fucking smashing, Snorkmaiden went back to work this morning having had a heavy cold the last 4 days. Was told to bugger off home & phone their occupational health people to describe her symptons. Result of that call was a return call telling her to report to a local Hospital where they have urgently arranged for a test to be carried out to rule out Coronavirus as her symptoms pretty much match it. #prayformoomintroll

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2 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Fucking smashing, Snorkmaiden went back to work this morning having had a heavy cold the last 4 days. Was told to bugger off home & phone their occupational health people to describe her symptons. Result of that call was a return call telling her to report to a local Hospital where they have urgently arranged for a test to be carried out to rule out Coronavirus as her symptoms pretty much match it. #prayformoomintroll

Were you in Thailand recently?

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4 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

Some good answers here... 
"Expert who worked on Contagion film answers questions about coronavirus" https://twitter.com/i/events/1226828642317000704

I’m surprised they didn’t give Tight John McVeigh is a tit a call.

He was probably too busy on the front line in Wuhan coordinating matters.

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On 31/01/2020 at 19:40, virginton said:

Anyway I see that the Wirral is currently being used as a quarantine area for the repatriated passengers; is it too late to nominate Fife as the final dumping ground for all cases found in Scotland? Roadblocks on the main bridges and a handful of country roads and the tinpot ‘kingdom’ would be sealed off.

must be anytime now that those first quarantined sorts are released - imagine walking out in to the open air in Birkenhead, wide-eyed and blinking - even if nowt's wrong they're going to assume that it's a ruined post-apocalyptic 28 Days Later landscape and all run screaming in to the nearest fire or slit each other's throats in a hastily-conceived suicide pact...

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What a time to be alive, or soon to be dead or at least riddled with the dreaded sniffles!

China breaks 1000 deaths in a tour de force that is unrivalled. The discussion now turns towards 50,000. Can they break such a magical figure? If anyone can, it surely must be the Chinese.

However, team effort has to go to the independent nations under the Sneezing Princess who have amassed 136 points. The idea of quarantining on board a cruise ship with all that alcohol and food is possibly too much to bear.

Singapore continue to pull away from the pack with another 2 points, bringing their tally to 45.

Sabah now bar Singaporeans and an economic crisis looms for Singapore if West Malaysia follow.

The UK finally get themselves in order and are now chasing down France and Germany to be top dog in Europe.

The frontline entertainment band, Stiff Little Fingers had to cancel their show in Hong Kong yesterday, but thankful the show for the battered and beleaguered troops goes ahead in Singapore on Thursday. Good on you lads!

That fat orange gimp in the US has declared all this to be over by April. Like Kevin Keegan ranting about ‘loving it’ he is sure to be wrong... as usual.


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Fucking smashing, Snorkmaiden went back to work this morning having had a heavy cold the last 4 days. Was told to bugger off home & phone their occupational health people to describe her symptons. Result of that call was a return call telling her to report to a local Hospital where they have urgently arranged for a test to be carried out to rule out Coronavirus as her symptoms pretty much match it. #prayformoomintroll

Sounds a bit overkill, but the right thing to be done. Its flu season out here, so it’s likely nothing but a heavy flu.

Here’s hoping, Good luck.

If you have to be quarantined, don’t pick the cruise ship option.
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51% of doctors in China don’t even have a 5 year medical degree so the hospitals are massively understaffed.

The scary thing is that China is light years ahead of most of the rest of Asia. I certainly wouldn’t visit there but if I did then I wouldn’t want to get sick. A paper cut is basically a death sentence.

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Guest Moomintroll

Sounds a bit overkill, but the right thing to be done. Its flu season out here, so it’s likely nothing but a heavy flu.

Here’s hoping, Good luck.

If you have to be quarantined, don’t pick the cruise ship option.
She is not allowed to leave our house for the next 72 hours until the results come back from London. There is nothing to it really but they seem to be taking no chances, full Hazmat suits and talking through phones in different rooms during the tests. My work, on the other hand, are taking the screw it just infect every bugger route with me as I had to warn them about what was happening.
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The number of new cases in China outside of Hubei Province is continuing to fall. It's down from a peak of 890 about 8 or 9 days ago to 380 yesterday. There are now almost as many getting let out of hospitals as new cases (outside of Hubei). Things might pick up again with some people going back to work, but from what I hear most people are still staying at home. Hubei still seems to be a mess, so the stats from there are pretty meaningless.

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A lot going on here. Incubation could be 24 days, could be 14 days, could be an average of 3 days.

Interesting point the interviewee makes about the lack of cases in places with strong links to China. Indonesia and the low number confirmed in Malaysia seem pretty strange.


My friend's wife works in one of the main hospitals in KL as a translator, and she says that people with symptoms are simply being sent home and asked not to come back to the hospital. Rest it out. With that in mind, it seems impossible to have a reasonable handle on how many cases there are in Malaysia.

Malaysia is still allowing access to people from China and the main concern at the moment seems to be protecting the tourist industry. New Straits Times reports today that almost 100,000 hotel bookings in Malaysia have been cancelled up to the end of February, causing a bit of an industry crisis. It seems the government is more concerned about that then about stopping the virus spreading.

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1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:
7 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

Sounds a bit overkill, but the right thing to be done. Its flu season out here, so it’s likely nothing but a heavy flu.

Here’s hoping, Good luck.

If you have to be quarantined, don’t pick the cruise ship option.

She is not allowed to leave our house for the next 72 hours until the results come back from London. There is nothing to it really but they seem to be taking no chances, full Hazmat suits and talking through phones in different rooms during the tests. My work, on the other hand, are taking the screw it just infect every bugger route with me as I had to warn them about what was happening.

That's a bit shit, thought you'd at least get another fortnight's holiday out of it.

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