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I can’t remember exactly what the English restrictions were, but ours were dreadful. 
Gyms didn’t open until something mental like August. 
It was actually September, and I remember NS standing and acting at Holyrood like it was some great service we should be thankful for that they reopened two weeks earlier than mid September as they originally planned.

Last summer was shite.
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3 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I can’t remember exactly what the English restrictions were, but ours were dreadful. 

Gyms didn’t open until something mental like August. 

And then household visiting was banned in Glasgow from the beginning of September, when cases were just 20 per 100k.

Last summer was a complete washout and anyone who pretends otherwise is at it. The prospect of that process repeating this year is totally disheartening.

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It was actually September, and I remember NS standing and acting at Holyrood like it was some great service we should be thankful for that they reopened two weeks earlier than mid September as they originally planned.

Last summer was shite.
It would have been worse if the weather hadn't been so good.
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14 minutes ago, George Parr said:

And then household visiting was banned in Glasgow from the beginning of September, when cases were just 20 per 100k.

Last summer was a complete washout and anyone who pretends otherwise is at it. The prospect of that process repeating this year is totally disheartening.

I already feel resigned to the prospect of life having little meaning to it until at least the onset of spring next year.

But even then, how will the goalposts have shifted? I feel like our only hope is other countries leading the way out of this madness with their vaccine roll outs and it then forces us to reciprocate.

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

A Cramond resident said he feels “unsafe to go out the front door.”

'Packed scenes at Crammond.'

This is the mindset of so many people now and it is frankly insane.

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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Stick them all on Cramond Island, blow up the causeway and call it New Gruinard..

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When I was a lad we were skint so I used to mostly spend my summer holidays at home, except for two years when we visited my Granny in Weston-super-Mare . I was jealous of my two mates who went on holidays each year to.....

...Scarborough and Wales. 

And now you're all moaning about having to spend a summer in Britain. Well quite frankly even a wet weekend in Saltcoats is looking attractive to me if the pubs are open.

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Just now, tamthebam said:

Well quite frankly even a wet weekend in Saltcoats is looking attractive to me if the pubs are open

This is the sort of being thankful attitude that will allow restrictions to be in place far longer than required.

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We should just call it quits, society fucked for 2 years, industries in collapse for a virus that we have several vaccines for and effective treatment. f**k sake. Fucking Snagglepus approach to government is embarrassing. I never thought id see the day that my hopes pinned on the fucking tories making life better by putting pressure on the Scottish government but here we are. 

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

This is the sort of being thankful attitude that will allow restrictions to be in place far longer than required.

No, it's the attitude of someone who is old and bitter at missing out on Spanish holidays when he was ten.

I'd quite like to stand in a long queue at Thessaloniki to have my now non-EU passport checked if I can get a nice sunny holiday in Halkidiki this summer but I'm not going to mump my gums if I have to spend my holiday in Britain instead.

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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

Cornwall is flavour of the month on the BBC.

If the BBC had been running multiple series about the Craig Tara caravan park, you can bet that's where Hancock would be claiming he had his holidays booked.

He'd need to get neck tattoos and football shirt to fit in there.

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1 minute ago, Durex Play said:

Why on earth would I take my family on holiday in Scotland?

What is there to do that can’t be done on a short weekend break. Then there’s the extortionate prices of accommodation which if you shop around can easily get 7-10 days abroad. Then there’ll no doubt be stupid restrictions on the bars and restaurants.

That’s before we talk about the unpredictable weather.

I’ll perhaps have a weekend break or two and an overnighter but as for a holiday I’ll be saving my money and holidays and having a real proper holiday in a year or two.

You’ll probably pay as much for a weekend break in Scotland getting ripped left right and centre as you could a bargain deal to spain. 

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No, it's the attitude of someone who is old and bitter at missing out on Spanish holidays when he was ten.
I'd quite like to stand in a long queue at Thessaloniki to have my now non-EU passport checked if I can get a nice sunny holiday in Halkidiki this summer but I'm not going to mump my gums if I have to spend my holiday in Britain instead.
Point is, we shouldn't have to.
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Just now, Burnieman said:
4 minutes ago, tamthebam said:
No, it's the attitude of someone who is old and bitter at missing out on Spanish holidays when he was ten.
I'd quite like to stand in a long queue at Thessaloniki to have my now non-EU passport checked if I can get a nice sunny holiday in Halkidiki this summer but I'm not going to mump my gums if I have to spend my holiday in Britain instead.

Point is, we shouldn't have to.

Considering Britain has been the plague pit of Europe you can see places like Greece and Spain insisting on British visitors being vaccinated before they can enter the country. 

On current predictions I'm not due to get a vaccine by all accounts until at least the autumn and many people will be in the same situation.

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