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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Hoping for yet more first class leadership, a steady, resolute but compassionate hand to guide the nation through these troubling times with an approach which demonstrates not just an intuitive grasp of the myriad issues at play but which shows that she really understands her people and cares deeply for them. I doubt I will be disappointed and we'll see, to the consternation of some, precisely why she was returned to office in such resounding fashion, on a veritable tsunami of support and dare I say it love from the electorate mere months ago. Gawd bless her. 
This is classic clickbait.
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2 hours ago, sick boy said:

You're at it.

I’m pretty sure he’s right. The number of young people who don’t drink has risen in the last few decades.  Physical culture and fitness is also far bigger than when I was young.

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13 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Just heard today, in relation to the terrible murder of little Arthur that social workers have been doing lots of their inspections by Zoom.

That is just one small example of the terrible knock on effects of all those nonsensical restrictions.

This is not going to end well!!

They certainly aren’t in Scotland and haven’t at any point, that would be mental. 

Not that social workers do “inspections” but child protection visits etc etc. 

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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
17 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:
Just heard today, in relation to the terrible murder of little Arthur that social workers have been doing lots of their inspections by Zoom.
That is just one small example of the terrible knock on effects of all those nonsensical restrictions.
This is not going to end well!!

Source ? Strange it wasn't mentioned at the trial but was divulged to you !

He didn’t say in Arthur’s case, was more of a generalisation how I read it.

Wouldn’t surprise me if assessments had been done over zoom.

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He didn’t say in Arthur’s case, was more of a generalisation how I read it.
Wouldn’t surprise me if assessments had been done over zoom.
I took "in relation to" to mean in this case, possibly wasn't meant that way and something like that would have come out at the trial. No real need to link it to this particular case if not applicable, it's emotive enough without any embellishment.
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27 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Just heard today, in relation to the terrible murder of little Arthur that social workers have been doing lots of their inspections by Zoom.

That is just one small example of the terrible knock on effects of all those nonsensical restrictions.

This is not going to end well!!

Not strictly true, many had been working from home in Scotland but visits etc still being done. Not the biggest fan of social workers but this is quite disingenuous. 

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You and @Meldrew should talk to people like @Frankie Sand tell him that nobody has had to drop anything of importance due to covid and that this has all been fine and that he should just stop being a selfish, whiny b*****d about it all.

While you're at it, you can explain to him how he can continue to pay his mortgage, his rent, his bills and his staff due to the dropped custom from restrictions which have done the square root of f**k all to control case numbers. I'm  sure he'll welcome the advice.

You should just f**k off. If there's one thing that's universally true is that Covid hasn't been fine. It's been really quite shit. 

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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Nobody cares about all that. Deaths from The Rona are the only show in town.


3 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

I think you will find I did and that I have. But that doesn't give you the cozy feeling of it will all be over soon so you wail like a massive wean. 

Not so long ago Boris was being praised for removing all restrictions in the summer because doing so in winter would be mad. And yet here we are demanding all restrictions be removed in winter. Some discrepancies there methinks, perhaps you should have thought this through a bit more?

Also, how about St Swithens Day? That's a nice sounding day. 

lol wut


3 hours ago, gav-ffc said:
  • 3,060* new cases of COVID-19 reported 
  • 35,562* new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 
    • 9.2%* of these were positive
  • 12 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive
  • 38 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 
  • 576 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 
  • 4,355,063 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination, 3,962,203 have received their second dose, and 1,922,604 have received a third dose or booster

Another drop in hospital figures a right sore one for Devi and JL.

Thirty-eight people in ICU in a population of 5.4 million for this utterly shan virus.

What are we doing here?


38 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I see the Swedish government are now looking to add more restrictions. Masks on public transport, working from home, social distancing and possibly extending the vaccine passes to restaurants and gyms.



Anyone have any idea which European country has the least COVID restrictions?

It wouldn't be England now would it?

England and Poland. There would be borderline civil war if they try to piss around much over there anymore. In fairness, Scotland is far from the craziest place just now, but you never know what's around the corner with the Scottish Government...

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17 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

You and @Meldrew should talk to people like @Frankie Sand tell him that nobody has had to drop anything of importance due to covid and that this has all been fine and that he should just stop being a selfish, whiny b*****d about it all.

While you're at it, you can explain to him how he can continue to pay his mortgage, his rent, his bills and his staff due to the dropped custom from restrictions which have done the square root of f**k all to control case numbers. I'm  sure he'll welcome the advice.

if he can't pay his mortgage, he shouldnt have pushed the boat out as far and settled for a more modest house

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39 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Think it's more a lack of critical thinking skills than a lack of 'free thinkers'. The self-styled 'free thinkers' are almost without exception complete cranks. Happy enough to find holes in the stuff the government says, which is usually justifiable, but less keen to question the latest crankery of the day that's come out. That's not free thinking at all; it's actually the very thing they profess to be fighting against, just from a different angle. 

As a result we get nowhere, which ironically rather suits these people to carry on as they are. It provides ample deflection opportunities when the most recent crock of shit served up by the government is announced. Aha, some people think masks in shops or worn only in restaurants when going for a piss won't lead to cases declining, just like that lot over there that set fire to 5g masts - they also don't wear masks. You're Piers Corbyn! It's basically a 'gotcha' and the criticism is buried. 


Old school friend of mines has been sharing all the conspiracy theory stuff under the sun on Covid via Facebook, with most of it being how some technocracy has hijacked it to push us into a cashless society that is easily controlled. The time he doesn’t spend sharing this stuff, he spends promoting a cryptocurrency that he is heavily involved in…

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England and Poland. There would be borderline civil war if they try to piss around much over there anymore. In fairness, Scotland is far from the craziest place just now, but you never know what's around the corner with the Scottish Government...
Looks like the civil unrest will be imminent then

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50 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Why is it asking too much to expect a description of the end point?

Completely agree, for me it was around 80% if eligible adults which was before under 18s could get the virus.

I get they should be constantly monitoring efficacy and potency of the protection but with the insanely high coverage we have it should be business as usual.

I was listening to BBC Scotland earlier and they had Leitch on and then an English professor who is didn't catch the name of, the second guest said she would be carefully considering who she met up with and then her line cut but the all the questions seemed to be looking for a sensationalist headline we could really use the media having some divergence of opinion and bating of another lockdown.

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13 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I'll be pretty surprised if PiS follow through with much other than tinkering round the edges.

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