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4 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Vaccine passports in the bin.  @Detournement

Proof of Covid vaccination should not be required for international travel, says WHO

The World Health Organization’s emergency committee has maintained its stance that proof of Covid-19 vaccination should not be required for international travel, amid controversy over countries blocking the entry of travellers if they are unvaccinated.

The independent experts said vaccinations should not be the only condition to permit international travel, given limited global access and inequitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, Reuters reports.

The experts had previously said that requiring proof of vaccination deepens inequities and promotes unequal freedom of movement. Poorer countries with less access to vaccinations could face exclusion if such measures are put into place, some health experts have said.

A quick glance at the UK's 'red list' has always shown what a disgrace the policy is. It's not racism or discrimination if the excuse is public health - apparently! And of course, it is so-called 'progressives' who are among the most complicit in this.

But yes, proof of vaccination as a means to international travel should be binned off as soon as Covid blends into the background with all other respiratory infections around the world.

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1 hour ago, MP_MFC said:

Definitely now at the point where people need to be dragged kicking and screaming for their first doses tbh and if the threat of no holidays and vaccine passports are required then so be it IMO.

Required for what? There is no actual need for 18-30 year olds - or indeed children - to be vaccinated en masse against a disease that amounts to a bad case of the sniffles, if they're even symptomatic at all. The zero Covid fantasy of vaccinating everyone and magically wiping it out is just that right now: a fantasy. 

There is no need for vaccine uptake to increase among 18-30 year olds for the UK to file every single one of the existing restrictions in the bin. Those who are at any significant risk have the best possible protection already. 

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5 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I had to show proof of a yellow fever vaccine to get into Ghana last year, how is this any different?


1 minute ago, Day of the Lords said:

It depends. Are you a paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing mess or not? 


I  believe the yellow fever vaccine provides sterilising, life-long immunity, and it is technically readily available when needed before travel.

The Covid vaccines differ, are not currently readily available worldwide, and as effective as they are do not provide sterilising and/or life-long immunity.

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Just now, Elixir said:

A quick glance at the UK's 'red list' has always shown what a disgrace the policy is. It's not racism or discrimination if the excuse is public health - apparently! And of course, it is so-called 'progressives' who are among the most complicit in this.

But yes, proof of vaccination as a means to international travel should be binned off as soon as Covid blends into the background with all other respiratory infections around the world.

Down to others. If the EU make it so, it's happening, no matter what the bedwetters in the UK say. 

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NB: The nudgeclowns running UK public health messaging might want to have thought about the impact that having a massive, priority rolling out of vaccinations among the vulnerable groups while doing f**k all to ease restrictions for months on end, on their claim that the vaccine is the way forward to normality.

They had the chance to demonstrate that message in real time, only to shite their breeks and engage in a constant goalpost-shifting exercise based on variants instead. And so here we are.  

Given that utterly hopeless messaging, I'm not surprised that an 18 year old couldn't give a toss about a vaccine that confers as much (utterly insignificant) risk to themselves as some shan virus.

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18 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's stupid that businesses are the ones having to make these decisions - the government are just passing the buck.

Either say we have masks in certain settings or not - the UK government need to stop abrobagating their responsibilities for populist headlines.

So is it ‘passing the buck’ for the government to advise against drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week without legally preventing you doing so?

There is a difference between law and guidance and the government should not be banning everything that might possibly cause harm.

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38 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

If a private business wants to enforce or advise mask wearing in a private establishment, that’s entirely up to them.

Equally, if an individual wants to wear a mask in a shop, they are perfectly free to do so.

It has nothing to do with ‘shifting responsibility’.  People and businesses can assess their own risk and take their own decisions, as was the norm before March 2020.

The businesses in question aren't actually enforcing any mask mandate (merely 'encouraging' their use) as they know that stepping into enforcement will cause more problems than it solves.

A virtue-signalling PR exercise then, that will cause more than a few craniums to explode when the 'encouragement' message is filed in the bin where it belongs. 

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A quick glance at the UK's 'red list' has always shown what a disgrace the policy is. It's not racism or discrimination if the excuse is public health - apparently! And of course, it is so-called 'progressives' who are among the most complicit in this.
But yes, proof of vaccination as a means to international travel should be binned off as soon as Covid blends into the background with all other respiratory infections around the world.
Trying to get registered online - it's asking for a username - tells me to see my appointment letter - where there is no username.

I have an appointment number and CHI number but neither of these work.
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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Trying to get registered online - it's asking for a username - tells me to see my appointment letter - where there is no username.

I have an appointment number and CHI number but neither of these work.

You can click recover username and put your details in for it to give you the username. Then just reset your password. 

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So is it ‘passing the buck’ for the government to advise against drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week without legally preventing you doing so?
There is a difference between law and guidance and the government should not be banning everything that might possibly cause harm.
They are not even providing guidance though - leaving it up to business.

It's quite clear why it's been done - more about populist headlines than dealing with what was seen as a contentious issue.

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42 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I had to show proof of a yellow fever vaccine to get into Ghana last year, how is this any different?

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease, that requires certain immunity among travellers to avoid carriers reinfecting entire fucking continents in the tropics. Covid is a bog-standard, human respiratory disease that has not been eliminated from any part of the world. 

The cost/benefit calculation for a mandatory vaccination policy at an international border are entirely different then. Which is also why you don't need proof of a yellow fever vaccine to visit Croatia or Iceland. 

Edited by vikingTON
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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

It's getting to the point where we can't discuss anything at all now without extremists on both sides trying to turn it into a left wing vs right wing debate with lemmings on both sides jumping to defend their side.

The problem is that both sides utlimately are about population control. On the far right it's about controlling the workplace and on the far left it's about controlling the individual and both sides are pretending to give a shit about the man in the street to get support - "we'll protect society from bad rich people" through to "we'll empower you to become rich if you want". And people buy into all of this like sheep without realising where both sides ultimately want to lead them.

People really are idiots. :lol:

Anyway, I agree with you on covid. We should have protected the NHS and our vulnerable and once that was done we should have let it rip unless and until the NHS started to creak. Personally I'd have started this when cases dropped away last summer but certainly it should have been done when the vaccines started kicking in for the vulnerable.

Countless years will be lost to this madness when this is all done. Are the NHS ever going to be able to empty the backlog from this utter stupidity?

There was a cracking tweet I saw last night from a “politically homeless Corona centrist” which sounds wanky, but their point was brilliant - surely the left should have been focusing on sick pay for those isolating, challenging the gig economy, and generally being on the side of the working class throughout this shitshow?

Actually caring about jobs/welfare has been fucked off in this game of left wing top trumps because a “more worthy” cause has come along - as with so many other things this has been a thing and it’s been coming for a while, but the fallout from COVID has accelerated and emphasised it.

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Vaccine passports in the bin.  @Detournement

Proof of Covid vaccination should not be required for international travel, says WHO


The WHO asking national governments not to discriminate against travellers from countries using different vaccines or that have little access to vaccines is not vaccine passports being binned. This request will likely go the same way as the request to share vaccines equitably and remove IP protections from vaccines (mind Biden said he would do that?).

It would even be possible - if you are an idiot who struggles to think of anything beyond the end of your nose - to accuse the WHO of being tin foil wearing messes here as they are clearly worried about the reprecussions of the G7 not recognising Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Cuban or Indian vaccines and vice versa. 

Edited by Detournement
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UK today 48,553 cases.  63 Deaths.  England up to 350.3 per 100K.

Midlothian down to 15th place.

60K first Vaccines & 185K 2nd doses.

So rest of UK having the same problem 1st dose youngsters as up here.

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19 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

He is calling for unvaccinated peole to be shot but what really offends you is me taking the piss out of him by calling him a Tory. :lol:

Away and stop taking everything so seriously.

Didn't offend me at all but as a casual observation it seemed pretty contradictory for you to make such a claim. 

Me and taking things seriously on here doesn't happen often if ever, I'll leave that for you guys that enjoy this thread and all it's glory. 

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Now, about all that vaxxing........ 

"Scotland has recorded the highest number of deaths from Covid 19 since the beginning of March, the Scottish Government has confirmed. 

The latest statistics show that 19 people have died during the past 24 hours within the 28-day period after a positive test for the virus. 

This is the largest toll from the disease since 11 March, when the figure was 22. "

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

This is the problem when you dive into someone else's argument with knowing the full story.

A year ago that poster was making the same accusations about being a Tory to me and others.

That was the basis of me taking the piss out of him.

Now please don't come back with another response. I'm trying to enjoy the thread.

Stop your dribbling, you called people out for something after doing said thing moments before. Stop being a defensive weirdo about it. 

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