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58 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

If that is the case then it's absolutely disgraceful. And no amount of 'Well Westminster wouldn't give us the money' can cover it.

Playing politics with people's livelihoods. 

In all seriousness though, its worth coming back to this very valid point @Jan Vojáček raised.

Has there been any mention of how nightclub staff are going to be supported if their place of work is forced to close?

Edited by Abdul_Latif
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17 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

So from what I can see, Sturgeon and Drakeford jumped the gun with Omicron restrictions to show everyone that they’re “not like that careless Brexit baddie Boris!!!!”, only for the data to come back and show them that they were completely and utterly wrong to do so? :lol:


Real world data was already readily available from South Africa for what happens if you carry on as previously during an omicron wave and allow it to peak with no extra restrictions but for whatever reason they chose to ignore that and listen instead to attention seeking computer modelling types with a track record of pushing worst case scenarios on the basis of very flimsy reasoning. What has unfolded over the last few days is laughable.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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2 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

This has to be the end for sturgeon 

completely fucked it . Any other politician would be hounded but she does still have her weird cult like fan boys and girls 

That seems incredibly naïve.  As you say there are a load of people who will support the SNP regardless of what they do.  They have control of Holyrood and 4.5 years left of that term.  It's hardly a crisis for the SNP.

She comes across as too egotistical to step down but also more importantly who on earth would replace her?

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

They are the outlier here because they allowed themselves to be outliers in the Summer.

They have consistently made choices with regards to vaccinations and easing of restrictions that afford them the ability to position themselves differently.

I don't disagree and from a personal perspective I think the UK Gov have made the right calls / best calls for me recently from the perspective of the pandemic.

That said, would I want them Governing me with their arrogant self serving policies and utter contempt for Scotland ? 

While the SNP may indeed have lost much support and trust during all this, it's still a huge jump for someone like myself, who's socialist leaning and anti conservative in almost everything, to suddenly jump ship just because Boris says I can go to the fitba or go out clubbing afterwards.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this ??

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7 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

In all seriousness though, its worth coming back to this very valid point @Jan Vojáček raised.

Has there been any mention of how nightclub staff are going to be supported if their place of work is forced to close?

Details of a £375m support package to be announced "shortly".


ETA who knows whether all that is going to nightclubs.

Anyone got any idea how many nightclubs there are in Scotland that will be forced to close?

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Just now, WATTOO said:

I don't disagree and from a personal perspective I think the UK Gov have made the right calls / best calls for me recently from the perspective of the pandemic.

That said, would I want them Governing me with their arrogant self serving policies and utter contempt for Scotland ? 

While the SNP may indeed have lost much support and trust during all this, it's still a huge jump for someone like myself, who's socialist leaning and anti conservative in almost everything, to suddenly jump ship just because Boris says I can go to the fitba or go out clubbing afterwards.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this ??

Do you want the bit in bold doing the other bit in bold?

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3 minutes ago, Left Back said:

That seems incredibly naïve.  As you say there are a load of people who will support the SNP regardless of what they do.  They have control of Holyrood and 4.5 years left of that term.  It's hardly a crisis for the SNP.

She comes across as too egotistical to step down but also more importantly who on earth would replace her?

She is putting the country through a further economic battering over the next month for her own ego and politics . When that becomes clear surely it will be unforgivable in the eyes of many of the public 


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1 minute ago, Left Back said:

Details of a £375m support package to be announced "shortly".


That's money that is going to be taken from elsewhere then, because it's not extra money.

Wonder what local resources, projects etc are going to suffer in order to fund this vanity project.

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9 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

This has to be the end for sturgeon 

completely fucked it . Any other politician would be hounded but she does still have her weird cult like fan boys and girls 

As fucked as any of this is, one look at the other prominent political leader on this island will tell you we've long since jumped the shark of what can actually finish a PM/FM.

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4 minutes ago, Left Back said:

That seems incredibly naïve.  As you say there are a load of people who will support the SNP regardless of what they do.  They have control of Holyrood and 4.5 years left of that term.  It's hardly a crisis for the SNP.

She comes across as too egotistical to step down but also more importantly who on earth would replace her?

The Deputy First Minister of course.

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2 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

She is putting the country through a further economic battering over the next month for her own ego and politics . When that becomes clear surely it will be unforgivable in the eyes of many of the public 


People have short memories.  If this ends in 2022 as the WHO are thinking there's still a long time to put distance between this shit show and the next Holyrood election.

That's the basic thought process behind Boris pushing back the UK public enquiry.  Enough distance between the shit and the culpability reduces the effect.

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2 minutes ago, GiGi said:

As fucked as any of this is, one look at the other prominent political leader on this island will tell you we've long since jumped the shark of what can actually finish a PM/FM.

Fucking with people’s livelihoods is usually the one.

Boris hasn’t done that, whatever you think of his wine in the garden during London restrictions or Peppa Pig meltdown.

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19 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The Tories appear to have actually listened to the people they govern. With England saying 'Don't you fucking dare'.  The SG and the Senedd have gone 'f**k it we're not listening to you, and do not question us.'

Her ‘my job is to make unpopular decisions’ mantra became ‘I know best’ a long time ago. 

Your job is actually to carry out the mandate given to you by to the electorate, with some outlier decisions in the case of exceptional circumstances. That expired a long time ago so kindly start listening. 

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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

That's money that is going to be taken from elsewhere then, because it's not extra money.

Wonder what local resources, projects etc are going to suffer in order to fund this vanity project

It's very important that they publish this. Here's what you could have had public money spent on instead of chucking a token amount at stuff we've decided to close.

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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Details of a £375m support package to be announced "shortly".


ETA who knows whether all that is going to nightclubs.

Anyone got any idea how many nightclubs there are in Scotland that will be forced to close?

This might be enough to keep staff afloat, but i'm not convinced it will keep the businesses afloat, especially if they don't lift this after 3 weeks.

If the businesses go under, staff get fucked again. It's an entirely avoidable situation, but the SG seem hell-bent on doubling down regardless.

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40 minutes ago, SoapMactavish said:

Not sure if this is serious or not, but you can’t iust charge folk for not being vaccinated and taking space, as frustrating as it is. 

it undermines the whole ethos of the NHS, and then where do you draw the line? Not vaccinated against Flu? Get in the sea. 

Most folk not vaccinated are hesitant, not full on tinfoil hat brigade. If you convince the hesitant folk you are quids in. The tinfoil hat, Bill Gates, 5G, Ivermectin and Zinc ones will never be convinced. 

No-one I work alongside will judge folk for not having had a vaccine so if folk haven’t had it and aren’t sure, speak to a Doctor and ask their opinion. 


The uk govt are already doing this for anyone who requires to go into a nursing home 

Cost of care, £1k per week,  taken off the forced sale of your house after you pass away 

So why couldn't this same principle be applied to unvaccinated people who are now effectively holding the country to ransom

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6 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

She is putting the country through a further economic battering over the next month for her own ego and politics . When that becomes clear surely it will be unforgivable in the eyes of many of the public 


It doesn't matter to a lot of voters whether it's forgivable or not. The fact there's no credible alternative will get her/them over the line with a reduced minority.

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