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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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21 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Don’t worry. With their new powers they’ll shut us down for a bad flu season too.

This could be an April Fools, but it's not. Please, get these risible clowns out.


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Look at us dOiNg SoMeTh1nG!!!

Utter nonsense. Not very green either - I assume the Greens will be highlight that...


On a more serious note, how much additional airflow do they expect a wee slot on the bottom of the door to create? And how does that compare to the (free) less permanent "solution" of leaving the door open a wee bit?

ETA Aren't classroom doors firedoors?

Edited by Todd_is_God
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I may be wrong on this, but wasn't there a report fairly recently that suggested increased airflow had very little impact on dispersing Covid?

Surely this is not another example of the SG doubling down and refusing to retract an earlier piece of advice under their "acknowledge no errors" mantra?

Either way, this idea is typical of a government so obsessed and entrenched by 1 pathogen, that they either cannot see obvious negative impacts on other areas as a result of action to "control covid" or dismiss them as acceptable in order to improve optics on the only show in town.

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9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I may be wrong on this, but wasn't there a report fairly recently that suggested increased airflow had very little impact on dispersing Covid?

Surely this is not another example of the SG doubling down and refusing to retract an earlier piece of advice under their "acknowledge no errors" mantra?

Either way, this idea is typical of a government so obsessed and entrenched by 1 pathogen, that they either cannot see obvious negative impacts on other areas as a result of action to "control covid" or dismiss them as acceptable in order to improve optics on the only show in town.

Was that not something to do with the plastic screens that were getting thrown up everywhere.

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19 minutes ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

I've got the covid. Mild head cold so far.

Neither me or the missus have been out since Sunday so i'm tempted to count today as day 3 rather than day 1

I definitely would.

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21 minutes ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

I've got the covid. Mild head cold so far.

Neither me or the missus have been out since Sunday so i'm tempted to count today as day 3 rather than day 1

Maybe irrelevant as you need to test negative for 2 days in a row to get out of jail anyway.

But yes I would 100% assume you are at least on day 3.


Good excuse for not going to the match last night in the Goodwillie debate.

Edited by superbigal
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49 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Yeah, let’s compromise the integrity of fire doors to allow more airflow. What are these fucking clowns on?!

Was about to say the same thing. If need to double check, but my guess would be that all classroom doors would be fire doors, and therefore what the government are suggesting is not only stupid in principle, but dangerous.

It might be that only corridor doors need to be fire doors though.

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17 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I may be wrong on this, but wasn't there a report fairly recently that suggested increased airflow had very little impact on dispersing Covid?

Surely this is not another example of the SG doubling down and refusing to retract an earlier piece of advice under their "acknowledge no errors" mantra?

Either way, this idea is typical of a government so obsessed and entrenched by 1 pathogen, that they either cannot see obvious negative impacts on other areas as a result of action to "control covid" or dismiss them as acceptable in order to improve optics on the only show in town.

I’d love to get Oaksoft’s take on this from his scientific perspective.

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I may be wrong on this, but wasn't there a report fairly recently that suggested increased airflow had very little impact on dispersing Covid?
Surely this is not another example of the SG doubling down and refusing to retract an earlier piece of advice under their "acknowledge no errors" mantra?
Either way, this idea is typical of a government so obsessed and entrenched by 1 pathogen, that they either cannot see obvious negative impacts on other areas as a result of action to "control covid" or dismiss them as acceptable in order to improve optics on the only show in town.
Its effectively a full on tantrum in action. They want to be the ones to control and eradicate covid. They want the credit. They want the last two years where they worked so hard for all of us to reach a satifying conclusion, to be able to win.

The end of this being that covid basically deals with itself by reaching a sort of equilibrium where it can exist alingside the plethora of other viruses we routinely get was never in their plan. Even after they sort of abandoned zero covid, they never really braced the idea that what is happening now would happen.

Theres a heavy "its no fair, we wanted to be the ones to beat it" energy about Scotgovs attitude. They have had the soapbox they were on pulled out from under them, by what is effectively a random act of nature.

And, once again, they are not ready to stop trying to gain politically from it.

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1 hour ago, Left Back said:

Was that not something to do with the plastic screens that were getting thrown up everywhere.

No. It was a different study. One which suggested that as covid particles fell to the ground relatively quickly increasing airflow in an indoor environment had little benefit.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

In principle ventilation isn't going to do any harm and it does work to disperse airborne molecules.

For example, open a window and a fart will eventually dissipate.

The problem is one of how long it takes.

When someone farts, it's usually a one-off instance and can take a few minutes to disperse.

A covid infected kid is breathing out a lungful of shite continuously.

Even if you had a gale force wind blowing through the room it wouldn't disperse the molecules fast enough.

Want an idea of how fast covid-soaked water molecules travel through the air? Stand outside on a freezing day and watch someone breathe out. See how quickly the frost of their breath travels across the platform - even on an open-air platform. It's almost instantaneous. If there is covid in that breath everyone will be getting a blast of it within seconds. In a closed room, the flow will be turbulent and the covid particles will circulate for much, much longer - certainly more than long enough to infect everyone. Like masking, the reduction in risk of infection is so small as to be insignificant. The cost and inconvenience however are not insignificant.

I know it's hard for Sturgeon and the Zero-Covid cultists to accept but sometimes there just isn't anything you can realistically do to lower the risk of infection. The "do nothing" principle is well established but the SG seem to have forgotten it exists and is a perfectly reasonable strategy.

Thank you.

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25 minutes ago, Elixir said:


Forgetting the arguments about how effective or not certain measures are, my biggest take home from the whole thing is people simply don't understand the concept of risk. Add into that the ever changing variables that people fail to account for... Not helped by negative public health messaging of course. 

Edited by Eatmygoal
Missed a word
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