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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Tragically, there are fewer easy targets for the virus will help.

Yes this was my thought.

Many of those most likely to succumb to it may already have done so.

I guess this is what most of the world is hoping as they relax.

Increased testing might show some scary figures in recorded cases, but there would be no relative prior data to measure these against to say if it really is an increase on before, or just capturing those mild and asymptomatic cases missed earlier in the year.

Hospital admissions and deaths are the only constants that can be used to determine if relaxing restrictions is dangerous.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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9 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Tragically, there are fewer easy targets for the virus will help.

Indeed. Just like Priti the Traitor's ludicrous crime reduction claims, there will be many fewer deaths in care homes once they're all empty. The only positive in that situation is the vultures which run these establishments going bust.

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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I quite agree it's an incredibly clever and potentially life-saving operation. The problem isn't, for me, even in my cynical disdain for the GBP's ability to follow advice and guidance, the public's compliance. It is more that we have a totally different society to those of East Asia and any Government would hesitate to implement such measures. I also have concerns ovr their competence to implement t&t in the first place.

Jason Leitch made the same claims about what society would and wouldn't tolerate in dismissing the use of face masks as they did in Asia at the beginning of March: eight weeks later and the SG has massively U-turned after the public decided for themselves and started to wear them en masse anyway. Perhaps we should lay off the sweeping cultural forecasting then and at least have a few rapid pilot studies to show what the public will and won't do with the tools given to them.

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10 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Aye, but he's arguing for a mask instead of 2 m distance, not for a mask as well as 2 m distance.

My issue was that he was presenting one as a direct equivalent of the other for the purposes of protection. Clearly wrong.

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9 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Har blood har - played, Sir.

In fact. we like to kick a few out now and again in order to get a new batch in. Rotating the stock, you might say.

What's the situation in prison's? I've seen snippets mentioning 25% suspected level of infection? Also the government early release programme has been pretty ineffectual and the odd click-bait about rapists and child abusers snuffing it.

What measures ate in place? I'd assume over-crowding is still a major issue so ironically isolation would be a problem until someone was symptomatic?

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9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Yes this was my thought.

Many of those most likely to succumb to it may already have done so.

I guess this is what most of the world is hoping as they relax.

Increased testing might show some scary figures in recorded cases, but there would be no relative prior data to measure these against to say if it really is an increase on before, or just capturing those mild and asymptomatic cases missed earlier in the year.

Hospital admissions and deaths are the only constants that can be used to determine if relaxing restrictions is dangerous.

I think that's incredibly optimistic. Are there any trustable figures for what proportion of the population have already been infected. 


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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

Imagine the sounds of cheering at the football if everyone’s wearing a face mask.

I've been thinking that the players will be totally ring-rusty after their 6 month lay off. I suppose preseason might get them up to speed.

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28 minutes ago, virginton said:

Jason Leitch made the same claims about what society would and wouldn't tolerate in dismissing the use of face masks as they did in Asia at the beginning of March: eight weeks later and the SG has massively U-turned after the public decided for themselves and started to wear them en masse anyway. Perhaps we should lay off the sweeping cultural forecasting then and at least have a few rapid pilot studies to show what the public will and won't do with the tools given to them.

I'm not looking for an argument here, but are they really? I've certainly noticed an increase in mask-weares around here, to the extent that York's large Chinese student population* don't seem so unusually dressed, but en masse? Really? Apart from the variety of home-made coverings, actual masks (surgical) are in such short supply and , thanks to Covidonomics, pretty expensive - this alone seems to be keeping numbers down. I'm not confident the orders I've put in will get here before I run out, so I'm hoping our domestic PPE suppliers get the overtime in in the next couple of weeks.

*Yep, York's wee claim to fame as the location of the first cases in th UK. Yay, York!

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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2 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

What's the situation in prison's? I've seen snippets mentioning 25% suspected level of infection? Also the government early release programme has been pretty ineffectual and the odd click-bait about rapists and child abusers snuffing it.

What measures ate in place? I'd assume over-crowding is still a major issue so ironically isolation would be a problem until someone was symptomatic?

There were reports of distrubances at Addiewell prison a few weeks back over the virus, apparently prisoners who showed symptoms weren't being properly isolated, or at least that's what some other prisoners thought.  Not sure how verifiable that is though.

A sex offender from Inverness died of it in HMP Edinburgh, he was on the same wing as Peter Tobin.

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3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I think that's incredibly optimistic. Are there any trustable figures for what proportion of the population have already been infected. 



We don't know how many have died.

We don't know how many have been hospitalised.

We don't know how many have recovered.

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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

There were reports of distrubances at Addiewell prison a few weeks back over the virus, apparently prisoners who showed symptoms weren't being properly isolated, or at least that's what some other prisoners thought.  Not sure how verifiable that is though.

A sex offender from Inverness died of it in HMP Edinburgh, he was on the same wing as Peter Tobin.

Yeah I read both of them. I'd count them under click-bait. I'm easily lured in lol

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That's another bus driver in Inverness confirmed having the virus this morning.

Edit - They're getting hit hard with it.  Not surprising.

Edited by TheScarf
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4 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

What's the situation in prison's? I've seen snippets mentioning 25% suspected level of infection? Also the government early release programme has been pretty ineffectual and the odd click-bait about rapists and child abusers snuffing it.

What measures ate in place? I'd assume over-crowding is still a major issue so ironically isolation would be a problem until someone was symptomatic?

Honestly? I've never in 20+ years known such an atmosphere of tension and, in cases, fear. This applies to staff and prisoners. Our problem (in all non-open prisons) is that, while the wall is a pretty good barrier to isolate the community inside, this barrier will eventually be breached. The infection rate inside prisons is far lower than in the general community, BUT..

Once an infection (colds, bugs, seasonal flu, etc.) gets into a jail, it tends to ricochet around for ages, with everybody (staff and cons) getting a taste. Hopefully our protective measures will minimise this in the case of Covid-19.

We have had a couple of staff confirmed with the virus, and currently around 5% of the staff are absent either through shielding or self-isolating.

We had our first (inmate) positive in my nick last weekend. We now have three confirmed cases. All our customers have single en-suite cells, so isolation is as simple as closing his door and putting a warning sign on it. Well, not quite, but it's fairly simple. Everyone is just waiting for the second shoe to fall, tbh. We seem to have held this fucker at bay abit longer than we'd expected, but now it's in the nick, all bets are off. We also have a disproportionately high number of prioners classed as "vulnerable", so it could be hellish. We're as prepared as we can be, but there's an air of waiting for a massive attack from an unseen enemy.

Happy Days!

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There's obviously cultural differences between countries and places but I don't think that we can say that contact tracing is impossible in the UK but not in Asia.  People in this country have shown a very high compliance to the lockdown measures, considering how alien it is to so many people.  Support for the lockdown remains high, as seen in just about every poll.  If people support being confined to their homes then I think they'd probably be in favour of testing and isolation for people found to have it.


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I know I'm an snp voter and wouldn't cross the road to pish on a tory on fire, but I genuinely can't see how anyone could say that sturgeon isn't head and shoulders above the offerings we're given from down south. Honest, factual, explains her thinking, assumes we're smart enough to deal with the concepts, not evasive, just generally a really good leader in a time of crisis. 

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