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4 minutes ago, DMCs said:

Vaccines bringing down cases and hospitalizations in Israel:


Beat me to it.

But remember, we're still not sure the impact the vaccines will have on reducing transmission. We know they are effective at stopping severe disease.


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6 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Johnson just on BBC news and it appears to make their care home deadline they issued a "slot" to all those not vaccinated over the weekend thus they have now "offered" that category their vaccine within the end January timescale !!!

So offered appears to mean vaccinated PLUS all those been given a future appointment but not yet vaccinated. A total distortion of the figures right enough.

Tories gonna Tory. 

Classes in duplicity must be the main subject in Eton, the school for the terminally abhorrent human beings.

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2 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
4 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:
Your symptoms haven't deteriorated, then?

Settled down to muscle and joint pain, and severe fatigue. Good signs, according to NHS.


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It's a bit hard to compare WM and SG, to be fair.  "Offered" doesn't mean it has been done yet, or even booked in and we know that WM have cooked the books before so that alone isn't worth getting upset about.  
That all being said, I'll reiterate what I've said before, there is no point in comparing what happens in Scotland to what happens in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.  We are right to be asking if our rate of vaccination is going fast enough, and that pressure on the SG should be relentless in the briefings and from opposition parties.  But not because WM claim to have done something, but because the SG have an obligation to get it done as fast as possible here.  Comparisons with England won't really help determine whether or pace is adequate, but equally the questions should be asked about the rollout.  

The reason the eye-bleeding debate happened is that some were comparing Scotland against possibly massaged UK figures.
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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

So we're now shifting from "won't make their targets" to "the targets were too low in the first place" so basically anything is a failure?

All this despite the fact we've jagged -lwhat, ~10% of the population, including all the most vulnerable care home residents, presumably in the top 10 (5?) or so nations on the planet. 

This tracking the precise number of jags per day is utterly pointless. Almost wish they'd just release weekly figures but that'd no doubt not be good enough either. 

As long as the UK as a whole is hitting their targets then this is an argument about not very much

Were struggling to get into the top 5 in the UK which takes some doing. 🤔

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