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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

It seems basically you no longer need to stay in the house "unless for specific reasons" as it was before. No stay at home lockdown order but not allowed to travel outwith your LA area.

Your basically right, it's as you were essentially for the next 3 weeks on this front.

Thanks. An absolute pile of pish, then! Gives the notion of a tangible lifting of restrictions when in fact there isn't one, which is massively frustrating. They should just say the above and that is no difference until the end of April.

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6 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

It seems basically you no longer need to stay in the house "unless for specific reasons" as it was before. No stay at home lockdown order but not allowed to travel outwith your LA area.

Your basically right, it's as you were essentially for the next 3 weeks on this front.

Few bits of the local economies will be opening hopefully the removal of the stay at home message will encourage folk out spending coin and hopefully will signal the start to a reversal of the anxiety inducing public comms. 

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5 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Was there any updates about the Euro’s?

I've still got a few hundred lying in a drawer in my room if it's any use ?

I've also got a load of Zloty's as well....

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Thanks. An absolute pile of pish, then! Gives the notion of a tangible lifting of restrictions when in fact there isn't one, which is massively frustrating. They should just say the above and that is no difference until the end of April.
As 101 points out there were other easings in retail confirmed. I, possibly naively, didn't realise the change to stay local was as severe as still being restricted to your own LA hence specifically only posting about that.
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54 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Likely I’m being an idiot here but if that’s why he went there, why wouldn’t the government just come out and say it to avoid the clusterfuck that came out of the whole episode? 

If they’d said “yes I drove to Barnard Castle... to get ahead and sign a deal to get us vaccinations which will be produced here in the hope that we can end this ASAP” surely that would have been well received?

If that was the reason for his visit there was absolutely no need for him to traipse his whole family up there for a jolly. They needed an angle that made it sound for his family to be there, hence the bizarre "test my eyesight by driving hundreds of miles" story came out. 

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NS just specifically said travel outwith your LA banned until 23 April at least. Not sure of any nuances within that order.


Well this is the stay at home guidance which says about socialising and exercise with the 5 mile boundary notice. So I don’t think that’ll change with a lesser guidance.
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22 minutes ago, GiGi said:

For the avoidance of doubt, because I can't see it explicitly on the gov.scot website, can you go and visit people indoors again under the 'Stay Local' guidance?

You can do whatever you want.  If you want to visit people indoors do it.

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3 minutes ago, FFCinthearea said:

You can do whatever you want.  If you want to visit people indoors do it.

You can, but for any proper socialising you're putting yourself and whoever you visit at risk of a fine which is no good. All it takes is a cunty neighbour. We should be able to do these things without fines even being a consideration.

I get that it's probably odds against this actually happening but I'd rather not put that on my pals. My own gaffe is a flat so pretty much out of bounds as the whole close would know if I had people over.

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Not sure I need hotels open to be able to enjoy a trip out of South Ayrshire. A day trip would suffice but alas no for another 3 weeks.

If you’re really wanting to get out of South Ayrshire, just do it. The police won’t stop you and if they did just come up with a decent excuse.
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