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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just started watching and noticed on the bottom right of the screen a NHS National Charities Appeal - text CLAP and donate a fiver to NHS.  Now just a advert about it.....wtf is that all about, why is the government not paying for this.  I'm I missing something here, has the UK just one big charity country now run by the handouts, while the Tories, well Tory away.
If you ask people to donate money via text message to the NHS, aye nae bother. If you ask them to fund it properly via an increase in taxation, it'll be a different fucking story.
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9 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
5 hours ago, SlipperyP said:
Just started watching and noticed on the bottom right of the screen a NHS National Charities Appeal - text CLAP and donate a fiver to NHS.  Now just a advert about it.....wtf is that all about, why is the government not paying for this.  I'm I missing something here, has the UK just one big charity country now run by the handouts, while the Tories, well Tory away.

If you ask people to donate money via text message to the NHS, aye nae bother. If you ask them to fund it properly via an increase in taxation, it'll be a different fucking story.

Correct, it's a Tory wet dream.

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23 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:


It’s World Malbec Day tomorrow . I sense a good food-wine combo for tomorrow night.

South American Malbecs are superb.  And there's nothing wrong with a bully beef sandwich with brown sauce.

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2 hours ago, Mastermind said:

People getting their seething knickers in a twist about a 99 year old man raising money for NHS charities. What a time to be alive.

People, whether individually or collectively can do whatever they feel is right and if it helps the situation, then good on them.

Good on the old fella.

However, taxation and how its spent/squandered really does need come under the spotlight as it's not being used or collected effectively, if we are relying on charity to support the NHS.

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m very aware of the high skill top end manufacturing as I work in it every day. What I have found is that as the parts get outsourced to cheaper and less skilled places you get less reliable and useless parts. When we made parts in our facility we had less turnover of parts and more control over small changes. Also the chain breaks down easily due to circumstances outside of your control plus all the communication problems.

Despite all the brilliant minds and clever people running it they never had the foresight to realise going around the world exploiting other countries and making people work in sweat shops isn’t a long term strategy and is very volatile. 

We should never have completely shut down resources like mining, steel production, basic material manufacture just because it was slightly cheaper to do it elsewhere. The high end fancy production has now completely fallen on its arse because we can’t make the basic parts. Now they are making parts for ventilators, I’m guessing they will struggle for parts until China reopens.

The uk put manufacturing in the bucket in favour of the service industry and banking and is now paying the price.

Tend to agree with this to a degree, could we not have maintained (some) mines and mothballed steelworks & co.? Probably not as easy as it seems to an outsider. I recall as a student field trips to steel mills etc in the central belt, which will no longer exist (the steel mills, not the central belt).

It's a bit like chopping the rail network, maintaining (some of) the track would have been cheaper than trying to build new lines, would it not? Although maintaining a track and stations for 50 odd years on the off chance that it would be needed again would have cost a bob or two, I'm sure.

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30 minutes ago, superbigal said:

I've just done a lap of the old course. Took me an hour and I'm 52 (I think).

The old codger must have some size of garden for 100 laps to take so long.



You think you're 52 or you think it took you an hour?

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45 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
Some of your posts astound me.  
However well intentioned this old guy is his actions don’t help, they provide a distraction and a deflection from the issue of NHS funding.

You had better avoid the Chancellor's honeyed tribute Granny.

Not seen it, let me guess.

If the old guy walks continuously for the next 20 years and people continue to contribute at the same rate there will be no need to put up taxes to pay the cost of the virus?


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On 27/03/2020 at 12:37, SlipperyP said:

Question for all the doctor out there on P&B.

I'm allergic to Paracetamol, and usually take Ibuprofen if every ill.  As I keep reading Ibuprofen is not good for you if you catch it.  What the f**k do I do for relief?  I looked into and the best they could give me was natural remedies or fucking YOGA.

I'm not a panicky person and don't wan't to start, but there must be other people in the same boat as me.  

UK advice now is the same as WHO, there's no convincing evidence that Ibuprofen is harmful to take if you get Covid19.


The Commission on Human Medicines’ Expert Working Group on coronavirus has said that at present there is simply not enough evidence to link ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to contracting Covid-19 or the worsening of symptoms. The report says:

Patients can take paracetamol or ibuprofen when self-medicating for symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever and headache, and should follow NHS advice if they have any questions or if symptoms get worse.


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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I’ve seen a few people quoting the posts about voting against giving nurses a pay rise, Full Fact have covered this - https://fullfact.org/health/queens-speech-public-sector-pay/

There have been loads of stuff like this in recent years, people posting Facebook memes about MPs voting to kill all the puppies and when you look into it it’s actually voting against technical amendments packaged up with other commitments.


Full Fact was founded in 2009 by Conservative Party donor[3] Michael Samuel (Chair) and Anne Freud Centre Chairman, Will Moy (Director)

That's enough for me.

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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

It's a nice day for being outside. At least it is here.

Nope.  Lovely yesterday, forecast nice for today but actually overcast and quite cool.

Had a walk this morning then went to the supermarket.  Shortly going into the conservatory and had to put the heating on to warm it up!!!


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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I’ve seen a few people quoting the posts about voting against giving nurses a pay rise, Full Fact have covered this - https://fullfact.org/health/queens-speech-public-sector-pay/


Same difference.  If you think otherwise you’re a simpleton.



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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m very aware of the high skill top end manufacturing as I work in it every day. What I have found is that as the parts get outsourced to cheaper and less skilled places you get less reliable and useless parts. When we made parts in our facility we had less turnover of parts and more control over small changes. Also the chain breaks down easily due to circumstances outside of your control plus all the communication problems.

Despite all the brilliant minds and clever people running it they never had the foresight to realise going around the world exploiting other countries and making people work in sweat shops isn’t a long term strategy and is very volatile. 

We should never have completely shut down resources like mining, steel production, basic material manufacture just because it was slightly cheaper to do it elsewhere. The high end fancy production has now completely fallen on its arse because we can’t make the basic parts. Now they are making parts for ventilators, I’m guessing they will struggle for parts until China reopens.

The uk put manufacturing in the bucket in favour of the service industry and banking and is now paying the price.

This is just the sort of folksy wisdom of Brexiters and Trump supporters. It does nothing to explain how the UK having built some manufacturing plants for PPE would have had an impact on its availability in a crisis like we currently have. 

We could either have stored a great deal more than we did, or built crazily over capacity factories for the once in 50 years when a pandemic like this arrives. 

Its worth pointing out that the US, Canada and RoK shipped supplies to China at the height of their crisis. 



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