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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I take it Czech and Croat fans are getting special quarantine free entry "deals" seeing their tickets will now have been bought like ours ?

The "no Plan B as the tickets have now been sold" sounds like an admission that they now have to permit the the crowds committed too. Why did the BBC raise that issue when there hadn't been a peep from any stakeholders about crowds not being permitted. Very odd attempt at shit stirring.

Are we even allowing foreign fans?  I think a few countries have said they would and would exempt entry bans but I don't recall either us or England saying anything about it.

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1 hour ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Good point. My mate is a St Johnstone fan and his appointment was scheduled for during the cup final on Saturday. Pitched up a couple of hours early and taken straight away.

Yeah, I just wanted to watch the game on Saturday and my appointment was just before kick off. I turned up 20 minutes early and was out and on my way home before my original appointment time. Mind you, I suppose if everyone is as selfish as me that's how you end up with the big queues....

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5 hours ago, Scosha said:

While it's good to see efforts being made for fanzone's, surely there could have been more than 1? Get them put up every where possible. In Glasgow alone, Bellahouston, Rouken Glen, Queens Park, Pollok etc. 

For travelling to a lot of the cities in the 2018 World Cup the better fan parks were the big one per city venues. 

St Peterburg had 2 and the smaller one was poor, Moscow had 2 stadiums but only 1 fan park but that held 80,000 and was about the Asda distance from Hampden with just a river between them.

The smaller city parks with 5000 capacities were nothing on the big venues even when only 20,000 turned up.


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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

The vast bulk of hospitalisations are occurring in groups where full vaccinations has not yet been completed.

The vulnerable groups are relatively unaffected.

There's less than 100 people in hospital, just 5 people in ICU and almost no daily deaths being reported and this has been the case for quite some time now.

Am I missing something here? Where's the concern?

The difference is you've added context. Context which removes the "the vaccines aren't enough" fear.

The lack of context in many, if not all, of the released figures since last March has been absolutely staggering.

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Are we even allowing foreign fans?  I think a few countries have said they would and would exempt entry bans but I don't recall either us or England saying anything about it.
UEFA website suggests they put them on sale but god knows. What happens if they dont sell or can't come, hopefully resold here.
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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
27 minutes ago, Left Back said:
Are we even allowing foreign fans?  I think a few countries have said they would and would exempt entry bans but I don't recall either us or England saying anything about it.

UEFA website suggests they put them on sale but god knows. What happens if they dont sell or can't come, hopefully resold here.

The seethe in England would be brilliant though.  “Coming over here, taking our tickets”

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2 hours ago, Big Fifer said:

I usually go for a walk up past the Hydro after work, might pop my heid in the back of 5 and see if I can get myself a cheeky hit of pfizer/moderna on the fly. 

Turned away at the door and told its appointment only. Wasn't gonna have a gripe at the boy in the high vis, but I think they're gonna have to adapt a bit when doing the vaccinations for us youngsters. The archaic blue letter probs ain't gonna cut it, and some sort of system at the end of the day for "no-shows" should be in place. My pals in France is vaccinated recently as they have this sort of thing in place. 

Edited by Big Fifer
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This is what a fan zone should look like , not 3000 people all spaced out in a massive park in Glasgow.


To put it in context when this picture was taken there was a game in the stadium with another 80000 at it (Russia v Spain round of 16)

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3 minutes ago, Left Back said:

She’s definitely not going to shag him.

Especially not after he disparages her professionalism then puts the boot into her, rightly or wrongly, on an extremely public forum, offering a few hypothetical rationales for her behaviour. 

Edited by madwullie
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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

She is a fucking lunatic.


She is a genuinely dangerous quack who doesn't like dissenting voices. She also has a blindly loyal fanbase who hang on her every word.

I had a discussion with a guy the other day who called her denial of the effectiveness of the AZ vaccine against the SA variant a 'genuine miscalculation' at a point when there was still no data...completely oblivious that by accepting she'd said that the vaccine was ineffective at a time when there was no data, he'd just proven my fucking point.

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They should throw open an online booking system in Glasgow. I got a text 9 days ago telling me to phone as an appointment had been assigned to me, 5 minutes later I have it confirmed as 5 June.

No envelope. Don't know whats being done for people if their details their GP holds aren't up to date.

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6 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Is the vaccination rollout starting to unravel here?  Half the people in Glasgow don’t turn up at the weekend, huge queues in Edinburgh today.

What’s going on here?

Who could have foreseen that fannying about with archaic methods just to be different would cause issues among younger cohorts...

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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Is the vaccination rollout starting to unravel here?  Half the people in Glasgow don’t turn up at the weekend, huge queues in Edinburgh today.

What’s going on here?

Yes. People on here were saying all through this that the approach is wrong, yet accused of being ‘tory yoons’ etc for having the audacity to criticise the Scottish Government. Think of all the vaccines wasted. We are now at such a critical phase yet the number isnt ramping up, disgraceful. 

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