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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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This is not going to go away -
The Times now has hold of the story about the Scottish Government trying to control Public Health Scotland the public body that releases stats on COVID-19 and investigated the Care Homes NHS scandal.
Accusations from opposition parties of the SG being micro managing control freaks.
The agency that investigated Scotland’s Covid-19 care homes scandal has been engulfed in a conflict of interest row after documents showed that one of its duties is to protect the reputation of SNP ministers.
Public Health Scotland (PHS), which reported on the mass discharge of patients into care homes, had to score research to determine whether papers challenged or criticised Scottish government policies.
Jeane Freeman, the former Scottish health secretary, wanted “independent analysis” when she commissioned PHS to investigate whether transferring hundreds of untested patients into care homes in March last year caused outbreaks of COVID-19.
Story also covered in the Scotsman. https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/covid-scotland-row-over-public-health-scotland-shielding-ministers-sign-of-control-freakery-from-snp-3269899
Nicola Sturgeon claimed the report showed “no statistical evidence” that discharges from hospital cause outbreaks of Covid-19 in care homes, but following an intervention by the Office for Statistics Regulation, a new report was drafted stating the link could not be ruled out.
Reacting, Scottish Labour’s health spokesperson and deputy leader Jackie Baillie said the “communications framework” was an example of the “control freakery” at the top of the SNP.
She said: “Scots believed PHS was an independent voice subjecting life or death decisions during the pandemic to serious scrutiny. But these reports raise serious questions about a conflict of interest that need to be resolved.
“It is just another example of the micromanagement and control freakery which defines the SNP.
“Public agencies don’t exist to protect the reputation of ministers and a competent government has nothing to fear from honest accountability.
“On vital matters of public health, Scotland deserve answers, not nationalist spin.”

I stopped reading after "Jackie Baillie said . . ."

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24 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Another outbreak at the chicken factory in Coupar Angus.

I make that 4 in 10 months.

these stories do not help. Just earlier this week in court following the last outbreak in April, with the eastern european fella clearly not understanding bevvy and driving, or isolation rules 😉

A Perth man, employed at a poultry processing plant in Coupar Angus, caused “serious risk” to police – and others – by culpably and recklessly leaving his home just three days after testing positive for the virus.

Perth Sheriff Court was told that 47-year-old Ilie Neogoe showed “total disregard” for the consequences.

The alarming incident came to light when he was caught driving in Perth city centre with almost four times the legal alcohol limit in his system.
Edited by superbigal
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26 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Worth noting despite the tone of superbigals updates, that we are still rill below the threshold at which a pandemic is considered to be under control and have been throughout.....

Tbh his updates are pretty much an irrelevance now.

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1 minute ago, H Wragg said:
52 minutes ago, mizfit said:
Another outbreak at the chicken factory in Coupar Angus.

I make that 4 in 10 months.

4 in 10 months is a poultry figure, all things considered.

Still, not a pheasant experience for those involved.

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1 hour ago, Wee Bully said:

Nobody said otherwise. What I said was that positive tests don’t immediately lead to hospitalisations. There is a lag, and 2 weeks is what has been baked in since last summer. 

Not sure why you are getting your knickers in a twist over it. 

I just don’t agree with you. That’s all.

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16 minutes ago, Pie Of The Month said:

The Dutch allowing full capacity from July at football. Negative PCR test or vaccine required but better than a country crying about 3000 people in a fanzone.




I can see the UK government using leagues starting for 21/22 as a Trojan Horse for the vaccine passport here. 

Football fans have a different relationship to clubs than any other business has with it's customers.

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2 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

I just don’t agree with you. That’s all.

It’s not me you are disagreeing with, as others have pointed out, it’s the facts. 

For what its worth, I agree that the vaccination program is having the effect we all want it to.  I just dislike the comparison of 2 figures which we know aren’t related to each other in the way you have presented them. 

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So posted about Baseball stadia and theme parks opening up. Thats TV shows in the US like Jimmy Fallon having full studio audiences (ive visited the set and its a big audience in a small space) and broadway theatres gearing up for a full return after recasts and rehearsals. Entertainment and life almost back fully to normal, but here we are with Scotlands Government and its advisor Jason Leitch etc acting as if we’re lucky hes allowing people to be hen pecked at a fan zone whilst the media whips up the furore from all the facebook maws that somehow their kids cant graduate from nursery because the fan zone is happening like thats a decision made by the football fans. We’re getting a wee pat on the head and vague promises if we are really good we might be allowed to get to a game at some point next season or something. But if anyone dares sing 500 miles then its all off and Jason will shut it all down. Its a fucking disgrace. 
Add to this that the Scottish government is looking to extend emergency powers beyond the time that everyone is even expected to have a double dose of the vaccination. Hospital numbers albeit having risen are still not putting a strain on the NHS and deaths are incredibly small in number with the vaccines created by absolute heroes completely knocking the virus out the park. 
This is now a massive overreach by the government and id argue a breach of echr, particularly as scientific evidence shows the link between the vaccines and smoking the virus and the fact these rules were implemented we were told ‘to protect the nhs’. The grounds to have this are absolutely shakey and the government really has to stop being wishy washy and non committal about when this is going to stop. 

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29 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Tbh his updates are pretty much an irrelevance now.

I agree with the underlying statement here, but I still find them quite useful. Not so long ago the SG would have been talking about lockdowns etc on the current case numbers. Now we are about to have a (however sanitised) fan zone. The SG themselves appear to have accepted that the vaccines are devastating to SARS-CoV-2, they just aren't ready to say so publicly.

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