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Yes, my work paid for it prior to going offshore.
Still waiting on the results, before I’m allowed to go tomorrow.

It was a drive up test station at a medical centre in cults, after which I had to drive straight to my hotel and isolate in my room. I’ve spent the last 3 days getting paid overtime, to order room service and w**k.
You're ordering a w**k?
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1 minute ago, coprolite said:


My mistake, too trigger happy and forgot to post the link.

I just feel that if someone has lots of different properties / businesses then they should look to close one or more down if really struggling.

That's what happens in the real world and I think we need to be very careful of handing over taxpayers money to those who are clearly NOT struggling, especially when we still have many of our population relying on foodbanks and charities in order to just survive.

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29 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Piers Morgan slammed for 'bullying' care minister on GMB as Ofcom bombarded with 600 complaints

Nae doubt Piers Morgan is a c**t but he seems to be willing to hold these charlatans to account and keep the 77th Brigade busy.

I find the man abhorrent but having watched the clip I’m disgusted that people are complaining about him rather than about government ministers not answering fairly innocuous, albeit vitally important, questions. 

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I'm with the Scottish Gov on this as there were / are people taking advantage. Someone who owns 18 franchises ISN'T in my book a "small business owner", ok, they may not be Philip Green but they're certainly NOT small.

Relatively fair comment but if we’re willing to pay BA and easyJet’s wage bill (UK Gov, granted), it’s a bit harsh to be refusing to give small grants to a boy who runs a couple of cafes down the High Street.

All that’ll happen is outlets will close, and that doesn’t help anyone in the long run.
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Just now, Paco said:


Relatively fair comment but if we’re willing to pay BA and easyJet’s wage bill (UK Gov, granted), it’s a bit harsh to be refusing to give small grants to a boy who runs a couple of cafes down the High Street.

All that’ll happen is outlets will close, and that doesn’t help anyone in the long run.


Small businesses are also eligible for the furlough scheme.  When qualifying for business rates relief in Scotland the rateable value of all premises is taken into account so the Scottish Government’s position seems a logical follow on from that.

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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I find the man abhorrent but having watched the clip I’m disgusted that people are complaining about him rather than about government ministers not answering fairly innocuous, albeit vitally important, questions. 

I'd have had some respect for her if she'd said, 'I agree. We haven't needed them at our fingertips in the past but these figures are now required and I will move heaven and earth to get them published each day'.  Then sent her civil servants off to collate them.

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Small businesses are also eligible for the furlough scheme.  When qualifying for business rates relief in Scotland the rateable value of all premises is taken into account so the Scottish Government’s position seems a logical follow on from that.


And the furlough scheme will be very welcome indeed to the hypothetical man with his two cafes down the High St, but it doesn’t help pay the two rents unfortunately - grants which would be available to his counterpart in England would.


You can’t please everyone of course and as Sunak repeatedly says, the government can’t save every business. But it seemed a strange starting point in Scotland to say the grant only applies to one location which was so out of kilter with the rest of the country. I’m pleased it’s been virtually addressed but was mostly curious as to why it was a policy in the first instance - your rateable value explanation is probably why, so thanks.


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6 minutes ago, Paco said:


And the furlough scheme will be very welcome indeed to the hypothetical man with his two cafes down the High St, but it doesn’t help pay the two rents unfortunately - grants which would be available to his counterpart in England.

You can’t please everyone of course and as Sunak repeatedly says, the government can’t save every business. But it seemed a strange starting point in Scotland to say the grant only applies to one location which was so out of kilter with the rest of the country. I’m pleased it’s been virtually addressed but was mostly curious as to why it was a policy in the first instance - your eatable value explanation is probably why, so thanks.


Yeah, the eatable value only applies to the guy with the two cafes.  😆

Edited by Granny Danger
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15 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

My mistake, too trigger happy and forgot to post the link.

I just feel that if someone has lots of different properties / businesses then they should look to close one or more down if really struggling.

That's what happens in the real world and I think we need to be very careful of handing over taxpayers money to those who are clearly NOT struggling, especially when we still have many of our population relying on foodbanks and charities in order to just survive.

Completely agree, i just think that number of premises is a poor measure of that. 

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7 minutes ago, Paco said:


Relatively fair comment but if we’re willing to pay BA and easyJet’s wage bill (UK Gov, granted), it’s a bit harsh to be refusing to give small grants to a boy who runs a couple of cafes down the High Street.

All that’ll happen is outlets will close, and that doesn’t help anyone in the long run.


The small business owners should still be able to access the furlough scheme and I believe the one single grant is fair, having said that I don't agree with the big boys being bailed out unless there are severe penalties regarding dividends and exec pay etc.

I still believe that the £2,500.00 per month furlough limit is being ridiculously generous with tax payers money, especially when people working on the frontline are in many cases struggling to breach £1,250.00 per month in their wages for a full month of actually working and not sitting at home watching TV.

It was obviously rushed through, however the Gov are forever telling everyone that the national living wage is in fact a decent wage so WHY was that figure not used ??

Keeping in mind the same people also believe that £90.00 a week on Universal credits is also an adequate amount on which to survive.

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Beginning to think the stats might trundle along roughly as they are indefinitely until a vaccine comes out. We must be just about hitting the lag time for lockdown measures to take effect, maybe this is the lowest level achievable without mass testing and tracing, or new drugs coming on the market.

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I find the man abhorrent but having watched the clip I’m disgusted that people are complaining about him rather than about government ministers not answering fairly innocuous, albeit vitally important, questions. 
I agree, but that was today's interview i think, as opposed to yesterday's.

He's a bullying c**t but the difference between her and someone like sturgeon is immense. Sturgeon is absolutely on top of the detail during this crisis, and when faced with a difficult question she gives a much more honest answer (don't get me wrong she's still a politician but she's clearly empathetic and very switched on).

With the possible exception of the chancellor, the London govt have been shown up for the two-bit bluffing c***s they are. So far out of their depth it's scary.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Beginning to think the stats might trundle along roughly as they are indefinitely until a vaccine comes out. We must be just about hitting the lag time for lockdown measures to take effect, maybe this is the lowest level achievable without mass testing and tracing, or new drugs coming on the market.

We could reopen the economy without international travel. You can travel for essential business but quarantined like with dogs for rabies.

What will drive it will be money not lives unfortunately. If they really cared about saving lives they would have banned travel and went into lockdown two weeks earlier, transmission through mass events has made this 1000 times worse. The government quite clearly allowed this to happen purely to help the economy until they realised the figures they were also quite happy to let millions die.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Beginning to think the stats might trundle along roughly as they are indefinitely until a vaccine comes out. We must be just about hitting the lag time for lockdown measures to take effect, maybe this is the lowest level achievable without mass testing and tracing, or new drugs coming on the market.

The whole strategy has only ever been about ensuring the NHS can cope and that it isn't overwhelmed by a wave. You could argue it's job done as far as that's concerned but as I mentioned previously, if over 40% of our nursing homes have already had this virus, then what % of the entire population has already had the virus and is now immune ??

This is why testing and anti body tests are imperative, especially if we want to start looking to open up our country and Economy again.

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43 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Interesting figures in that they reckon a minimum of 40% of care homes have already had the virus.

It makes you wonder how many of the entire population "have already had" the virus.

Once again this confirms that in order to get back to some form of normality we need  a massive increase in testing and then a targeted approach at stopping or at least managing the spread.

As time passes I'm beginning to wonder if I had it early doors...it was maybe a week or ten days before the lockdown which every sentient being knew was in the post anyway, so we went for an afternoon session in the Allison Arms topped off with a kebab on the way home. The following night my stomach started cramping and shortly afterward I started throwing up constantly for the next three or four days to the point I couldn't even keep liquids down, coupled with a sore throat which at the time I put down to the barfing.

Initially I assumed it to be food poisoning not entirely unrelated to the kebab, but the more I hear of it affecting different people in different ways other than the classic cough/fever combo the more I wonder...certainly when that wee rat Hancock was describing the symptoms he felt when he had it I thought to myself they sounded awfy familar, even down to him losing half a stone which was exactly the amount I dropped over the course of it.

As you say, none of us will know for sure until they roll out a test that's actually accurate.

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7 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

As time passes I'm beginning to wonder if I had it early doors...it was maybe a week or ten days before the lockdown which every sentient being knew was in the post anyway, so we went for an afternoon session in the Allison Arms topped off with a kebab on the way home. The following night my stomach started cramping and shortly afterward I started throwing up constantly for the next three or four days to the point I couldn't even keep liquids down, coupled with a sore throat which at the time I put down to the barfing.

Initially I assumed it to be food poisoning not entirely unrelated to the kebab, but the more I hear of it affecting different people in different ways other than the classic cough/fever combo the more I wonder...certainly when that wee rat Hancock was describing the symptoms he felt when he had it I thought to myself they sounded awfy familar, even down to him losing half a stone which was exactly the amount I dropped over the course of it.

As you say, none of us will know for sure until they roll out a test that's actually accurate.

That sounds exactly like my experiences of food poisoning, it's horrible.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

That sounds exactly like my experiences of food poisoning, it's horrible.

To be fair, it's only been the last couple of weeks I even began to consider it could possibly have been anything other than that as the some of the wider range of symptoms folk have been getting have come to light.

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As time passes I'm beginning to wonder if I had it early doors...it was maybe a week or ten days before the lockdown which every sentient being knew was in the post anyway, so we went for an afternoon session in the Allison Arms topped off with a kebab on the way home. The following night my stomach started cramping and shortly afterward I started throwing up constantly for the next three or four days to the point I couldn't even keep liquids down, coupled with a sore throat which at the time I put down to the barfing.
Initially I assumed it to be food poisoning not entirely unrelated to the kebab...

If you're in the Ally Arms again my advice would be to never to follow several bottles of Williams Bros seaweed ale with a Afghani Masala from Shaheds along the road. Both are fine in their own right but together cause unpleasantness.
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