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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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11 hours ago, Left Back said:

My mother in law died during this lockdown.  My wife got to see her once after the doctors decided her cancer was terminal.  Most of that lack of visitation was down to my insistence we follow the rules which prevented my wife visiting.

With hindsight I was completely wrong with this attitude and I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.

My mum was diagnosed with Myeloma in December 2019 and had decided that she'd rather live whatever time she has left with treatment of blood transfusions, steroids and painkillers rather than going through painful chemo to potentially extend but lessen her quality of life for something that the prognosis of is that it will never be cured and at best reduced to 'chronic' cancer. She'd accepted that if I was still a child she'd have gone the chemo route to try and get as much time as possible but given her age (65 at time of diagnosis), she'd rather not have her life extended 10 years if the treatment crippled her. A decision that I fully respected.

I made the decision at first to not go and see her to protect her but the prognosis for myeloma is always relatively unknown in terms of length of time left, my grandad was also diagnosed with it in his late 70s and never had so much as a days treatment in the 7 years he lived following this. The fact he also took it was a massive coincidence as given the rarity of myeloma, I immediately assumed that this may be genetic but everything I've read on it suggests it's not the case.

Early on in the first lockdown, probably about 6 weeks in, we came to the decision that we weren't going to be doing it anymore. With her having her whole world ripped away from her (she'd only been retired 6 weeks before the diagnosis) being in pain due to stress fractures in her back caused by the bones weakening, more or less housebound and now shielding as well, that it was going to be fucking horrific for her and my dad's (who has taken on more than he ever previously had) mental well being to be totally cut off from myself as their only child.

My mum is still here, still on painkillers/steroids and going to hospital for transfusions every four weeks. It's not getting better but it's at least not deteriorating currently either aside from a non-covid virus that she had around about Xmas. I'm happy that I still get to see her. If I'd distanced myself from her to 'protect' her I'd have beaten myself up about it for the rest of my life if something had happened to her in that time period. I know now that whatever happens will happen and when it does, I won't lament any time lost.

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12 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Thanks Rod. I was aware of that, but my parents are not in such bad health (well, my dad is, but my mum cares for him)  that I could legally call myself their carers.

They're about 90 mins away, and I've seen them once in the last 4 months. 

I'm not man who wants to break laws, but my dad won't be around for ever and I'm at the point when I'm weighing up the balance between what is legally and morally right. 

I'm afraid that if the SG insists, against all facts, figures and reason, that we have to stay locked in for another 2 moinths or whatever...I'm simply going to ignore it. 

I mean this in all earnestness, go and see them. Go and see them regularly. 

Don't let it get to the stage of beating yourself up for something that you could or should have done. 

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49 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

ha ha ha ha ha.

You're pathetic.

Don't worry though, I'm away out now for an 18 hole vigil on the Gold Course, hopefully the rain stays away.

First person ever to end up neck deep in a bunker

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Can I just mention your username gave me a wee chuckle when we're discussing clotting...

Haha! Didn’t even think there

Thankfully the DVT I’m thinking of caused joy and Celtic tears and not pulmonary embolisms
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I see the scare headlines are already starting up:

Of course, absolutely no clarification if his reasoning is based on the absolutely gubbins modeling, or the fact that any subsequent 'wave', i.e. seasonal outbreak like influenza, will be well within healthcare capacity thanks in part to the vaccines utterly smashing it. Got to keep that fear going among the clueless public who won't know any better, though.

Meanwhile, who could have thought it:


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On 11/03/2021 at 16:22, Thereisalight.. said:

It seems for a year now we've panndered to the elderly/vunrable/kids whist for everyone outwith those categories its "fck you, suck it up and get on with it" 

According to government figures that's 3.8 million. What is the population of Scotland?

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There’s been a lot said on here about the Scottish Government’s public noises on foreign travel in summer, in comparison to the UK Government. Today’s Sunday Times front page is quoting a senior minister as saying quarantine-free foreign travel by August is ‘remote’.

Nasty Europe getting the blame, naturally.

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9 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

Just when we thought some restrictions were going to get lifted, along comes the SNP’s finest.



Seems perfectly fair and well thought out to me, only a gammon would disagree. 


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2 minutes ago, Paco said:

There’s been a lot said on here about the Scottish Government’s public noises on foreign travel in summer, in comparison to the UK Government. Today’s Sunday Times front page is quoting a senior minister as saying quarantine-free foreign travel by August is ‘remote’.

Nasty Europe getting the blame, naturally.

I know the UK government keep doing this but major policy announcements should not be made in Newspapers.

Also travel to Europe does not constitute normal life which is what I assumed Boris meant. 

Unless you are going to Brazil for example there should be no need to quarantine once everyone has had a single dose of vaccine we have already seen that the mutations are dealt with easily by the current vaccinations, I think it would be unlikely that a new strain that the vaccine was less that 10% effective against is slim/nil.

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Are the SNP actively trying to put people off voting for them?

Winning is hunkydorey, outright majority not so much. 

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10 minutes ago, Paco said:

There’s been a lot said on here about the Scottish Government’s public noises on foreign travel in summer, in comparison to the UK Government. Today’s Sunday Times front page is quoting a senior minister as saying quarantine-free foreign travel by August is ‘remote’.

Nasty Europe getting the blame, naturally.

There's little point in getting wound up by things like this.

If prevelance in Europe come summer is in the gutter, forcing people from a highly vaccinated population to quarantine on return from somewhere with very low prevelance would be ludicrous and simply won't happen.

Much more likely there will be exceptions if certain countries go in the wrong way, but for people to book with any confidence then quarantine requirements should not apply if they change after you have left from the UK.

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4 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Are the SNP actively trying to put people off voting for them?

What do you disagree with?

Curfew is too strong a word as of course the police advise people of the same gender of those killed to stay at home, so if that's their policy would it not make more sense for gender of the offender to be asked to stay at home.

If I'm honest it's a terrible policy and police patrols in the vicinity of these crimes should be at least 3 or 4 times higher rather than ask people to stay at home.

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10 minutes ago, 101 said:

What do you disagree with?

Curfew is too strong a word as of course the police advise people of the same gender of those killed to stay at home, so if that's their policy would it not make more sense for gender of the offender to be asked to stay at home.

All of it.

Why should I have to stay home after 6pm if some arsehole murders a woman within a certain distance from my house? I've done nothing wrong.

It's a preposterous idea.

There is a huge difference between advising women not to go out alone after dark because there is a serial attacker actively on the loose in the area, and simply banning men going out because there has been a murder.

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