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3 minutes ago, GeeJay said:

While we're at it, let's fine everyone who didn't get their flu jab in the last 20 years. God knows how many deaths they caused by failing to quarantine, failing to wear a mask and going about their life as normal.


Did the flu ever result in the developed world requiring to lock its population down and furlough huge sections of its economy 

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5 minutes ago, Eddie Hitler said:

Vaccined twice and awaiting a booster.

However, it is not quite right to say that these folk are punishing the population, rather political leaders are punishing the rest of us through their political choices (but are delighted that the un-vaxed will take the blame as a population divided won't turn on them instead).

My point,  it should be made a legal requirement with fiscal penalty 

As was walking around outwith your local council area earlier in the year 

As was leaving your house for more than 1 hour a day at the beginning of the pandemic 

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I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

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18 minutes ago, G51 said:

A vaccine mandate would make absolutely no difference to vaccine uptake, and would be much more likely to entrench positions among people who could genuinely be persuaded to take the vaccine. 

Not to mention that it's also obviously fash.

Did the mandate to not leave your council area make any difference to the number of people leaving their council area 

I think so

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

Looks like shutting down large parts of the NHS for months is starting to bite. Who could have saw this coming...

Why when pandemic flu is one of the most predicted national emergencies in civil contingency planning they failed to have a coherent structured plan, resources and equipment for this despite repeated warnings is absolutely a thing of scandal. Someone should be found criminally or professionally (through GMC etc) culpable for this inaction, its simply led to an unacceptable level of loss of life at the start of the pandemic. This ‘we cant close the borders because reckless tories’ then somehow being able to require isolation based on public health grounds is another scandal. I genuinely believe that a lot of things including the decision around people being left to die in nursing homes, with essentially instructions at health board level from government that elderly people in homes were to be left in homes even when there was a positive prognosis is an act of cruelty which defies the human rights act, caused unnecessary suffering and was the result of a government which was simply clueless and acted irrationally because of a lack of aforementioned plan. 

1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

There will be no IndyRef2.

I find myself still supportive of the notion of independence but would not support/campaign or get involved with any campaign led by these monsters. I voted for my local SNP candidate because she was an effective local councillor, people are struggling in my constituency now and she is instead leading a campaign to have people burnt at the stake for witchcraft 200 years ago pardoned in law instead of trying to push legislation to help her constituents. The fact that the hive mind/cant vote against the government essentially makes my vote completely worthless anyway. 

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Just now, Clown Job said:

I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

Jesus Christ. That is pathetic.

The population wouldn't understand how important the message about cutting down socialising was if we didn't set a very easy to understand limit on crowds at sporting events. Regardless of the circumstances. And regardless of the consequences.

If this limit isn't overturned in three weeks then clubs need to start looking down the legal route. He is admitting there that the approach is not down to any form of data.

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3 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

For reference, it's actually John Mason that is/was discussing with me in that email conversation.

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8 minutes ago, Binos said:

Did the flu ever result in the developed world requiring to lock its population down and furlough huge sections of its economy 

Yes.  Social distancing, closing of schools amongst other things were responses to the spanish flu pandemic.  Some islands also used measures such as quarantines.

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6 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

I think the key point here is that we've got to take decisions based on making sure such judgments are effective.

"For example we have a multiple range of options about outside venues, let's for example, take the model Mr Mason has put to me of a variation reflecting stadium size and stadium facility.

"I think we lose clarity of messaging, which is a blunt one.

"I make no apology for being so blunt, we need to quite simply reduce the degree to which people are interacting.

"A total of 500 as a maximum for outdoorevents gives a very clear signal to people in the country that we have to reduce that interaction. 

"So for example a crowd of 500 at a Rangers game compared to a crowd of 50,000 which would normally be of that order makes a very, very clear significant point that we have to reduce dramatically the level of socialinteraction.

Honestly as clear as mud.

First it was the emergency services don't have the capacity, fair enough there is some logic to that although let's talk about increasing funding and building resilience and reducing the need to isolate.

Then it was public transport which seemed to really only be based on old firm fans traveling round the country on busses as I would imagine most fans live in the locality to their ground and drive or walk or are on public transport for short periods of time, also public transport on the 26th December, good luck with that.

Now its to show folk how much they should scale back their social contact. You advised three households was the right level, now butt out folks lives and let them decide if they want to take that advice or have a great time after 2 shit filled years with their nearest and dearest.

Comms fucking disaster.

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5 minutes ago, Binos said:

Did the mandate to not leave your council area make any difference to the number of people leaving their council area 

I think so

Yes, because it was difficult to fake. 

It's easy to fake vaccine certs, many people have done.

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Insider gossip on why England followed a different strategy from the other 3 nations. Looks like Sunak is calling the shots now and Whitty and Vallance are being ignored.


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4 minutes ago, Binos said:

Did the flu ever result in the developed world requiring to lock its population down and furlough huge sections of its economy 

Judging by the huge numbers of flu deaths every year for decades do you not think that should've happened? Based on the precedent that's been set to "keep us all safe" are you not pissed off at the authorities for playing fast and loose with your health pre-2020?

If not, your anger is with the tyrannical governments, not the unvaxxed.

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39 minutes ago, Binos said:

And when next winters variant pops up we will again be locked down due to the folk not getting vaccinated 

Must be made legal requirement 

Why ? What difference does it make to you if you are vaccinated if others are not ?

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Ah yes 500 Ibrox sending a very clear signal. Meanwhile Morton have announced they'll be cramming their 500 into the wee main stand alone.

So everyone into 2 turnstiles and hospitality still sold out anyway so any notion of distancing and limiting social interaction just rubbished. Because this is somehow safer than the usual 1500 spread across the rest of the ground. 

Giving every venue the same treatment is so hilariously lop sided and ill thought out.

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15 minutes ago, Binos said:

My point,  it should be made a legal requirement with fiscal penalty 

As was walking around outwith your local council area earlier in the year 

As was leaving your house for more than 1 hour a day at the beginning of the pandemic 

The correct answer here is ‘we shouldn’t be fining people for going for a walk’ 

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28 minutes ago, Michael W said:

...I can also accept South Africa is not a good comparator for the UK. They have a lot of absolute poverty in the country (3rd world poverty, not developed world poverty) and a large number of the population (c17%) is immunocompromised as a result of HIV/AIDS. I am not sure how access to medical care is, but I would imagine it's not quite on par with European systems. Additionally, around 25% of their population is fully vaccinated, substantially lower than the UK....

The problem with that rationale is that it's a bad comparator in the wrong direction if you want to be able justify the extra restrictions. As far as I can see all the things you highlight should have led to a significantly worse outcome for South Africa than would be the case in a UK context, but there has barely even be a blip in excess deaths terms in the real world data for the Gauteng metro areas that peaked first that could be attributed to the impact of the very steep omicron infection wave that had been experienced.

There are valid statistical reasons why South African health professionals have been telling anyone who would listen that this is a mild variant and no obvious rational reason why they for the most part haven't been taken seriously elsewhere.

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