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44 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'm fairly sure I've never said that. All I've suggested is it's not worth getting hysterical over being asked to wash your hands at an optician or to wear a mask in a shop or bus. You can argue how much use it is but I'm sure it's not zero, especially to the bus driver with thousands of passengers every day. I apply common sense to the rules, when I was told last year I shouldn't drive more than 5 miles for a walk, sometimes I'd go 7. If I was going to Spain and they asked if I'd had a negative covid test in the last 14 days, and I'd had one 12 days ago, and fully recovered, I'd say no. If I'd tested positive in the week before I wouldn't even think about going. 

Not sure what additional risk you’d pose to others here but I’m sure it’s not zero.

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14 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Not sure what additional risk you’d pose to others here but I’m sure it’s not zero.

You could say the same about 15 days, it's about balance. They have to fix a number somewhere, so 5 miles travel last year didn't make 4 miles safe or 7 miles deadly, it was a benchmark. I'm not really trying to justify this thing I haven't done, I'm just saying there's no need to throw your common sense away over an arbitrary number on a form.

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You could say the same about 15 days, it's about balance. They have to fix a number somewhere, so 5 miles travel last year didn't make 4 miles safe or 7 miles deadly, it was a benchmark. 

Same as washing your hands a thousand times a day or wearing a mask then.  Their balance and where the set their benchmark by choosing not to do it is obviously OK going by your logic.

You hypocritical c**t.

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33 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

I would both welcome any treatments for influenza, and also not refer to it is as a “nothing virus”. Not sure where you are going with this.

Things we have effective vaccines and treatments for that ultimately will continue to lead to death by natural causes in some very old people is a mundane part of the human experience.


27 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You mean in the last hundred thousand years or so? Hundreds.


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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Same as washing your hands a thousand times a day or wearing a mask then.  Their balance and where the set their benchmark by choosing not to do it is obviously OK going by your logic.

You hypocritical c**t.

c**t's fine but I don't see the hypocrisy. One minute I'm accused of being a simp following the rules blindly, the next I'm accused of being a hypocritical c**t for interpreting them with a bit of common sense.

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You could say the same about 15 days, it's about balance. They have to fix a number somewhere, so 5 miles travel last year didn't make 4 miles safe or 7 miles deadly, it was a benchmark. I'm not really trying to justify this thing I haven't done, I'm just saying there's no need to throw your common sense away over an arbitrary number on a form.

Correct. They. Not you.

I find it absolutely astonishing that you've spent the last 20 months staunchly defending against all criticism everything the SG have "fixed somewhere" to the hilt like a pathetic simp, making out that everyone who doesn't agree with them is a selfish c**t, yet whenever said "fixed somewhere" doesn't suit you then its suddenly ok just to ignore it and apply common sense.


Just like every weirdo celebrity scientist before you, given enough time you have shown you are just as much of a hypocritical arsehole as they are.

Off you pop.

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7 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Things we have effective vaccines and treatments for that ultimately will continue to lead to death by natural causes in some very old people is a mundane part of the human experience.



OK mate.  Whatever gets you through the night.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

c**t's fine but I don't see the hypocrisy. One minute I'm accused of being a simp following the rules blindly, the next I'm accused of being a hypocritical c**t for interpreting them with a bit of common sense.

You’re a hypocrite because you criticise others for not following the rules blindly.  Your normal line is “it’s not difficult or a hassle”.

You thick hypocritical c**t.

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42 minutes ago, Left Back said:

You’re a hypocrite because you criticise others for not following the rules blindly.  Your normal line is “it’s not difficult or a hassle”.

You thick hypocritical c**t.

I don't think I've ever criticised anyone for not following the rules, I've criticised them for constantly whining about them and reacting hysterically to every bit of news, instead of getting on with life like a grown up. There was a Hibs fan who made an excellent post about how he copes with London mask rules a few days ago, well worth a read for some of you.*

*reposted below

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't think I've ever criticised anyone for not following the rules, I've criticised them for constantly whining about them and reacting hysterically to every bit of news, instead of getting on with life like a grown up. There was a Hibs fan who made an excellent post about how he copes with London mask rules a few days ago, well worth a read for some of you.

Lying, thick, hypocritical c**t.

You’re on some roll tonight.  Enjoy the rest of it.

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On 30/11/2021 at 14:21, HibsFan said:

Again, not to put too fine a point on this, but just because it's a real-world example that backs up my slightly idealist 'just ignore the restrictions' mantra:

Iceland supermarket boss saying two things here (and I'm paraphrasing):

1) "Yes, the regulations are that everyone who isn't exempt has to wear masks in Iceland stores."

2) "No, my staff are not going to be the ones who enforce it. They are shopkeepers, not police officers."

That's been one of my biggest frustrations with how Britain* has tried to handle this pandemic, especially last year but continuing into 2021 too.

The utterly futile public spectacle, the theatre, the illusion of 'safety management' that has played out with trying to contain an airborne, respiratory virus.

Putting the onus on hospitality workers - often on minimum wage - to enforce rules they hardly believe in themselves about vertical drinking, or substantial meals, or putting a mask on to walk ten steps to the toilets. Putting the onus on a bus driver to stop some mad anti-masker c**t from boarding a bus because he "refuses to comply like the rest of you sheeple". When the f**k did this become every person's job?

So again, just like the boss of Iceland says: you, me and everyone else know what the rules are telling us we must do. We also know that, throughout this pandemic, the people in charge have been repeatedly seen to break the rules of the day. Cummings, Calderwood, countless others.

They are nonsensical. They are not worth listening to. They are best ignored.

Don't make yourself into some sort of contrarian, 'I will not comply and the kids don't see me any more' dickhead. Just ignore it all as best as you can.

Essentially, every time I hear the Transport for London announcement telling me "you must wear a face covering whilst using TfL services. It's there to protect us all", I give them one of these and move on with my life.


Until someone with the power to fine/caution/arrest me comes along (at which point I will throw a mask on for an easy life), that will be how I go about my life.

I can't recommend it enough, disengaging with COVID and everything attached to it - including this thread since about April 2021 - has been liberating. 

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*Not just in Scotland, not just in England, probably best to keep the 'oh the SNP/Tories have handled it so much better!' chat to a minimum when both have been a fucking disaster in very different, but also at times very similar, ways.



On 30/11/2021 at 14:49, HibsFan said:

In London, where technically since Sadiq Khan's announcement it has been just as mandatory to wear a face mask on a bus as it has been in Scotland, I have walked onto at least a hundred buses without wearing a mask, and not been asked by one driver.

If one did, I would put the one on that I carry with me.

I have put it on once or twice on buses when they have got very full, and also did once when I was mildly choking on a sweet and probably made the whole upper deck think I was riddled with COVID.

Anyway, back to the hypothetical of a bus driver politely asking, I'd say 'sure, no bother', put it on, and then sit down on the bus. Depending on its capacity (especially on the upper deck when it's me and two other people sat up there), I would take it off again. If it is a 50%+ or more full bus, I'd probably keep it on.

However, more than anything, I just want to reach a point where, if I leave the house and forget my mask in a rush, it isn't something I then have to double back for because no driver would let me on. That's a very different kind of exemption to a medical one, but I feel that it's nearly as important, at least in terms of getting us back to a normal society.



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While high profile examples have undoubtedly been corrosive to compliance levels and public trust, particularly those neither acknowledged or punished, "but other people broke the rules" is a famously ineffective defence and an even worse excuse.

I'd have thought those who constantly whine about being spoken down to like children would avoid "but whit aboot them" type arguments to justify or validate their own non-compliance, like the *ahem* plague.

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11 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

OK mate.  Whatever gets you through the night.

Old people dying of natural causes doesn't keep me up at night, no.


8 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

While high profile examples have undoubtedly been corrosive to compliance levels and public trust, particularly those neither acknowledged or punished, "but other people broke the rules" is a famously ineffective defence and an even worse excuse.

I'd have thought those who constantly whine about being spoken down to like children would avoid "but whit aboot them" type arguments to justify or validate their own non-compliance, like the *ahem* plague.

I was breaking rules way back in March and April 2020, champ. greggy.png

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While high profile examples have undoubtedly been corrosive to compliance levels and public trust, particularly those neither acknowledged or punished, "but other people broke the rules" is a famously ineffective defence and an even worse excuse.
I'd have thought those who constantly whine about being spoken down to like children would avoid "but whit aboot them" type arguments to justify or validate their own non-compliance, like the *ahem* plague.

It's an entirely different story when it's the people making the rules that break them.
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