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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Nobody has claimed masks and vaccine passports work 100%, the question is how much worse the numbers would be without them, if at all. As a dedicated simp I should point out that Swinney didn't say vaccine passports didn't work, just that it was impossible to extrapolate the numbers either way with so many other factors in play. By the way Germany's case rate is still about half ours. If our case rates and hospitalisations stay fairly steady I'm not expecting more restrictions and it wouldn't surprise me if they drop the domestic passports in the next month or so, any influence on vaccine uptake must be dwindling away to zero fairly soon and they seem a bit pointless as a transmission control, especially with so few venues requiring them.

Do you mean here or in Germany?

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7 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Do you mean here or in Germany?

Here. It's a half arsed measure that has very little political or public support, and if its intention was to boost vaccination any waverers would have done it by now.

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No idea if this is a like for like comparison.  Germany have almost 5 times as many ICU beds per capita as the UK.  They could be firing people into ICU with a lower threshold of illness than us.  I have no idea whether they are or aren't.  Merely speculating.

Which probably explains the death rate being so much higher in the uk despite supposedly lower icu cases - the Germans will get them into icu without fucking about and get them on the mend rather than being festering away on a ward until it’s too late.
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42 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

Which probably explains the death rate being so much higher in the uk despite supposedly lower icu cases - the Germans will get them into icu without fucking about and get them on the mend rather than being festering away on a ward until it’s too late.

Or... Germany record deaths differently and have a generally healthier population, among other things.

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45 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Well, it's been a nice chat..

My initial instinct was to offer you a charity bet but I find that a bit strange when other people do it.

Aside from a personal opinion on how the government have handled/reacted to this, there's no way you can look at people saying the NHS is going to struggle over winter and somehow think they'll roll back on most prominent part of their mitigation techniques. There is literally no warning or suggestion at all that anyone is even thinking about considering it.

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7 hours ago, Michael W said:

If the masks and vaccine passports don't work (which clearly they do not given record cases), what does Germany do next - start banning/limiting private gatherings, shut things down again? There are no other avenues open to them.

The SG basically has the same choice, here, although granted Scotland is not currently facing its highest caseload. I'm sure the gormless Swinney will be told to announce the vaccine passports must be extended first, just days after telling everyone they have no benefit. 

I hope I'm wrong, but I have a sense of rinse and repeat. 

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I think it was Todd that said it's likely that countries will expand their vaccine passport requirements and tbh I think that's likely the chances of getting the genie back in the bottle in terms of distancing, limiting folk in your house and stuff is gone. I don't think there would be any huge protest or demonstration in the UK, folk would simply not follow it as they are already doing and working things out for themselves. Quite rightly imo.

I think and increased passport requirement would bring us inline with France cases and deaths in France look manageable but a lot of Southern France you can probably still socialise outdoors which isn't exactly attractive in Scotland in November.

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57 minutes ago, 101 said:

I think and increased passport requirement would bring us inline with France cases and deaths in France look manageable but a lot of Southern France you can probably still socialise outdoors which isn't exactly attractive in Scotland in November.

Aye nae bother. jose.png

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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

The onus is on those propsing restrictions to demonstrably show that they work.

That’s very naive.  In the UK there is only one administration that has even a remote chance of losing power in the foreseeable future.

Those in charge tabling any restrictions can basically do what the hell they want.

People advising them are playing to the gallery and should be crucified for being complicit in all the political point scoring going on.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Well, it's been a nice chat..

There really is no point engaging with the Moonhowlers. We know they are not representative of anyone outside about 10 people on this thread.

Let them scream into the abyss.  It makes them feel better.  

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

People living in Africa and Asia must scratch their heads at our collective wailing and gnashing of teeth at losing just a hundred or so

Especially when we are directly or indirectly responsible for much higher death tolls in their countries.

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33 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You Tory boys? You are going to have to try waaaaaay harder than that to get a bite from me on that score.

Personally, I'm politically homeless since I decided to stop voting SNP and Green following their handling of the covid situation and specifically their mandatory masking and vaccine passports policies.

I make no apologies for taking such a stance against things you personally have no issue with.  😜

Nobody steals part of my freedom and gets away with it WB.

Of course you did.  

Walter Mitty yet again

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Of course you did.  
Walter Mitty yet again
There are times you need to step back Bully - this is one of them.

I don't particularly agree with Oaksoft's obsession with masks etc but that doesn't make him a Tory or a Mitty here.

Yes he can be a delusional c**t but this isn't one of those times.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There are times you need to step back Bully - this is one of them.

I don't particularly agree with Oaksoft's obsession with masks etc but that doesn't make him a Tory or a Mitty here.

Yes he can be a delusional c**t but this isn't one of those times.


If it looks like an elephant, and it feels like an elephant, the one thing you can say for certain is that it’s not a camel. 

I’m really happy for your analysis that he’s normally wrong, but not this time. Experience tells me you’re wrong though. 

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2 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

If it looks like an elephant, and it feels like an elephant, the one thing you can say for certain is that it’s not a camel. 

I’m really happy for your analysis that he’s normally wrong, but not this time. Experience tells me you’re wrong though. 

So everyone that doesn’t agree with you or the SNP party line about Covid matters is a Tory?


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