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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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40 minutes ago, Big Fifer said:

Regardless of the utter disdain many zoomers hold for her, it's hard to deny Nicola Sturgeon is infinitely better at providing these updates than anyone on the front benches of the UK government. 

It's because you can't trust a word the UK govt puppets say because they're constantly changing their story and being vague as f**k / evasive about what they're asked. At least she seems to be pretty honest and up front and will (mostly) answer the questions she's asked. 

Dont expect c***s like philyerboots to agree with that mind you

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10 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

They weren't any less stupid, f**k no. Arguably we're more intelligent, in a balanced sort of way - but we know less shit off by heart so old folk think young folk are stupid. But that's a whole other thing.

Technology and modern life has made us more reliant and less resilient, as a society.

Remember power cuts used to be a thing that happened regularly? Now they never do.

It's a natural thing.

No, I don't. Unless you mean during the early seventies in particular.  There was a reason for that.

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Update on the old dear - She's been put down on the list for today's tests but they will come to her rather than her going to a drive through facility since she has no way of getting there on her own. (Didn't realise that this was even a possibility)

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8 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The standard of question to Sturgeon at the daily briefing is atrocious. They are basically all asking 'When is Nando's going to open' in slightly different ways.

They want Nicola Sturgeon to write their headlines for them. My favourite was the Record journo asking her if she's cancelling Christmas. She struggled to hide the smirk before giving the obvious reasonable answer.

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15 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The standard of question to Sturgeon at the daily briefing is atrocious. They are basically all asking 'When is Nando's going to open' in slightly different ways.

List of questions every day or variations concerning the following.


PPE (think this one has disappeared now?)

When will lockdown end?

When will sports / gigs etc happen again?

What is the exit strategy?

Are we reaching the peak / plateauing?


It must get tedious answering the same old shite every day.  Are they expecting her to suddenly turn around and say, aye just carry on as normal overnight :rolleyes:


Einstein said it best............Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Fucking Journalists!

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29 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I've no idea how long folk would have lived but 93% having no serious comorbidity certainly doesn't fit with the narrative we've been spun over the last 5 or 6 weeks. 

This is true but also underlying health conditions doesn't automatically mean serious comorbidity

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30 minutes ago, Owsley said:

I read there was two deaths, both in Santa Clara, California well before the supposed first death. The one on the 6th and another on the 17th.

Yeah, diagnosed on autopsy iirc

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15 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Daily Record hack - Nicola Grinch are you stopping me having christmas dinner with my family?

NS - Let me make this clear, get yerself tae f**k.

Vivienne Aitken is one of the thickest people to ever call themselves a journalist in history.

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8 minutes ago, madwullie said:

This is true but also underlying health conditions doesn't automatically mean serious comorbidity

I've had an underlying health issue for 17 years, haven't had a day off sick in that spell. 

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I've had a skim through the document released today and a first glance it appears really useful and clear in terms of explanation and expectation. 

There's nothing really new in it but just as has been the case with the vast majority of stuff from the Scottish Government it comes across as honest with no attempt to mislead even by providing false assurances. I get the sense what they are doing is genuinely motivated by a desire to safeguard health before safeguarding the economy although the latter will clearly be a factor in when and what restrictions are relaxed. I'm not sure that that approach  is shared everywhere else. 

There is no eradicating the virus. It will be about how we learn to live with it and what we consider as "acceptable"  mortality levels. Personally I'm still going back and forwards to work so find that kind of structure to my day very useful but otherwise, I'll be honest, I'm finding it hard.  Not being able to do the things I enjoy or having any concept of when that might change is having a negative impact on my mental wellbeing. I'll not be alone in that respect and the numbers feeling that way will only grow as time goes on. A time will have to come when judgements are made surrounding what is best for society's collective mental health and not just it's collective physical health. 

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1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:

You think our police are over reacting to people, how about this from the USA? I saw it on a legal issues YouTube channel


This is so fucked up it's not true. Short version - schoolgirl goes to Florida, comes back with what looks like Covid 19, goes to hospital and gets diagnosed, is released, tells her friends on Instagram about it, also tells the school to warn people. She then worsens, gets readmitted, then comes home again. The local sherrifs department then visits, telling her to delete her posts or she and her parents would be arrested for disorderly conduct. Apparently the school hadn't bothered to get back to her, but had complained to the police and basically said she was lying about having it.

Shes now sueing the school, the sheriff, and the officer who threatened her.

"Patrol Sergeant Cameron Klump"

Klump by name, clump by nature.

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Hearing social distancing is likely to be in place the rest of the year is a bit shit for me. I work in the events industry doing various things so no work for potentially months/a year is sobering. It’s hard  enough suffering from depression without having something to “get up and go” for. Throw in the fact I live in a small Ayrshire town with feck all to do apart from be alone with my thoughts. Without being all woe is me, in the last 7 months I’ve had a long term relationship end, my Dad dying and now no job. It’s a lot to go through. Maybe people should think about people like me who are struggling before they blindly agree with lockdown measures lasting months and it impacting on so many businesses, jobs, and mental health 

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