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That boy that nearly died in Vietnam way back at the start was my best mate at primary school. He's a pilot now (or was, unsure of his health status as he took himself off fb not long after he got home), nothing underlying that I'm aware of. Early 40s.

Not that this means the panic merchants are correct, they're not, but there are plenty examples out there of younger c***s getting it badly. 

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On 24/04/2021 at 16:18, superbigal said:


Daily Cases Update:  Not such a great 48 hours. Cases up over 2%.  Be quite interesting now to see how certain authorities cope with todays relaxations.  I suspect we will have hit the floor.  Is a pretty decent floor to start from if you exclude North Lanarkshire who are ranked 3rd in the UK.  Northern Ireland has had sustained increases now for a couple of weeks. 

Scotland peaked at 301.9 for figures 29th Dec to 4th Jan, (UK was 642.1)    Cases that day were 16,496 and test positivity rate was 11.9%  

Total Cases 7 days from 17th April to 23rd April  were 1531 now 1562 up 2.02%. Positivity was 1.4% now 1.4%.   Cases per 100k were 28.0 now 28.6


Home Nations Daily update:  UK Average  24.8 to 24.7 down  0.40%, England 24.5 to 24.4 down 0.41%,  Wales  13.8 to 13.7 down 0.72%, Northern Ireland 42.5 to 43.9 up 3.29% 

European (Above 2 Million Population) : Sweden 413 to 383,  Croatia 373 to 378,  Netherlands 307 to 331, France 341 to 330,  all destinations over 250 cases per 100K

Special mention for Turkey as a popular destination at 498, Cyprus even worse at 641 !!

Council progress in last 24 Hours as follows.

Click cases by neighbourhood to see the spread on the geographical map. 

Under 75 could do better club

North Lanarkshire 64.4 to 66.8  Still on the rise.  Back to top spot. 

Clackmannanshire   69.8 to 60.1  Whore's Nickers down today near 14%

East Ayrshire  51.6 to 50.0  Hopefully as high as it will get.

Moray  43.8 to 43.8   

Glasgow City  41.5 to 40.6

East Dunbartonshire   36.8 to 40.5  Continues the surge up the charts

South Ayrshire  38.2 to 40.0    Still rising

South Lanarkshire  41.2 to 36.5  Leaving the North behind in it's wake

Perth & Kinross  32.9 to 34.2

Fife  25.7 to 30.8  Spike in Dunfermline back above average

City Of Edinburgh    28.2 to 30.5   Pretty poor still rising

East Renfrewshire  30.4 to 29.3  

West Dunbartonshire   25.9 to 29.2  Cigars back in the box and now back above average.

Under Scottish Average club 28.6

North Ayrshire   25.2 to 26.7

Dundee City   20.1 to 25.4  

Falkirk  23.0 to 24.9

Renfrewshire  19.0 to 22.3 Only 2 days in the SL

Aberdeen City  20.6 to 20.6  

The  🚬 Club Sub 20.0

West Lothian   20.2 to 18.0 Into the Scottish Cigar Super league

Inverclyde  14.1 to 14.1

Stirling 12.7 to 13.8

Aberdeenshire 15.3 to 11.9  Lovely 48 hours down 22.22%

Dumfries & Galloway  6.0 to 10.1  

Angus  9.5 to 9.5

East Lothian  7.5 to 9.3   

Highlands  8.9 to 7.2 

Argyll & Bute  4.7 to 4.7

Orkney Island  0.0 to 4.5  

Midlothian  3.2 to 3.2 

Scottish  Borders  0.9 to 3.2  

Shetland Islands  0.0 to 0.0  

Western Isles   0.0 to 0.0


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2 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

She is absolutely shitting it now that she can see her short time in relevancy is creeping closer and closer to the end.

She is getting absolutely destroyed on Twitter by pretty much everyone. 

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1 hour ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Hospital number 93     (93 on Friday).

ICU number 12      (12 on Friday).

142 new cases of COVID-19 reported

9,816 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results

1.7% of these were positive

0 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive (noting that Register Offices are now generally closed at weekends)

2,773,770 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 1,068,704 have received their second dose


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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

That boy that nearly died in Vietnam way back at the start was my best mate at primary school. He's a pilot now (or was, unsure of his health status as he took himself off fb not long after he got home), nothing underlying that I'm aware of. Early 40s.

Not that this means the panic merchants are correct, they're not, but there are plenty examples out there of younger c***s getting it badly. 

Doubt he is gonna be singing from the rooftops about his medical history, he was your best mate 30+ years ago

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5 minutes ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

Doubt he is gonna be singing from the rooftops about his medical history, he was your best mate 30+ years ago

True, but I knew him pretty well all the way through our teens and our 20s as well. 

Edited by madwullie
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16 hours ago, Left Back said:

Bill Gates now declaring that countries vaccinating under 50’s are basically c***s and should be sending all vaccines to India.  He never specifically mentioned Israel though.  Not the done thing to criticise Israel in the US.  Maybe he could have helped the situation more by not fighting to keep IP rights for big pharma and allowing billions more doses to be produced if he’s so concerned about the pandemic.

Devi also on the news implying we’re wasting loads of doses and we should be getting those to India instead.  How many does she think we’re wasting?

Another misleading fact trotted out that we have enough doses to vaccinate the country 4 times over.  Big difference between ordered and have but don’t let that get in the way of an agenda.


He's still fighting!

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We can't deal in absolutes, but some apparently healthy people with no known underlying conditions may indeed become seriously unwell with covid. No point denying it as it has occurred. 

What we do know is that this is thankfully a rare occurence and the vast majority of people that are young and healthy do not become seriously unwell. The hospitalisation and death figures more than bear this out. 

In a way it's similar to the vaccines and the blood clots that a very small number have encountered - unfortunately some people just happen to have a bad reaction for any number of reasons. There was a correlation between the blood clots and a low platelet count, but how many people would be aware that they had such a condition, for example? 


Edited by Michael W
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Superbigals figures are 1-2 days behind  aren't they?  Last three days cases are 176,177 and 142 according to the travellingtabby website. Todays 142 cases compared to 232 last Monday.
Indeed they are. The figures you quote regularly rise by the time they end up in my numbers. On the face of it they are decent.
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25 minutes ago, mizfit said:

My favourite thing today has been watching people moan about not being able to buy a pint move onto moaning about not getting into a pub.

Mine has been getting to go to the gym and seeing lots of photos of people delighted to get their small businesses open with staff back to work, but each to their own 🤨

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Was quite nice driving back from the shop after work and seeing a couple of the beer gardens open.

Will be visiting my local on Thursday on my day off for a couple.

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4 minutes ago, Elixir said:

The vacc#scenes are absolutely leathering the Rona.

And forum favourite Deepti Gurdasani with a prediction that has aged atrociously:


When was that recorded?  The ticker tape across the bottom mentioned 26m first doses and 2m second so must have been a while ago.

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