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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I'm not sure what you mean about months to prepare, nobody predicted this particular one or knows fully about it even yet. Predictions at best have a wild difference between worst case and best case outcomes, it's pretty well impossible to plan for that without being blamed for either under reacting or over reacting.
Wuhan locked down, nothing done.
Even when Italy was in ruins we allowed OF games and didn't test or trace people returning from infected areas.
We still aren't doing it.
There was a guy on question time from Ghana telling us that his country were testing.
We followed exactly the same path as England until the tier system.
We needed to stop the economy for a while and make big decisions but when held to account they did nothing and pretended that they had no warning.
Do we not have full control over large crowds, getting ppe, testing people ar airports, care homes and hospitals or is all that the fault of the tories?
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12 hours ago, super_carson said:

Well, headlines may focus on the fact it's only 70% effective in comparison to Pfizer and Moderna but it's meant to be far easier to transport so that may mean that it's a lot easier to get out into the population on a larger scale.  70% in the immediate term certainly shouldn't be sniffed at, and if they can tweak the way it's administered to provide 90% then even better.   Something like 4 million doses are ready and awaiting approval from regulators - you'd think that may be an expedited process given the situation we find ourselves in.  

Am I  right in thinking that this is the one that is manufactured in Livingston?   

That was the gist of what I heard on the radio this afternoon, (also for world wide distribution and manufacture) but to be quite honest with you I was more interested in the £200.00 voucher for every household proposal.

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The public's mostly positive opinion of Nicola Sturgeon during the pandemic is probably because she comes across as sincere in her televised updates, whereas Boris Johnson and most of his Tory colleagues are seen as bumbling oafs.
Thats exactly what I'm saying, she's putting icing on a cake made of shit.
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7 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

Some blunders were made, yes, in keeping with every other government who's had to face COVID cases in large numbers, globally.

Far from being an SNP fanboy but I do commend NS & the Scottish government for doing a reasonable job by comparison with many others. That said a comparison with the corrupt thatch-heided tumshie, his inbred rich mates, and the beady-eyed bald sociopaths who run them all down south, is hardly a tough standard to be judged against.

Yes there were awful mistakes re : care homes. However our test & protect scheme (whilst still with flaws) is clearly better than the outdated spreadsheet drivel down south that is costing the UK taxpayer billions.

I also really resent the politicians are all the same pish. I've heard it all my adult life and it has coincided with (until the last decade in Scotland) record levels of disengagement with politics and a consumerist attitude towards who governs us. This lazy excuse for people switching off from who governs us and how we are governed was a big factor in democracies in Europe and the US being captured by far-right actors hell bent on breaking up their countries, and selling off the parts, whilst enriching themselves.

Democracies require active engagement to preserve them. That lesson if nothing else has been learned very painfully since 2014.

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11 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

Not being funny but when her key advisor, Gregor Smith decides on things with the other Camps, the media constantly scream about a "4 nations approach" and England control the purse strings. I'm not 100% sure how much it's possible for a devolved nation to do their own thing.

We didn't give any child or their families worries about school meals during the pandemic unlike England. To me that's a big thing.

We also go our Test and Protect app out  reasonably quickly without saying it would be the best in the world and then frantically backpedaling.

We had a fairly good public health messaging with recognisable people, hate them or not having a constant is key during a crisis. In fact they were perhaps a bit too constant.

Comparing the Tories to almost any other even remotely fair person is a joke.

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Bit confused that Johnson saying tonight he plans to vaccinate the vast majority of the most vulnerable by Easter. But last week, up here Freeman was saying we'd vaccinate a million by the end of January.

I know there's a lot less of us up here to get through, but presumably the volume of vaccine we get will be representative of the population? 

Freeman's numbers do seem very optimistic.

Edited by Steven W
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9 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Agree with this, however I'm totally perplexed as to how, in the space of less than a week, we've gone from "a very tough winter ahead", "potential of hospitals being over run", "back to April death rates" etc, to, "let's have a great christmas as you deserve it", "mix with your friends and family as it's been a tough year", "let's allow fans back to sporting events", "let's reopen all the hospitality and extend drinking times" etc, etc

From the off the Westminster government were far more interested in controlling perceptions of their handling of the virus in the media, rather than the virus itself.

Throw in an incredibly craven, lickspittle, non-functioning media south of the border, and garnish it with centuries-old Tory indifference to old aged, poor and working people dying, and you have the answer to your riddle IMO.

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8 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Bit confused that Johnson saying tonight he plans to vaccinate the vast majority of those who need it by Easter. But last week, up here Freeman was saying we'd vaccinate a million by the end of January.

I know there's a lot less of us up here to get through, but presumably the volume of vaccine we get will be representative of the population? 

Freeman's numbers do seem very optimistic.

Theyre not that overly optimistic, just going room to room in the nursing homes etc giving out the jags and then doing the big innoculation clinics, could easily be done with enough resources.

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:
4 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:
That's simply not true.

OK England plus a week

That's just factually incorrect as well.

Are we really going to have to do the old Detourement rigmarole of you continually rolling back what you say until what you're saying is actually accurate and practically unrecognisable to what you initially said?

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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Theyre not that overly optimistic, just going room to room in the nursing homes etc giving out the jags and then doing the big innoculation clinics, could easily be done with enough resources.

But that won't equate to a million will it?

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One of the issues in Scotland is that we don't have an opposition to speak of at Holyrood,...the Libs are pretty much non-existent, Labour inexplicably appointed Leonard as leader (most of the public don't even know who he is), and the Tories are....well the Tories.

What that means it that the SNP can't be held to account in any meaningful sense at Holyrood, and eventually due to the lack of viable opposition a lot of folk will think, 'well who else could you vote for?'

Any government in normal circumstances, which in the last 12 months has had....Derek McKay's antics, several elected officials posting anti-Semitic Tweets, the Care Homes situation, the First Minister 'forgetting' if she was at a meeting concerning Salmond or not, the exams fiasco, Ian Blackford travelling to Skye during lockdown, the stooshie over the Central Edinburgh selection process, Cherry v Robertson, the NIKE Confrence,  students returning to uni's and outbreaks happening pretty quickly.....would be struggling a bit in the polls. Instead we have seen a rise in SNP numbers. No opposition must also be a factor in that. Any government generally looks tired after nearly 14 years in office, but the SNP are still able to paint themselves as a protest movement for change, rather than an elected government.

Incidentally, I first joined the SNP in 1984, and had been a member almost continuously until recently.(and campaigned actively in many an election) Still support Independence, but won't vote for them again, after the list above (which is just some of the past years events)

Edited by Jedi
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1 minute ago, Steven W said:

But that won't equate to a million will it?

It's a much quicker process than PCR Covid testing, if it's anything like the flu jag. My local surgery put aside a couple of days to do all the people getting free ones, like a conveyer belt. If they repurposed the testing centres as well I think it's doable.

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One of the issues in Scotland is that we don't have an opposition to speak of at Holyrood,...the Libs are pretty much non-existent, Labour inexplicably appointed Leonard as leader (most of the public don't even know who he is), and the Tories are....well the Tories.
What that means it that the SNP can't be held to account in any meaningful sense at Holyrood, and eventually due to the lack of viable opposition a lot of folk will think, 'well who else could you vote for?'
Any government in normal circumstances, which in the last 12 months has had....Derek McKay's antics, several elected officials posting anti-Semitic Tweets, the Care Homes situation, the First Minister 'forgetting' if she was at a meeting concerning Salmond or not, the exams fiasco, Ian Blackford travelling to Skye during lockdown, the stooshie over the Central Edinburgh selection process, Cherry v Robertson, the NIKE Confrence,  students returning to uni's and outbreaks happening pretty quickly.....would be struggling a bit in the polls. Instead we have seen a rise in SNP numbers. No opposition must also be a factor in that. Any government generally looks tired after nearly 14 years in office, but the SNP are still able to paint themselves as a protest movement for change, rather than an elected government.
Incidentally, I first joined the SNP in 1984, and had been a member almost continuously until recently. Still support Independence, but won't vote for them again, after the list above (which is just some of the past years events)
New Labour
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