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I happened to be up a hill “in” town when it was 8pm, it’s a decent sized hill and I could still hear horns and pots and pans being hit. Wonder if it can be heard in space...
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28 minutes ago, Snafu said:


Holier than thou twats who should mind their own business or someone looking for social media likes.

You can never tell nowadays. 


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2 hours ago, dorlomin said:

The level of emotional repression on this forum is weird. 

Any public displays of empathy, warmth or fear are jumped on with sneering, mocking, contempt and aggressive hostility. 

I know Scottish people have a reputation like many north west Europeans for being stoic or outright emotionally retrograde, but its on another level here given its the 2020s. For example any time a celebrity or famous person dies the forum is chock full of people mocking people expressing public grief, belittling it and going on about Diana syndrome. There is zero tolerance for any expressing of grief  beyond immediate family members. 

Then there is the inevitable mocking and sneering when there is a public tragedy or terrorist outrage. Again any signs of showing solidarity with the victims is attacked, the threads fill up with mocking "I went to empty the bins it could have been me" type posts. Normal humans (i.e. not you lot) will express their anxieties to each other at something as random as a bus crash to fatal terrorist attack; this will include expressing worries that it could have been them or their feelings of empathy with the victims. The emotional cripples here seem to live with the terror someone will expect them to reciprocate and emotionally bond with them. I guess its in part your insecure masculinity. 

Charity events: someone random gets in the news raising money. Its like they are digging up your grandmothers graves! As soon as there is a public outpouring of emotions for someone doing something the bullies are out and trying too belittle anyone support it is, well its a very sad window into your broken souls. (See the old boy whos walk raised money)

And now the clap for carers. Again any display of public emotion and you all explode into belittle, sneering, bullying and hate. 

Which brings me to the only emotions you ever allow yourselves to express, hate, anger, desire for violence, vengeance. Where you do express something resembling sympathy for someone, its usually simply as a pretext for anger and hate. So for example you will say something about the homeless then use that as a jump off point for how much you want to hurt\murder or just hate tories\Scottish Labour\English "gammons" or what ever. 

As a group hurtling towards your 50s at a fair rate of knots, you are for the most part, emotionally still about 13 years old. 




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Westminster Bridge fury as "idiots" ignore 2m rule during NHS Clap For Carers outside hospital
Solicitor Aamer Anwar wrote on Twitter: "We’ve seen officers wrongly applying #COVID19 laws, shouting in faces ‘you’re killing people’, use drones, no yoga or park benches, yet here @metpoliceuk don’t apply laws on #SocialDistancing at WM Bridge as people clap NHS who say #StayHomeStayLives.
"Public gatherings of only 2, some of us haven’t seen our parents in weeks, our children not at schools, nearly 14,000 dead as @metpoliceuk allow this madness on Westminster Bridge."
Another person added: "I actually can’t get over these videos from Westminster Bridge tonight.
"The fact that the POLICE are the ones doing it.
"So, if I was to invite family round for a BBQ, the police could come and break it up, but if I go to Westminster Bridge on a Thursday at 8pm to clap, all good."
0_Westminster-bridge.jpg&key=4409c1d0539f3c131f47b5edb66d53a124fded1f41f43cca1b70cce28c1a613b The public who gathered on the bridge have been dubbed "idiots"

I was shocked to see Aamer Anwar being critical of a small group of police officers and implying that all of them are doing the same thing, absolutely shocked.
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The level of emotional repression on this forum is weird. 
Any public displays of empathy, warmth or fear are jumped on with sneering, mocking, contempt and aggressive hostility. 
I know Scottish people have a reputation like many north west Europeans for being stoic or outright emotionally retrograde, but its on another level here given its the 2020s. For example any time a celebrity or famous person dies the forum is chock full of people mocking people expressing public grief, belittling it and going on about Diana syndrome. There is zero tolerance for any expressing of grief  beyond immediate family members. 
Then there is the inevitable mocking and sneering when there is a public tragedy or terrorist outrage. Again any signs of showing solidarity with the victims is attacked, the threads fill up with mocking "I went to empty the bins it could have been me" type posts. Normal humans (i.e. not you lot) will express their anxieties to each other at something as random as a bus crash to fatal terrorist attack; this will include expressing worries that it could have been them or their feelings of empathy with the victims. The emotional cripples here seem to live with the terror someone will expect them to reciprocate and emotionally bond with them. I guess its in part your insecure masculinity. 
Charity events: someone random gets in the news raising money. Its like they are digging up your grandmothers graves! As soon as there is a public outpouring of emotions for someone doing something the bullies are out and trying too belittle anyone support it is, well its a very sad window into your broken souls. (See the old boy whos walk raised money)
And now the clap for carers. Again any display of public emotion and you all explode into belittle, sneering, bullying and hate. 
Which brings me to the only emotions you ever allow yourselves to express, hate, anger, desire for violence, vengeance. Where you do express something resembling sympathy for someone, its usually simply as a pretext for anger and hate. So for example you will say something about the homeless then use that as a jump off point for how much you want to hurt\murder or just hate tories\Scottish Labour\English "gammons" or what ever. 
As a group hurtling towards your 50s at a fair rate of knots, you are for the most part, emotionally still about 13 years old. 
Perhaps we're all simply less gullible than many in the UK, and we can see right through the current curtain of deception.

We do grieve loss, personally and collectively, but the average Scot has a sense of the fitness of things and we don't need politicians, celebrities, broadcasters and God forbid, the gilded freakshow of The House of Windsor to assist us in that process, let alone touch-feely television appeals.
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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Westminster Bridge fury as "idiots" ignore 2m rule during NHS Clap For Carers outside hospital

Solicitor Aamer Anwar wrote on Twitter: "We’ve seen officers wrongly applying #COVID19 laws, shouting in faces ‘you’re killing people’, use drones, no yoga or park benches, yet here @metpoliceuk don’t apply laws on #SocialDistancing at WM Bridge as people clap NHS who say #StayHomeStayLives.

"Public gatherings of only 2, some of us haven’t seen our parents in weeks, our children not at schools, nearly 14,000 dead as @metpoliceuk allow this madness on Westminster Bridge."

Another person added: "I actually can’t get over these videos from Westminster Bridge tonight.

"The fact that the POLICE are the ones doing it.

"So, if I was to invite family round for a BBQ, the police could come and break it up, but if I go to Westminster Bridge on a Thursday at 8pm to clap, all good."


The public who gathered on the bridge have been dubbed "idiots"


Hardly seems fair that they should be recognised before old Tom. Still I suppose Sir Idiot has a certain ring to it. Incidentally, old Tom should be promote to Major Tom.



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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

This is an important point that we shouldn’t overlook.

In real life I am not the warm cuddly character that you see on here, I’m far more abrasive and unpleasant.



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Guest Bob Mahelp
24 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Aye let's clap for the NHS instead of holding the government to account for destroying it.

Half the arseholes 'clapping for the NHS' are the same people who vote for a Tory party that have virtually destroyed it over the last 10 years.

Stupid thick khunts. 

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