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53 minutes ago, Elixir said:

I'm sure this will have a positive impact... 🤦🏻‍♂️

It's interesting that, just days after claiming that, in the event the variant was shan, they would reverse the tightened restrictions they have chosen to, seemingly out of the blue, tighten them further.

f**k being employed in the airline industry as they are being (more than likely needlessly) hung out to dry here.

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Humza Yousaf has said he will be asking his family to take lateral flow tests before attending for Christmas dinner.

The health secretary made the comment as he indicated that people “have to use their judgement” in making plans during the festive season.

Speaking to STV News, Yousaf remarked that he would not, however, be checking his mother in law’s Covid certification before she comes the door.

“As health secretary, I’m not here to tell you what you can and cannot do in terms of Christmas parties, or how you behave at Christmas parties,” he said.

“That is entirely up to you within the rules, within the guidance, what we’re suggesting… you know, as long as you are obeying those rules, then of course, we’ll be saying to people exercise some caution.

“I’m planning to have Christmas dinner with extended family and of course I will be asking all of my family to do a lateral flow test before.

“I don’t think that’s too onerous. But I won’t be checking my mother in law’s Covid certification before she comes to the door.

“So, I think people just… have to use their judgement, have to be sensible and I trust most people to do just that.”

Yousaf acknowledged concern over the Omicron variant, but reiterated the steps people can take in order to help reduce transmission of the virus. 

He said: “Of course we’re concerned. As we have said previously, we don’t doubt that there is community transmission.

“That community transmission is clearly as we are testing more people, as we are looking for that s-gene dropout, which is the proxy measure for omicron cases, we’re identifying more and more cases right across the country.

“So, what can people do to help us out here? They can make sure they get vaccinated, whichever vaccine you’re eligible for – first, second, third booster doses – get yourself vaccinated.

“Test yourself regularly, particularly if you’re going to be socialising, whether that’s indoors or outdoors.

“Make sure you’re wearing your mask in settings that are applicable and appropriate.

“And of course, practice good hygiene. These are the things that you can do to help us to keep transmission under control.” 


So they are expecting everyone to do flow tests on Christmas day :lol: 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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50 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

So they are expecting everyone to do flow tests on Christmas day :lol: 

It's a shame we can't force Humza to take 'massive bellend' tests prior to appearing in any form of media.

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6 hours ago, ICTChris said:

 Everyone posting on this thread is contributing to the public understanding of the risk and dangers of the pandemic. Except that guy who posts sexy nurses, he’s just interested in nurses with big tits.

Surely it's not just him. Too, too long btw :(


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12 hours ago, Tynie Wickfield said:

Devi has quite possibly been proven to be the biggest fraud throughout these whole pandemic. That's some achievement.

Anything to raise her profile and sell her book.  A dangerous individual.

You couldn't mark her neck with a blow torch 

Which is some achievement considering the ppe contracts tory MPs were handing out. 

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54 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Which is some achievement considering the ppe contracts tory MPs were handing out. 

You’re comparing different actions here.

The Tories are shameless liars for personal gain.

Certain scientists / medical professionals have proven to be out their depth and completely incompetent.

Both can be true at the same time.  


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22 minutes ago, NorthernLights said:

Currently the confirmed global death toll from the Omicron varient stands at 0.


I do wonder just what it's going to take for the 'experts' and their fearmongering to be permanently confined to the bin.

The frustration is that all they are doing is damaging their credibility, and reducing the chances of them being taken seriously in future if there is a real big threat.

This variant looks like being the shannest variant to date, yet the 'expert' reaction to, and media coverage of, it is almost exactly like the first covid cases in March 2020.

Very, very weird.

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10 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

So she knows it would be a unpopular decision if restrictions do come back. Don’t do it then. 

A woman who is entirely too comfortable with putting restrictions on peoples lives. 

The idea that this stuff should be last resort is long gone. 

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