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75k tests carried out across the UK for the 445 cases. Interesting that there always seems to be a notable uptick in tests on a Friday -  assume there's a reporting reason for. This? 
That's cases risen for the 5th day in a row for the first time in weeks in England.
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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
1 hour ago, Michael W said:
75k tests carried out across the UK for the 445 cases. Interesting that there always seems to be a notable uptick in tests on a Friday -  assume there's a reporting reason for. This? 

That's cases risen for the 5th day in a row for the first time in weeks in England.

They haven't, though.

The tweet I saw was about the 7 day average increasing for 5 days in a row for the first time since April.

But it increased for 6 days in a row, and much more sharply, just 2 weeks ago.

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So apparantly now you should not wear an N95 mask with a valve as these only filter the air in and not out meaning they don't stop you spreading coronavirus.

That's fine, and makes sense, but they can't surely be any different or less effective than wearing somethin akin to a £3 Primark tee-shirt over your face? In which case, why bother?

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This is the part that I think is being missed in Europe.
It's fine to say that 'we think Country X has appropriate measures in place', but the bottom line is that no country has any control over what is actually happening elsewhere. It's no use Scotland doing a good job with this but then re-importing the virus from holidays to any number of other countries.
I agree about England. I think where there are different health authorities it makes sense to have travel bans imposed.
I love holidays as much as your next guy. But there are some things I think we just have to accept about our current situation. It's shite, but taking it on the chin for longer than the minimum might mean that long-term it is shite for less time overall.
The UK situation isn't my immediate concern since I don't live there. But there's no way Malaysia lets me go home for a holiday and come back until the UK gets a good grasp on this. While that's annoying, I understand and support it as a policy. I just don't see the rationale for travel at this point.

Said a very long time ago this is a global problem that needs resolved globally (health & economically). Until then no country can safely say they are fine/clear.

The other day was the highest number of cases ever globally if I read correctly. Driven by the US, India and Brazil. There is little factoring of countries that either by design or impossibility are not returning accurate figures.

As for holidays, I am like yourself, but thats a cultural thing I guess. Before leaving the UK I lived for my overseas holidays, now they are just something to do, and not having one is no hardship. I think this comes from the environment your in where, for a lot of Asians a holiday is to go home or spend time with the family.

For me now, I can’t figure out why anyone would want to go to Spain or France or elsewhere for a holiday with the current restrictions (and the risks)* seems bizarre. However, if I still lived in the UK I probably would be off on my holiday already.

*No doubt there will be some idiots ignoring the local restrictions and making an arse of themselves.


We are the same in Singapore, you can of course leave, but it means a lot of testing and returning isn’t so straight forward. They have made it difficult to dissuade people from going. It is a little tough as we are such a tiny country, but it is what it is.

The weather though plays a big part of course. Life does become a little easier when its warm and sunny all year round.

I think when discussing the merits of our ‘third rate’ countries here and the cultural perceptions your going to have to accept you have been away too long, no longer identify truly with your country of birth and this you are in the minority.

The same as you know peoples perceptions of Asia are mostly completely wrong, our perceptions of the UK are now twisted and completely wrong.

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Guest JTS98
4 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

I think when discussing the merits of our ‘third rate’ countries here and the cultural perceptions your going to have to accept you have been away too long, no longer identify truly with your country of birth and this you are in the minority.

The same as you know peoples perceptions of Asia are mostly completely wrong, our perceptions of the UK are now twisted and completely wrong.


The first time I ever saw Mrs Brown's Boys was the moment I knew home would never really be home again.

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The first time I ever saw Mrs Brown's Boys was the moment I knew home would never really be home again.

Ironically, Brendan O’Carroll or more someone associated to him/that programme is the reason why I moved to Asia. Needless to say I have never watched the programme as I have a passionate hatred there. I suppose I should also be thankful that it landed me in Asia.

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The daily briefings are totally pointless now. It's just the same spiel on repeat.

I guess it's hard to keep up the pretence that we are following our own path when pretty much everyone knows now it's just England + 10-14 days.

Pretending there is any danger of schools not being allowed to go back full time in 3 weeks was a good one though.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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The daily briefings are totally pointless now. It's just the same spiel on repeat.
I guess it's hard to keep up the pretence that we are following our own path when pretty much everyone knows now it's just England + 10-14 days.
Pretending there is any danger of schools not being allowed to go back full time in 3 weeks was a good one though.
It looks clear we will be diverging from that pattern next week as she is making it crystal clear that the only phase 4 restrictions to be announced next week will be schools full time and shielding ending. No return to offices, no Gym reopening, no shift in the essential journeys only message on the train network etc.
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Sturgeon fairly hammering this - “the schools are the priority” line. Is this the first she/the government have had this as their ‘tagline’ for the measures and plans for the next few weeks? Seems a bit out of the blue.

Looks like people wanting the gyms to open will be waiting a while yet unfortunately.

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1 minute ago, stumigoo said:

Sturgeon fairly hammering this - “the schools are the priority” line. Is this the first she/the government have had this as their ‘tagline’ for the measures and plans for the next few weeks? Seems a bit out of the blue.

Looks like people wanting the gyms to open will be waiting a while yet unfortunately.

It's not as if the kids are learning much. Falling behind the UK and other developed nations in international league tables.

This is the same SNP government that cut funding for tutors at Yorkhill children's hospital.

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8 minutes ago, stumigoo said:

Sturgeon fairly hammering this - “the schools are the priority” line. Is this the first she/the government have had this as their ‘tagline’ for the measures and plans for the next few weeks? Seems a bit out of the blue.

Looks like people wanting the gyms to open will be waiting a while yet unfortunately.

It's a convenient excuse to continue shitting the bed tbh.

It's gone from being "unlikely to return in the next school year" to the priority in the space of, what, 4 weeks?

The Tories get rightly criticised for spouting clear BS to suit their narrative at any given time. The SNP seem to get a free pass to do the same.

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It's a convenient excuse to continue shitting the bed tbh.
It's gone from being "unlikely to return in the next school year" to the priority in the space of, what, 4 weeks?
The Tories get rightly criticised for spouting clear BS to suit their narrative at any given time. The SNP seem to get a free pass to do the same.
Prioritising schools returning full time over reopening gyms is "shitting the bed" ???
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Care Homes were advised not to send residents with Covid symptoms to hospital.








Edited to change 'told' to 'advised'.  


Edited by ICTChris
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