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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

That was the most positive I've seen Sturgeon in a long time.

The tiers bear no resemblance to the previous ones. There was even a bit of light at the end of the tunnel for the entertainment sector. The other announcement that will make a big difference is the restart grants - that will be very welcome for some businesses.

Pretty realistic overall - the only ones that will be negative about it are the usual suspects.

Compare and contrast with the tsunami of tears and snotters from yourself, when the UK government had the temerity to set out fundamentally the same date-based road map just three weeks ago!

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

12th June - 50 people at a wedding reception ✔

14th June - 7 of those same people watching the Scotland game together ❌

17th June - 25,000 Scots drunk out their skull in Trafalgar Square ✔️

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

17th June - 25,000 Scots drunk out their skull in Trafalgar Square ✔️

I was saying to my mate it’ll be interesting how they handle all of us heading down there. I had consigned myself to the fact that the whole thing would be cancelled with travel bans etc, but we’ve had the green light for domestic travel by then. If pubs etc down south are limited numbers, then there will be a huge amount of fans out on the streets and classed as a “mass gathering”. 

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2 minutes ago, DMCs said:

Anyone know what the current laws regarding driving lessons are and if they are subject to change with the loosening of restrictions?

I think they said 26th April, if not 17th May. Sorry, not very helpful but NS definitely highlighted it but I can’t remember what date specifically. 

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7 minutes ago, virginton said:

Compare and contrast with the tsunami of tears and snotters from yourself, when the UK government had the temerity to set out fundamentally the same date-based road map just three weeks ago!

Jesus wept.

Think I must have rubbed someone up the wrong way - in your usual I'll try and pick on one poster act.

Comparing an it's going to be over in 3 and half months prediction to a date in 3 weeks time.

The constant theme of today was those dates are intentions but that it will depend on the data.

Everything was qualified today - as it should be.

Or did you miss that?

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4 minutes ago, Scosha said:

I was saying to my mate it’ll be interesting how they handle all of us heading down there. I had consigned myself to the fact that the whole thing would be cancelled with travel bans etc, but we’ve had the green light for domestic travel by then. If pubs etc down south are limited numbers, then there will be a huge amount of fans out on the streets and classed as a “mass gathering”. 

Get ready for a truncheon in the face.

I'm going with 9 others which is forbidden as we are from 4 households but we should all have been vaccinated and tbh I think London will be more interested in getting the coin than the last week of restrictions. There is no chance they could stop it going ahead unless they cancelled the game.


We haven't booked our travel, hopefully getting the train down but the demand will be crazy.


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Just now, 101 said:

Get ready for a truncheon in the face.

I'm going with 9 others which is forbidden as we are from 4 households but we should all have been vaccinated and tbh I think London will be more interested in getting the coin than the last week of restrictions. There is no chance they could stop it going ahead unless they cancelled the game.


We haven't booked your travel, hopefully getting the train down but the demand will be crazy.

There will be loads of folk going down. I got flights down myself but some people I know were booking the sleeper trains for it months ago and they were selling out very quickly.

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I knew this thread was serious business but I didn't realise it was quite as serious are searching back nearly a month's worth of posts :blink:

It won't be long until folk start "resigning"

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

Get ready for a truncheon in the face.

I'm going with 9 others which is forbidden as we are from 4 households but we should all have been vaccinated and tbh I think London will be more interested in getting the coin than the last week of restrictions. There is no chance they could stop it going ahead unless they cancelled the game.


We haven't booked our travel, hopefully getting the train down but the demand will be crazy.


Aye there’s 6/7 of us going but all separate households. I managed to get return flights to Heathrow for £80 about 10 mins after Marshall delivered the #scenes. Same flights were about £280 in the morning :lol: 

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Just now, DMCs said:

There will be loads of folk going down. I got flights down myself but some people I know were booking the sleeper trains for it months ago and they were selling out very quickly.

I would say about 50,000 I know about 30 folk going and they all seem to know about similar numbers. See you there :cheers

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Just now, Scosha said:

Aye there’s 6/7 of us going but all separate households. I managed to get return flights to Heathrow for £80 about 10 mins after Marshall delivered the #scenes. Same flights were about £280 in the morning :lol: 

You guys hotel or AirBnB? 

We have a garden on our rented house so even if the pubs have a limit we will get bevied in the garden and then head into town.

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37 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Jesus wept.

Think I must have rubbed someone up the wrong way - in your usual I'll try and pick on one poster act.

Comparing an it's going to be over in 3 and half months prediction to a date in 3 weeks time.

I think you'll find that the SG has also set dates throughout roadmap for sectors to open up in the months for come.

For some strange reason, this has not been treated with the harrumphing tantrums launched at the Westminster government for doing the exact same thing three weeks ago, based on the same set of basic facts.



The constant theme of today was those dates are intentions but that it will depend on the data.

Everything was qualified today - as it should be.

Or did you miss that?


The UK Government's dates are also qualified intentions, so the fundamental difference between the two roadmaps on this point is zero.  

You can either insist on 'data not dates!!!!' or you can sign up to the SG's roadmap. You can't have it both ways and treat the SG's as credible while slating the one south of the border for setting arbitrary dates though. 

Edited by vikingTON
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1 minute ago, virginton said:

I think you'll find that the SG has also set dates throughout roadmap for sectors to open up in the months for come.

For some strange reason, this has not been treated with the harrumphing tantrums ať the Westminster government for doing the exact same thing. 

The UK Government's dates are also qualified intentions, so the fundamental difference between the two roadmaps is zero.  

You can either insist on 'data not dates!!!!' or you can sign up the SG's roadmap. You can't have it both ways though and treat the SG's as miraculously more credible than the one you were slating south of the border. 

Aye - it was just a coincidence that mid-summer's day was selected.

As was the "no earlier" than qualification that they knew would be ignored and read as "happens by".

If the Scottish Government were being populist they would surely be trying to open up before England - that clearly is not the case.

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14 minutes ago, 101 said:

You guys hotel or AirBnB? 

We have a garden on our rented house so even if the pubs have a limit we will get bevied in the garden and then head into town.

Premier Inn, about a mile away from Trafalgar Square. 

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How did Paulo react to the briefing today?


She seemed to punt the whole question of international travel and indeed cross-border travel back in the UK Government's court .


I read it that they've reined in from having unenforceable different travel restrictions for Scotland?


Not that it affects me - still looking at an October holiday given that my wife's second operation is not due until 8 April and she won't get radiology until 2 months down the line.


I also want to go when most things are opened up, not a holiday with lots of restrictions in place - you would think by mid-October that would be the case.

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4 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Aye - it was just a coincidence that mid-summer's day was selected.

As was the "no earlier" than qualification that they knew would be ignored and read as "happens by".

Erm yes, because the Scottish Government have clearly spent this afternoon telling the media to never in any way treat its reopening qualification as 'happens on/by'. That message is coming across loud and clear!


If the Scottish Government were being populist they would surely be trying to open up before England - that clearly is not the case.

If you're a moron, sure you would think that. In reality, the SG's M.O. all along has been to:

a) complain about whatever Westminster is doing as being horrendously unsafe only to

 b) hum and haw before doing the same thing and just shifting a couple of dates/targets/criteria. 

This is an absolutely textbook case-study of the SG's response, and it works politically because people want mealy-mouthed platitudes to show that Nicola cares more before they open up. 

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