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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Snafu said:

You made a good point earlier about how compliant people of this country are, another way to look at it is that it probably saved a lot of lives in the UK and prevented serious illness with our comparatively high number of vaccinations takes. There won't be many loyal SNP voters who are anti-vaxxers or anti-maskers. See the difference in countries around Europe especially in Eastern Europe where there is less trust in leadership and where vaccine skepticism has been more effective. Our unwavering belief in our leaders or leadership class is very much ingrained in our culture and society regardless of their obvious and sometimes contempt for those they are supposed to lead and set an example.

I would draw a very important distinction between trust in the health service (which is a borderline state religion in the UK) and deference to political leadership (which is also present). If highly restrictive measures were being announced for any other reason than the 'protect the NHS' mantra, things would likely be different.

The situation in post-communist Europe is likely explained by the absence of trust in political leadership (conspiracism in high politics was rife there before 2020) and no firm attachment to a health service that you have to pay for and often provides unequal or piss-poor coverage anyway. Leaving aside the special case of Romania where the health system was so corrupt that it was literally killing people as a result.

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WHO sounding positive regarding omicron  - our government advisers not such much IMO - being cautious. Time will tell I suppose, but maybe not until the end of the month. With circa 30k positive cases a day in the UK, thought it could be possible to readily notice a pattern in the strains, which are circulating. Maybe this is a complex process. 🤷‍♂️

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Getting dafter & dafter in Germany, or Lower Saxony at least. From today, so called 2G plus to get into a restaurant or bar. 2G means genesen (recovered from Covid within the last 6 months) or  geimpft (vaccinated), then plus a not older than 24 hours negative LFT test, then QR-Code check in using the Luca app, the data from which goes to each local councils health board 😜😷😜.

Introduced on a Wednesday, a day where half the chemists shops offering tests do half-day closing. 20 minute wait to get tested, then another 10 minutes to get the test result.

Can see most bars keeping it going till the weekend. Saturday is Bayern v. Dortmund which is one of their busiest nights of the year, then most running their opening times time down.


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1 hour ago, Glennie said:

stickin a useless bit of cloth on yer mug and standin on the dot because the man on tv said 🤦‍♂️

trained like dogs

no putting a piece of cloth on your face and standing wherever you want, because some dick on a shite forum said anything else was stupid, that's the right thing to do.


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51 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The woman who organised the UK vaccine supply thinks they'll know whether the current vaccines work on Omicron within a week.


Yes, the woman who, on BJ’s instructions, bye passed all the civil service rules and got the job done.

Why is she not being prosecuted?


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I would say probably closer to 100, mind when Diane Abbott had to resign because she drank a cocktail on a tube train or the other woman from the Labour front bench got chucked for taking a picture of an England flag :lol:
They are basically unaccountable, even to the electorate most of them have a 5 figure majority. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think either of them actually were sacked just got loads of laughable criticism

I’m just amazed at how meekly people adhere’d to the ‘rules’.
I just refused. No government has the right to tell me whom I should see or mix with.
If I’m breaking the law, so be it.

Ignoring that you’re a fantasist you’d absolutely shite yourself if there was even a hint you would get in trouble for flouting Covid regulations
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20 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I see the latest IPSOS-MORI polling for STV doesn’t appear to reflect the view of some of those on this thread.  SNP up to 52% on the constituency vote and 43% on the Regional List.

A lot of “holding my nose to vote SNP till we get Indy” in here, rather than that necessarily being any sort of vindication of COVID policies.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think either of them actually were sacked just got loads of laughable criticism

Ignoring that you’re a fantasist you’d absolutely shite yourself if there was even a hint you would get in trouble for flouting Covid regulations



When I go to the dentist or doctors I put on a mask otherwise i wouldn’t be seen.


Never wear them In shops, restaurants, buses, trains.

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18 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Yes, the woman who, on BJ’s instructions, bye passed all the civil service rules and got the job done.

Why is she not being prosecuted?


It's hard to be a fuckwit 100% of the time, he managed to hire the right person and made a huge gamble that paid off. Fair play to him, and her.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


When I go to the dentist or doctors I put on a mask otherwise i wouldn’t be seen.


Never wear them In shops, restaurants, buses, trains.

What have you got against bus drivers?

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