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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You do realise that her sister died of Covid in February last year?

It's not surprising she's got the attitude she has.


8 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

A little bit of context.

She's also mayor of Washington DC where Black residents have died at a rate 5.9 times that of white residents.

One of the major reason for that are her own actions and response to Covid initially contributed to those deaths - lack of testing facilities being one key criticism.

It was only after sister died that she came down hard on Covid - in April 2021 she effectively introduced a vaccine passport scheme into DC.

It looks very much like her actions in the last 9 months are pure guilt over her sister's death.

I personally can't stand her politics - she's one in a long line of corrupt Democratic politicians running DC.


I was going to reply to the first post but then saw the second, which is even worse (for her, not you, as I’ve seen you saying you don’t agree with her stance). It’s obviously heartbreaking for her to lose a close family member, but that absolutely cannot be used as ammunition to start constraining the public’s lives. It’s even worse that she didn’t care much about it at all until she was personally affected, then went into hyperdrive and ‘came down hard’. Governing based on your personal circumstances is appalling. 

This is incredibly similar to Swinney saying a few months ago that the restrictions they put in place don’t affect him much as he doesn’t leave the house due to personal circumstances with a vulnerable family member that he needs to be incredibly careful with, as if that makes it okay to fire ahead with restricting the public. That’s horrible for you John, but it is not the public’s duty to care for your family. Absolutely disgraceful stuff.

10 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

If I don't see another post from you then I'll assume the side effects have not been good :lol:

Not too bad this morning. Don’t feel great but really just muscles aching and headache, and a general tiredness. At the moment not as bad as after the second dose.

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Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but did anyone else see the scaremongering article where the WHO said half of Europe is going to get Omicron? From West to East?


f**k. RIGHT. OFF. c***s. 

This sort of disgusting propaganda should be trampled down and burned to ashes. 

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4 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but did anyone else see the scaremongering article where the WHO said half of Europe is going to get Omicron? From West to East?


f**k. RIGHT. OFF. c***s. 

This sort of disgusting propaganda should be trampled down and burned to ashes. 

I don’t have the full context of this, but the entirety of Europe will get Omicron/future weak Covid strains. Luckily it won’t matter as it’s incredibly mild, but it’s not really propoganda unless they accompany that prediction with a suggestion we lock down for it.

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Just now, Clown Job said:

I think it’s going to be hard to wean people off the fear from Covid 

Lots of people still unwilling to socialise “just in case” despite being fully vaccinated 

They will be led back to normality by the rest of us in time. Once our frankly ridiculous govt stop their shamless meddling in our lives that is 

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8 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Forgive me if this has been mentioned already, but did anyone else see the scaremongering article where the WHO said half of Europe is going to get Omicron? From West to East?


f**k. RIGHT. OFF. c***s. 

This sort of disgusting propaganda should be trampled down and burned to ashes. 

Probably correct.

The sooner the better and then we can all move on.

Whats your problem?

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Just now, Dawson Park Boy said:

Probably correct.

The sooner the better and then we can all move on.

Whats your problem?

It was the manner of the report, in that this variant is deadly etc. It's a mild fucking cold at worst for the vast,  vast majority of people. 

Agreed, the sooner it shifts through all of us and becomes a laughable, seaside league virus the better (if it isn't already). 

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Just now, Stellaboz said:

It was the manner of the report, in that this variant is deadly etc. It's a mild fucking cold at worst for the vast,  vast majority of people. 

Agreed, the sooner it shifts through all of us and becomes a laughable, seaside league virus the better (if it isn't already). 

Okay, sorry, I misunderstood you.

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40 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not a single f**k given for the "extra" industries. 


Covid in Scotland: Nightclubs still waiting on Covid funding support - BBC News

This is the reality of NS's "caring more" optics stunt.

They put restrictions on these sector's before having any money to support them, gambling that WM would do the same a few days later and thus provide funding.

Then they threaten them with less support if they dare to repurpose and trade as a bar in the interim period.

Then just don't support them at all.

It makes yesterday's decision to keep them closed an extra week even more disgraceful.

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I think it’s going to be hard to wean people off the fear from Covid 
Lots of people still unwilling to socialise “just in case” despite being fully vaccinated 
I've never been scared of getting Covid and that's even more of the case now with Omicron.

I think the "fear" for a lot of people is getting it and having to isolate for what, in essence, appears to be a cold.

I got married a few weeks ago and in the run up to it my (now) wife, myself and a lot of guests were giving most social occasions a miss to avoid catching Covid and having to miss the wedding. Like that, I'm due to go on honeymoon next week and have been lying low until then.
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23 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

This is the reality of NS's "caring more" optics stunt.

They put restrictions on these sector's before having any money to support them, gambling that WM would do the same a few days later and thus provide funding.

Then they threaten them with less support if they dare to repurpose and trade as a bar in the interim period.

Then just don't support them at all.

It makes yesterday's decision to keep them closed an extra week even more disgraceful.

I assume people struggling to pay the heating bills or keep the kids fed can feel warmth and full of Nicola’s care?
I hope the industry takes these tossers to court and wins big.  

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Just now, Ron Aldo said:

I've never been scared of getting Covid and that's even more of the case now with Omicron.

I think the "fear" for a lot of people is getting it and having to isolate for what, in essence, appears to be a cold.

I got married a few weeks ago and in the run up to it my (now) wife, myself and a lot of guests were giving most social occasions a miss to avoid catching Covid and having to miss the wedding. Like that, I'm due to go on honeymoon next week and have been lying low until then.

Yep, jetting off next week myself and have to do a pre flight test to get into the USA, the only thing im worried about with Omicron is not getting away. 

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5 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

I've never been scared of getting Covid and that's even more of the case now with Omicron.

I think the "fear" for a lot of people is getting it and having to isolate for what, in essence, appears to be a cold.

I got married a few weeks ago and in the run up to it my (now) wife, myself and a lot of guests were giving most social occasions a miss to avoid catching Covid and having to miss the wedding. Like that, I'm due to go on honeymoon next week and have been lying low until then.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me. I got it days after my booster and had no symptoms, so had no idea that I had it. Only did a test as my wife tested positive, having suffered a bad reaction to her booster and still.not feeling 100%. 

Didn't have any specific plans over Christmas, but that was ten days in the house which is far from ideal. Bring something like a holiday into the equation and the problems multiply where you have a preflight test - the whole holiday is cancelled or you get stuck in another country for ten days, and what is work going to think about that? It's a nightmare. 

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