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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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39 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Wait, Nicola Sturgeon thinks we should cut the bottom off of classroom doors for extra ventilation due to Covid?

for realsies?

I saw a load of simps on twitter hailing the masterstroke (and deflecting ridicule) by pointing out the integrity of the door in the event of a fire was going to be maintained by adding an intumescent strip along the cut.

Ok that could work but (again) begs the question, how much additional airflow do they expect to generate from a (clearly) tiny slot and how does this compare to simply wedging the door open?

It's clearer than ever that there are many people out there who are happy to not only support everything NS says, but parrot defences without ever stopping to have any thought about them at all.

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6 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I saw a load of simps on twitter hailing the masterstroke (and deflecting ridicule) by pointing out the integrity of the door in the event of a fire was going to be maintained by adding an intumescent strip along the cut.

Ok that could work but (again) begs the question, how much additional airflow do they expect to generate from a (clearly) tiny slot and how does this compare to simply wedging the door open?

It's clearer than ever that there are many people out there who are happy to not only support everything NS says, but parrot defences without ever stopping to have any thought about them at all.

Just to confirm, that absolutely wouldn’t work. The maximum size of gap on the bottom of a fire door is 10mm, and the intumescent strip would be dropping to touch the floor. Chopping a significant amount of the door away, you’d have to have an absolutely massive intumescent strip, and it still wouldn’t be compliant. It’s genuinely one of the worst, most ill-advised attempts to look like you’re doing something I’ve ever seen.

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When are the intumescent strips to be added?

At the time you cut the bottom of the door off?  Seems a bit pointless then.

When fire breaks out?  Have them sitting next to all the doors ready to go so the teacher can fire it on before evacuating the kids?  Suspect most teachers might pass on this.

Once Covid is over?  Not sure the council would be compliant with fire regs for a while then.

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Let me get this straight - 

A number of European countries have accepted Covid is just another respiratory virus that thousands will get every year of their life until they die and are removing restrictions and heading back to a pre-March 2020 world.

Scotland is discussing cutting the fucking bottoms off classroom doors.

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

Let me get this straight - 

A number of European countries have accepted Covid is just another respiratory virus that thousands will get every year of their life until they die and are removing restrictions and heading back to a pre-March 2020 world.

Scotland is discussing cutting the fucking bottoms off classroom doors.

This is what happens when you have a government far too happy to do as their "experts" tell them, and is completely obsessed with optics and political posturing.

At no point in the last two years have the SG even entertained the idea of returning to normality, never mind having a plan for getting there. So much so, they want permanent powers to impose restrictions without the need for parliament 

For a Government who won a lot of praise in the early days for being transparent, honest and making tough decisions they've shown themselves to be completely out of their depth and incredibly unwilling to accept that they cannot control a virus, no matter how hard they want to appear to be able to.


Edited by Todd_is_God
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12 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

This is what happens when you have a government far to happy to do as their "experts" tell them, and is completely obsessed with optics and political posturing.

At no point in the last two years have the SG even entertained the idea of returning to normality, never mind having a plan for getting there. So much so, they want permanent powers to impose restrictions without the need for parliament 

For a Government who won a lot of praise in the early days for being transparent, honest and making tough decisions they've shown themselves to be completely out of their depth and incredibly unwilling to accept that they cannot control a virus, no matter how hard they want to appear to be able to.


I think this is the salient point, you cannot control an airborne virus like the the seasonal flu, the common cold, Coronavirus.  All you can do is vaccinate against it to make it easier to cope with for the individual infected.

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45 minutes ago, Tynie Drummie said:

I've got it just now.  Amazed I dodged it for so long.  Currently like a very heavy head cold.  First night had a temperature and felt a bit dodgy.   Feels a bit like a mild hangover today.

Only worrying aspect was when I opened new jar of coffee and couldn't smell it properly.

I'm glad I've had the vaccines as I wouldn't have wanted it without them tbh.

A had the chills for a couple of days,then a snotty nose and a dry cough for 4/5 days then it was gone 👍


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20 minutes ago, Whitburn Vale said:

A had the chills for a couple of days,then a snotty nose and a dry cough for 4/5 days then it was gone 👍

I didn't even have that. Was a bit ropey for a couple of days then felt absolutely fine for the rest of my isolation period. Was just bored sitting in the hoose!

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Proposing a blatant breach of fire safety regulations ought to be the last, pitiful send-off of current so-called public health experts from any position of power or relevance in Scotland. 

'800 children burnt to a crisp as the fire spread at uncontrollable speed. But at least no one caught Covid!'

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Will no one think of the Bairnardos of this world ? This new initiative will allow them to move seamlessly from room to room without the need for standing on chairs to reach the door handles.

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15 minutes ago, AMMjag said:

Proposing a blatant breach of fire safety regulations ought to be the last, pitiful send-off of current so-called public health experts from any position of power or relevance in Scotland. 

'800 children burnt to a crisp as the fire spread at uncontrollable speed. But at least no one caught Covid!'

A similar issue was on the radio yesterday. The sister of a man in hospital with severe mental health issues. He relies on regular family visits as part of his treatment and recovery, is highly vulnerable, and not seeing his family will set his treatment back.

In short, he is at far higher risk from not seeing his family than he is from catching Covid. But the health board have cut down and stopped visitations because of a Covid outbreak on the ward. 

Chucking out decades of hard won fire safety measures for such little gain is nuts.

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12 hours ago, anotherchance said:

Some inconvenient truths for the simps here.

Those utterly risible plastic dividers. warnock.png

F**k off.


2 hours ago, TheScarf said:

Let me get this straight - 

A number of European countries have accepted Covid is just another respiratory virus that thousands will get every year of their life until they die and are removing restrictions and heading back to a pre-March 2020 world.

Scotland is discussing cutting the fucking bottoms off classroom doors.

The best run and most progressive countries in Europe at that. The Scottish Government and Nicola must know better, though.


2 hours ago, TheScarf said:

I think this is the salient point, you cannot control an airborne virus like the the seasonal flu, the common cold, Coronavirus.  All you can do is vaccinate against it to make it easier to cope with for the individual infected.

Respiratory infection is as much a reality of the human experience as the force of gravity. The folk who can't see this is now definitively over as a societal threat in large parts of the world need confined to an institution.


1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Remember how terrified the panic merchants were when Shanicron first appeared? Literally the best thing that ever happened. Still cigared by the vaccines, largely mild for those without anyway, and will build immunity in the population just perfectly. Plus, it's so infectious that it has ended the elimination fantasy once and for all. Well, I guess you will always have your Hitler's bunker types like Gurdasani, but close enough.

I wonder if Diet SAGE are still doing their briefings for their 46 regular viewers?

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