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Just now, djchapsticks said:

This, BMI used to be something I was hugely hung up on. 

I was racking up about 40-50k a week on the roads/treadmills and doing chin ups at one point and was still classed as not at my ideal weight.

BMI can be useful across a large population of people i.e. a high BMI across a population can indicate an obesity problem.

It's shite for individuals. I'm a bigger build than average so my BMI is always a bit higher even if I'm low on body fat.

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The most effective way to lose weight is to take up smoking, I'm surprised this isnt official govt advice by now.
It's also the most effective way to save money.

You just need to take up smoking then quit and stick away any money that you would normally have spent on fags.
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Listening to Dr Michael McBride - "We'll maybe get a summer like last summer, which we can all look forward to". I was hoping by summer with vaccinatiors ripping through the population, and the R number below 1, which it is at the moment, and cases, hospitalisations and deaths all falling we would got ris of restrictions by summer.

This Summer like last Summer that we can all look forward to can get to f**k. Last Summer was fucking shite!
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32 minutes ago, Aufc said:


I actually saw that which was part of the reason i brought it up. It is true but people are getting offended by it.

The below picture is an example of the wrong message to send out. Now i am not sitting here saying she is ugly but surely glamourising obesity like this is completely wrong and sends out the wrong message?

Edited to add. As i mentioned earlier, the reverse is also true whereby we promote these stick thin models.



I completely agree with you - I'm not saying she's is ugly by any stretch but that is blatantly not healthy and is downright dangerous for her future health.  If she doesn't loose weight she might be doing well to live through her 50s, and that's not some disparaging chauvinistic comment about her appearance - those medically trained may well be better placed to talk about the health implications of such weight, but I lost a family member a few years ago from health complications brought on by their weight so I know fine well the impact it can have.  By acting like her weight is acceptable in the name of "tolerance", "inclusivity" or "kindness" (or whatever buzzword you want to chose),magazines are just as guilty of contributing to the obesity crisis.

Things like that magazine cover, and the ones that I saw at the start of year with the overweight folk saying "this is beautiful", are just as damaging as those that feature underweight models.  It's seems (to me) that this is part and parcel of the "woke" cancel-obsessed counter-culture that we now live in; we have scores of young people armed with social media accounts who seem to have appointed themselves judge, jury and executioner of what is deemed acceptable in society.  Anyone who dares to point out that someone's physical appearance may not be healthy is met with accusations of "fat-shaming" and other such made-up phrases designed to provide self-validation for these social justice warriors.   The irony being that "be kind" hashtags often accompany messages of abuse for anyone who has an opinion that differs from the mainstream. 

Things like healthy food, exercise facilities and programmes etc. can all be provided or subsidised by government. We can make healthy food cheaper, we can provide recipes, limit takeaways, sugar taxes etc. but they do nothing to address the real issue which is the attitude to healthy living.  That comes from society as a whole - this whole "fat is beautiful" idea is just as much to blame.  There needs to be a huge change in attitude and we need to stop making excuses for people's unhealthy attitudes. I'm not talking about abuse, or being horrible because that's not acceptable, but we need people to understand the very real impact of their choices on their own health.  

I mentioned it last night, but if people are willing to accept lockdowns in relation to COVID then I don't understand why we can't be as flexible in our thinking with regards to obesity.  People accepted lockdown to protect the NHS, but how much strain is put on the NHS annually as a result of obesity in a normal year?   I think I'm right in saying that Scotland has one of the highest case-to-death ratios?  Well, that probably comes as a result of our shocking public health.  Maybe these public health experts could use some of their newfound fame and airtime to highlight the dangers of obesity.  

Edited by super_carson
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In the context of March - December 2020, last summer wasn't shite.

However, outwith that very specific context of relief over what had immediately preceded it, it was.

It certainly should not be heralded as some sort of utopia that we should be hopeful of reaching again.

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1 minute ago, Elixir said:

I know, it's Neil Ferguson, but clearly he still maintains a lot of influence on government policy, so it's important.

With vaccines a thing now I don't think there was ever any danger of another lockdown.

But no lockdown =/= no restrictions, and "back to normal next year" =/= 01/01/2022.

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With this degree of furious deflection and whataboutery, I'm putting your BMI at over 30. Possibly 35. 
Pointless arguing with someone who clearly has zero understanding of the subject which is perfectly highlighted in their choice of language. "Fat disaster" ffs.

The fact you rattle off this shit on every and any subject as if you actually know what you are talking about isn't in the slightest surprising anymore. A bog standard internet WUM / troll desperate for attention. Your going back onto my ignore list for a while, fed up reading your constant stream of uninformed pish on every subject under the sun.
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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

In the context of March - December 2020, last summer wasn't shite.

However, outwith that very specific context of relief over what had immediately preceded it, it was.

It certainly should not be heralded as some sort of utopia that we should be hopeful of reaching again.

In the context of any other Summer in our lifetimes it was shite though.

People (well, me) are struggling to wrap their head around how a nearly vaccinated population can only aspire to the very restricted Summer we had with no vaccine and no effective treatment.

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

In the context of March - December 2020, last summer wasn't shite.

However, outwith that very specific context of relief over what had immediately preceded it, it was.

It certainly should not be heralded as some sort of utopia that we should be hopeful of reaching again.

It was shite.  There are many things people could normally do that they weren't able to do.  Attend sporting events, gigs, going on holiday etc. to name but three  I had to go without.  There are many other leisure activities people engage in that they wouldn't have been able to engage in last summer.

Working and having a hugely watered down list of leisure activities is crap.  I'd suspect it was even worse for people that were furloughed with very little to do to fill their days.

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