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3 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

What’s upset Whitty etc that they are coming out with the third wave pish today?

Basically, it's that they're amoeba brained fearmongering simpletons. Unless they say something I agree with, in which case: woaft, some boys 👍 

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5 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Basically, it's that they're amoeba brained fearmongering simpletons. Unless they say something I agree with, in which case: woaft, some boys 👍 

Ok thanks for clarifying m8 🤙

Edited by Scotty Tunbridge
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The idea that putting in place some body to adjudicate who is responsible for arrests of football fans in the surrounds of grounds on match days is possible or even desirable is crazy.

Fans of non Old Firm clubs are being very naive if they think something like strict liability would only affect Celtic and Rangers. The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was used to prosecute fans of many different clubs, I’m sure the first person jailed under it was an Ayr Utd fan.

I was talking about this at work today and had colleagues say the season should be cancelled because having more games risks events like the weekend and further spread of the virus and extension of lockdown. Sometimes football fans forget that most people in Scotland don’t care about football and would happily see the season binned, games behind closed doors for the next year and no Euros.

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1 hour ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

What’s upset Whitty etc that they are coming out with the third wave pish today?

I took it as a way of him saying that whilst cases might rise among the remaining unvaccinated, it won't really matter.

A few might get really sick, even fewer will unfortunately die, but nothing significant and that its just what we will have to live with going forward.

No idea what's rattled @madwullie but he is showing all the signs of Lockdown Easeanoia and should probably seek help to allow him to rejoin the big bad world soon.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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2 hours ago, madwullie said:

Especially considering singing / chanting is considered one of the most "dangerous" activities in terms of spread you can do indoors, to the extent no music was allowed in a pub. 

Did they say anything about hymns actually, maybe that they're not allowed and it's just sermons and praying

Congregational singing was not permitted under previous restrictions.  Presumably the same will apply now.  Also, 2m distancing, masks at all times other than for the minister/priest/etc, no pre or post-match socialising over teas or coffees, name and address details taken and retained for all attendees.

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Some absolute psycho on Channel 4 saying that she 'hopes' masks and social distancing remain through winter and 'that's okay because it doesn't mean lockdown and things won't close. Except for, err, all the businesses and sectors of the economy that cannot function with your idiotic, social distancing, but that's fine. More goalpost-shifting nonsense. 

Head flushed down the toilet material, right there. 

Edited by vikingTON
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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The idea that putting in place some body to adjudicate who is responsible for arrests of football fans in the surrounds of grounds on match days is possible or even desirable is crazy.

Fans of non Old Firm clubs are being very naive if they think something like strict liability would only affect Celtic and Rangers. The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was used to prosecute fans of many different clubs, I’m sure the first person jailed under it was an Ayr Utd fan.

I was talking about this at work today and had colleagues say the season should be cancelled because having more games risks events like the weekend and further spread of the virus and extension of lockdown. Sometimes football fans forget that most people in Scotland don’t care about football and would happily see the season binned, games behind closed doors for the next year and no Euros.

Opening up places of worship risks further spread of the virus, more so than football, but they’re being allowed to bash on.  Are your colleagues calling for worship to be cancelled as well?

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Opening up places of worship risks further spread of the virus, more so than football, but they’re being allowed to bash on.  Are your colleagues calling for worship to be cancelled as well?

They probably would have, if we’d been talking about that.
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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:


They probably would have, if we’d been talking about that.


So they’re advocating we all stay locked down forever then?  Seem like a sensible bunch.  

Let me guess.  They still want whatever stuff they do to be open though while banning the stuff they aren’t interested in.

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Still chuckling at the fact that 150 people wont be able to go to the likes of Stair Park when the lower leagues start back up, which is outdoors and spacious. Yet 50 folk can meet indoors at a church/chapel/mosque every day of the week. Honestly feel for the likes of cinemas, pubs, restaurants, gyms, barbers who are still closed for "safety" reasons yet religious centres can open. 

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I took it as a way of him saying that whilst cases might rise among the unvaccinated, it won't really matter.

A few might get really sick, even fewer will unfortunately die, but nothing significant and that its just what we will have to live with going forward.

No idea what's rattled @madwullie but he is showing all the signs of Lockdown Easeanoia and should probably seek help to allow him to rejoin the big bad world soon.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if I was engaged in society and out and about more than you are mate. 

TBH, I'd be more concerned about potential societal reintegration if I was losing my head daily at the slightest imagined provocation and denouncing as an imbecile everyone who doesn't agree precisely 100% with the narrow views my favourite twitter follows hold.

Edited by madwullie
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Regarding Whitty's comments, a third 'wave' probably will happen next autumn and winter which will turf out the unfortunate minority of auld biddies the vaccine won't work on, or those who won't have it, but as he said, it won't be anything like what we have seen up until now. Therefore, it will also be within the limits of healthcare capacity and so restrictions on our civil liberties aren't justifiable.

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13 minutes ago, virginton said:

Some absolute psycho on Channel 4 saying that she 'hopes' masks and social distancing through winter and 'that's okay because it doesn't mean lockdown and things won't close. Except for, err, all the businesses and sectors of the economy that cannot function with your idiotic, social distancing, but that's fine. More goalpost-shifting nonsense. 

Head flushed down the toilet material, right there. 

Who was it? Gurdasani? She makes Sridhar look rational.

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7 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Still chuckling at the fact that 150 people wont be able to go to the likes of Stair Park when the lower leagues start back up, which is outdoors and spacious. Yet 50 folk can meet indoors at a church/chapel/mosque every day of the week. Honestly feel for the likes of cinemas, pubs, restaurants, gyms, barbers who are still closed for "safety" reasons yet religious centres can open. 

It's genuinely one of the few things that have really pissed me off about the regulations. Just about everything else, at least at the time they were made, I could see the logic in. Sure, maybe I thought some details were too strict, but I could see the argument behind them. 

This is just absolute nuts, considering what else is banned. There is really no other explanation for it beyond pandering to the religious. If 50 odd folk can pile into the pews, there's really no justification for saying that a handful of mates can't get together for a coffee, or have a game of football or whatever. 

Edited by madwullie
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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

It's genuinely one of the few things that have really pissed me off about the regulations. Just about everything else, at least at the time they were made, I could see the logic in. Sure, maybe I thought some details were too strict, but I could see the argument behind them. 

This is just absolute nuts, considering what else is banned. There is really no other explanation for it beyond pandering to the religious. If 50 odd folk can pile into the pews, there's really no justification for saying that a handful of mates can't get together for a coffee, or have a game of football or whatever. 

Yip its madness. There is an explanation for it though, JL is a bible basher so I'm sure hes been in NS ear saying how safe churches are. Maybe covid isnt as omnipresent as God is 

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41 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Basically, it's that they're amoeba brained fearmongering simpletons. Unless they say something I agree with, in which case: woaft, some boys 👍 

I believe the protocol is to post a tweet or screenshot from a scientist/public health official you disagree with and call them a 'sociopath' or 'psychopath', followed by a tweet or screenshot of a scientist/public health official you agree with. P&B face memes optional, but encouraged.

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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Who was it? Gurdasani? She makes Sridhar look rational.

No, some other clown called Edel or Hengel or something. Part of the rolling cast of dummies, who come on and casually toss businesses and everyday life on the bonfire, to keep their weirdo insular bubble intact. 

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