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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Steven W said:

"Risk" is the key word though isn't it. If the aim is to get to a riskless situation then we should consider banning, among other things, cars. There are many fatal car accidents every day, but we all take the "risk".

Well could go on couldn't we, don't go on planes, don't go on roller-coasters don't walk up the stairs, but we're actually diverting from the point, i mean if it's not a big risk why not tell the elderly n vulnerable to also relax the rules, after all, the virus has proved it don't descrimnate, this is the problem we don't know enough detail about this at the moment, the sacrifice is really not that much when we look at the sacrifices been made in the past, the proof will be in the pudding and in the final numbers of lives lost, n by the looks of things we not doing that great, in fact we're doing appallingly! 

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I mean, we have people on here pontificating about risk, and harm and mental health. We are top of the league in Europe for daily deaths ffs. Looking like we'll win the European championship outright when the dust finally settles, and people are still using the "but we couldn't get away with that in Britain" nonsense. 


Noone is saying the government haven't seriously fucked this up and will hopefully pay the price for it in the aftermath, but for now, not going outside can help to keep the death rate down, dare I say even keep a few folk alive who don't need to die. Both the govt and the ojbkic can be to blame for what is happening. 

And still the arguments on fb about how everyone is an exception to the rule because x, y and z, yet everyone else is a disgrace for doing the same thing, as deaths climb towards a 4 figure daily level with little hope of dropping from that height till May. 

It's bloody depressing, and the thing is, the longer people fight against these measures, the longer they're going to have to be in place. 

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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

I mean, we have people on here pontificating about risk, and harm and mental health. We are top of the league in Europe for daily deaths ffs. Looking like we'll win the European championship outright when the dust finally settles, and people are still using the "but we couldn't get away with that in Britain" nonsense. 


Noone is saying the government haven't seriously fucked this up and will hopefully pay the price for it in the aftermath, but for now, not going outside can help to keep the death rate down, dare I say even keep a few folk alive who don't need to die. Both the govt and the ojbkic can be to blame for what is happening. 

And still the arguments on fb about how everyone is an exception to the rule because x, y and z, yet everyone else is a disgrace for doing the same thing, as deaths climb towards a 4 figure daily level with little hope of dropping from that height till May. 

It's bloody depressing, and the thing is, the longer people fight against these measures, the longer they're going to have to be in place. 

Absolutely spot on! 

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13 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

I went out for a run the other day and kept a wide berth from anyone I passed - often going onto the road or stopping to ensure there was enough room for people to get past. Does that make me scum @JTS98?

How badly did you need the run? N be careful of running in the road, well that's another story! 

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1 minute ago, Adders said:

How badly did you need the run? N be careful of running in the road, well that's another story! 

What harm was he inflicting by going for a run whilst maintaining a safe distance from people? Genuine question. 

To reiterate, I’m not criticising the lockdown at all. I’m criticising the preposterous and sanctimonious judgement being expressed on people who are adhering to the government guidelines and going for a safe walk/run/cycle each day. 

Going for a walk whilst maintaining social distance isn’t what is killing people. It is the government’s failure to plan for this scenario (by developing proper testing regimes, for example) and failure to implement the lockdown soon enough (leading to the grotesque spectacle of 250,000 people at Cheltenham festival, for example) which is to blame.

Singling out lone joggers for blame does nothing but get the government off the hook for their abysmal policy response, but feel free to disparage me for going for a 5km run along streets with nobody else on them. 

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1 hour ago, The OP said:

Kudos to the cyclists who have realised that they can ride their bikes on fairway like grass next to the path if they want to pass a jogger or a walker and death to all those who still persist with the "ring your bell like f**k in the hope they have eyes in the back of their head" method. 

At least the ones around your way bother to ring a bell. 

I only ever seem to encounter cyclists that suddenly whizz up behind me and then moan/tut when they realise that neither myself or my dog have quite mastered the art of teleportation.

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If there was genuine scrutiny of the decimation of the NHS over the past 15 years and the mishandling of the crisis to date it could have a significant effect on the Conservative Party.
Best way to avoid this is to have no real scrutiny.
I'm sorry you feel there was failings. I just want to praise the wonderful nhs.

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The majority of people in lockdown don't have large fancy house's, to use that as a generalisation is wrong as is saying its safe to go out and exercise, unless you know something the rest of the world doesn't, the risk is slightly lower, but not safe! The point of the whole thing is being missed totally from your view point, we're not being told to just stay in our flats all day, we're being told to stay at home to help protect our own lives the lives of others and to ease the strain on the NHS, as i said earlier the benefits to mental health and well-being come from exercising which can be done at home weather in a flat a house or dare i say a cell, not going outside! What are we actually saying when we claiming that self harm and mental health will be an issue because we're having to stop at home, it's where we live ffs, fair enough it's not ideal,, neither is 10 000 deaths, n counting. 
It's surely significantly less than 'slightly lower'.

Contact is absolutely minimal if at all in my experience so far.
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18 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:


More expert analysis from bizarre sources..........



William Worrall @mizushinzui

William Worrall is a professional writer based out of the UK who has been writing about video and tabletop games for over a decade and has covered industry events such as EGX and UKGE. Contact him at: william.worrall@ccn.com


Edited by greendot
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Outdoor exercise scum top five in order.

1. People who travel by car to do a hobby.
2. Cyclists who go miles away from the house.
3. Family groups who take up entire pavement. Not moving.
4. Joggers who run miles away from their home.
5. Solo walkers who do the same.

They're all at it.

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4 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

What harm was he inflicting by going for a run whilst maintaining a safe distance from people? Genuine question. 

To reiterate, I’m not criticising the lockdown at all. I’m criticising the preposterous and sanctimonious judgement being expressed on people who are adhering to the government guidelines and going for a safe walk/run/cycle each day. 

Going for a walk whilst maintaining social distance isn’t what is killing people. It is the government’s failure to plan for this scenario (by developing proper testing regimes, for example) and failure to implement the lockdown soon enough (leading to the grotesque spectacle of 250,000 people at Cheltenham festival, for example) which is to blame.

Singling out lone joggers for blame does nothing but get the government off the hook for their abysmal policy response, but feel free to disparage me for going for a 5km run along streets with nobody else on them. 

Well neither me or you know what  harm is done for sure do we, even the experts don't know enough at present, the virus may be infectious on the ground outside who knows, i prefer not to use hope as a tactic! N my main issues is with the incompetent government, we need law n order not guidelines! I do wonder though how many of these hard-core athletes would still go for there hourly jog if it raining out or snow on the ground? I'm guessing, not so much, so again how important is it? People will continue to justify there actions until they can't, i.e somebody they hold dear passes? 

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Well neither me or you know what  harm is done for sure do we, even the experts don't know enough at present, the virus may be infectious on the ground outside who knows, i prefer not to use hope as a tactic! N my main issues is with the incompetent government, we need law n order not guidelines! I do wonder though how many of these hard-core athletes would still go for there hourly jog if it raining out or snow on the ground? I'm guessing, not so much, so again how important is it? People will continue to justify there actions until they can't, i.e somebody they hold dear passes? 
Obvs a big concern for any joggers out there planning on licking the ground.
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5 minutes ago, Adders said:

Well neither me or you know what  harm is done for sure do we, even the experts don't know enough at present, the virus may be infectious on the ground outside who knows, i prefer not to use hope as a tactic! N my main issues is with the incompetent government, we need law n order not guidelines! I do wonder though how many of these hard-core athletes would still go for there hourly jog if it raining out or snow on the ground? I'm guessing, not so much, so again how important is it? People will continue to justify there actions until they can't, i.e somebody they hold dear passes? 

Loads of people run in the rain regularly including me. 

Parks belong to runners and dog walkers. Everyone else is just visiting.

Edited by Detournement
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3 minutes ago, Adders said:

Well neither me or you know what  harm is done for sure do we, even the experts don't know enough at present, the virus may be infectious on the ground outside who knows, i prefer not to use hope as a tactic! N my main issues is with the incompetent government, we need law n order not guidelines! I do wonder though how many of these hard-core athletes would still go for there hourly jog if it raining out or snow on the ground? I'm guessing, not so much, so again how important is it? People will continue to justify there actions until they can't, i.e somebody they hold dear passes? 

There could be coronavirus in the water, nobody knows for sure, so don't drink any or brush your teeth. What if someone you love dies because you brushed your teeth? 

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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The Italian Government has said that some businesses might not be allowed to reopen until a vaccine is found. Which, of course, could be years or never.

A vaccine may never be found? That's news iv not heard before, what like never ever be found? Wow, that's a big call 

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8 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Outdoor exercise scum top five in order.

1. People who travel by car to do a hobby.
2. Cyclists who go miles away from the house.
3. Family groups who take up entire pavement. Not moving.
4. Joggers who run miles away from their home.
5. Solo walkers who do the same.

They're all at it.


Stay in the house m8

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