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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Delighted to hear that. 
Likewise my dad. Covid positive a couple of days ago but no symptoms. 
The biggest worry has been that he's only just recovered from pneumonia and sepsis - I think that any kind of respiratory infection would floor him right now.

Thankfully, giving him oxygen has been enough.

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30 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Surely the best thing is don't go near a test unless you really, really have to ?

Other than my compulsory foreign travel tests I've never even thought about getting a test and all my mates are the same.

Yes, if you have a job that requires it or have symptoms and are worried about infecting others who're maybe at risk, then Yes, by all means get a test but WHY OH WHY do people just take them as  part of a daily routine for no apparent reason ??

Rockets !!

This is pretty much bang on.

I’m not on board with the absolute refusal to test come what may, I did a fair few over Christmas/New Year as I was around some very elderly family members regularly but now that’s finished I’ll be doing mine only before visiting said family members.

The daily testing some people do for simply sitting in their house, going to Lidl etc is total madness.

Its a total waste of money (which we’ll have to pay back in taxes for the rest of our lives no doubt) and it’s shocking for the planet, these are all non recyclable, the fact no one in the media even mentions this is a huge concern, although having said that, I don’t think many MP’s or people in the media really give a toss.

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Just tested positive on lateral flow, feels like I've got a bad cold (been couple years since one of them!) and a bit achey/shivery earlier but seems manageable. Just in time for going back to work tomorrow, baws.

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218,724 UK cases reported today.  It does include 4 days of NI & 2 days of Welsh cases.

Derry City @ 3,687 per 100K the table toppers.

Lowest in UK now  apart from Scottish Islands is Highlands approaching 1,000

Edited by superbigal
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ICU bed occupancy is *quite literally* at pre-pandemic levels in the UK epicentre. This makes the Scottish Government's position even more untenable, but they have made the climbdown that must happen next week even more awkward because of their fixation on 'spiraling cases'. How do they frame it? Publishing the with/of hospitalisation data with some mewling about how they now 'know more' is all I can think of.

If we weren't testing obsessively in the community and weren't keeping health staff who aren't incapacitated off work, I am unconvinced that what we are seeing right now would be seen as an anomaly pre-pandemic. Get this psychosis to f**k immediately.


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8 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Wife and I both got it after booster. Fairly mild flu like systems.

This happened to me and my daughter before Christmas. As she'd been at my house we had to isolate pending her PCR (which was positive). My son was at his mum's and they both booked a test - negative.

Two days later I had a positive LFT, so my wife and I booked a test - mine was positive. No idea how she managed to be negative. I did feel that the cold I had "changed" the day my daughter got her test, but thought little of it as an odd taste in the mouth for me usually means my cold is on its way out.  I had to isolate in my sons room (and my daughter in hers) with my wife feeding us and largely communicating by text. It was boring as feck, but thankfully my son has a DVD player. Didn't feel that ill.

Started to test negative on Xmas Eve (our official end date was Boxing Day). Family dinner was moved to the 29th.

Wife and I are double vaccinated and boosted. The antibody test I did showed that I have antibodies.

I'm presuming that a combination of having the mild variant and the vaccinations meant I got off lightly. When all this first started I was firmly in the "highly likely to be hospitalised or worse" category.

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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If we weren't testing obsessively in the community and weren't keeping health staff who aren't incapacitated off work, I am unconvinced that what we are seeing right now would be seen as an anomaly pre-pandemic. Get this psychosis to f**k immediately.

I'm absolutely convinced that, were this January 2018, no-one would be batting an eyelid at anything that was going on.

The term "casedemic" has been getting thrown around a lot, but this really is one now.

A combination of vaccines and natural immunity have bodied Covid into something largely unremarkable.

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