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The SPFL recommendation?

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3 hours ago, Scary Bear said:

 Which clubs do you think will be gone? Are we talking one or two, or are we talking a dozen or more? 

Why will they be gone? If the government are picking up the wages bill, what are a clubs other outgoings? Could the fans organise fighting funds to pay these outgoings?


I could be completely wrong, but I think there is a real danger period approaching. There could well be a few weeks/months between lockdown starting to be lifted/pulled back and fans being allowed back to games. The issue could be when the government decide to remove the ability to furlough staff. I think it's generally accepted that allowing thousands of fans back in a stadium will be the last category of activity to be allowed, are clubs going to be able to furlough staff all the way up to this point?

You'd hope that fans attending games would be in the same category as opening pubs and restaurants again in which case surely furloughing will be allowed up to that point. But we don't know yet, if there is any more than a few weeks gap between furloughing being stopped and fans attending games then many clubs will not be able to cope - they will have significant outgoings and very little income. Or what may happen is certain age groups are allowed out and to attend, in which case crowds will be reduced.

It may not come to pass but it's something that should be concerning clubs. Incidentally I think that's another reason why clubs wanted the season finished and to be able to release as many players as they can so if this does happen they have a smaller wage bill, although obviously they wouldn't come out and say this.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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34 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


I could be completely wrong, but I think there is a real danger period approaching. There could well be a few weeks/months between lockdown starting to be lifted/pulled back and fans being allowed back to games. The issue could be when the government decide to remove the ability to furlough staff. I think it's generally accepted that allowing thousands of fans back in a stadium will be the last category of activity to be allowed, are clubs going to be able to furlough staff all the way up to this point?

You'd hope that fans attending games would be in the same category as opening pubs and restaurants again in which case surely furloughing will be allowed up to that point. But we don't know yet, if there is any more than a few weeks gap between furloughing being stopped and fans attending games then many clubs will not be able to cope - they will have significant outgoings and very little income. Or what may happen is certain age groups are allowed out and to attend, in which case crowds will be reduced.

It may not come to pass but it's something that should be concerning clubs. Incidentally I think that's another reason why clubs wanted the season finished and to be able to release as many players as they can so if this does happen they have a smaller wage bill, although obviously they wouldn't come out and say this.

Exactly. Furlough is only likely to last until business and industry is given the green light to crank back into some sort of life. That will be way ahead of football, sport in general, in the list of priorities when these restrictions are eventually eased. How realistically do clubs pay their staff from that point onwards whilst being unable to generate income? And even when supporters are allowed to attend matches again, the economic landscape may well mean crowds are significantly down. Yet you still have some clubs, chairmen, supporters believing that football will somehow kick off as normal in August and anticipating 2500 Hearts fans through the door, or Particks away support, or Falkirk's, or Dunfermline's, or whoever else's. Absolute cloud cuckoo land stuff. As is the likes of this Cormack character at Aberdeen indulging his nonsensical fantasy that Premier League clubs need to be back completing this seasons fixtures behind closed doors as soon as possible. Without some sort of additional financial support from somewhere there is a reckoning coming. Scottish football should collectively, together, be exploring avenues that may allow it to get through the next few months intact, without losing clubs. Instead we've got the despicable farce that's unfolded over the last couple of weeks.

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Likewise teams in the Championship would rather not have Falkirk and Thistle in the league. Both teams should be competing at the top of the championship if they get their act together. 
I also can't see league 2 sides voting to admit Kelty and Brora, another two teams who will splash the cash.

That’s not nearly as clear-cut an argument though- in the championship the choice is Hearts and Inverness or Partick and Falkirk.

You’ve got probably slightly larger gates with Hearts/ICT and a better chance at finishing higher in the league with Falkirk/Partick but it’s much closer.

In league one there’s a clear choice between higher gate receipts (we’re talking probably an extra couple of thousand bodies over the four games) versus the serious chance of winning the league if you vote to have Stranraer and Cove.
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6 hours ago, raith1974 said:

The bitterness on this forum by some Falkirk fans is quite outstanding. Then they crack on about how it's so unfair to relegate Partick. These fans dont give a jot about Partick they only care about one thing and that is promoting the 2nd top team to the Championship. When this all started I was all for reconstruction with no relegation and 2 up but why would a Clyde or Montrose for example want to agree to that. At the moment they are going to get decent gates when Falkirk and Partick attend but instead they're going to vote for Edinburgh City who will bring a fraction to their grounds and keep Stranraer who will bring even less. It's a no brainer for these teams to vote against this. 

From my view it’s the Raith fans that need a reality check .......of course Falkirk fans want what’s best for them so is everyone else , your just lucky that the league finished when you were top and you didn’t have to fight for promotion it was given to you.

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3 hours ago, raith1974 said:

My point is that most teams will vote for teams that bring revenue to their club rather than teams that have an away support that doesn't even fill a 50 seater bus. Plus most teams will probably be glad to see the end of your bog of a pitch, oh relegated one!!!! 

What a load of p@sh , apart from Falkirk and Raith ( 2 teams that think they are better than they really are ) Stranraer have a healthy away support and take as many to away matches than what visiting teams bring to us . Can’t wait to see the Humpings Raith will get next season during their relegation struggles .

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What a load of p@sh , apart from Falkirk and Raith ( 2 teams that think they are better than they really are ) Stranraer have a healthy away support and take as many to away matches than what visiting teams bring to us . Can’t wait to see the Humpings Raith will get next season during their relegation struggles .

Our cup games against Dunfermline and Partick would suggest we’ll be absolutely fine m9.
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Aberdeen chairman now joining the Self Preservation League moaners demanding any reconstruction (should it get through) be for one season only then back to what we have. Also demanding the Donkey to show transparency over all decisions taken in last week or how long since Dundee vote went 'missing'.

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2 hours ago, kvz2000 said:

What a load of p@sh , apart from Falkirk and Raith ( 2 teams that think they are better than they really are ) Stranraer have a healthy away support and take as many to away matches than what visiting teams bring to us . Can’t wait to see the Humpings Raith will get next season during their relegation struggles .

Just like the humpings Stranraer have experienced all season that's why you're bottom of the league.

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2 hours ago, kvz2000 said:

From my view it’s the Raith fans that need a reality check .......of course Falkirk fans want what’s best for them so is everyone else , your just lucky that the league finished when you were top and you didn’t have to fight for promotion it was given to you.

Lucky to be top of the league. 22 weeks out of 28 isn't what I would call lucky. 

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I think this reconstruction will collapse in a heap once everyone starts demanding things. I would expect more spl clubs to get very worried about tv deals. Lower leagues are even tighter for cash and won't want anything that's going to push them over the edge. 

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From my view it’s the Raith fans that need a reality check .......of course Falkirk fans want what’s best for them so is everyone else , your just lucky that the league finished when you were top and you didn’t have to fight for promotion it was given to you.

You forgot to say tainted title [emoji23]you’re slipping.
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Only to find that they have no promotion in 2021 to allow them to get back to 12 teams in the premier again. In this organisation you do not wait for jam tomorrow. Vote for the structure and money and opposition that suits you now, not some potential promotion in the future. 
I get what you're saying, it's just how I look at things. Maybe as we have a number of our squad on 2 year contracts you end up looking a bit further down the road.
The one thing I haven't heard anyone really talk about is when this temporary expansion of a year or two what happens at the bottom of League 2? We punting a few clubs down into Highland/Lowland league?
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I dont know how the league money is split, but would the difference not be the cost of the two new teams joining the league and not the two teams joining the premiership?
That would mean splitting the difference over all 40 odd teams not just premiership teams?
Regardless if ICT get promoted or not they will get the same prize money in theory.

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I dont know how the league money is split, but would the difference not be the cost of the two new teams joining the league and not the two teams joining the premiership?
That would mean splitting the difference over all 40 odd teams not just premiership teams?
Regardless if ICT get promoted or not they will get the same prize money in theory.
Would need about £85k to add another 2 teams. There would also be huge drop off from what 12th in the premiership receives and 13th & 14th if prize money kept the same.
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All clubs are in for their own benefit.No one gives a flying f**k about the good of the game.Ann Budge , if she had her way would axe 20 of the clubs in the SPFL.Now that it suits her she wants 44.It is the worst kind of hypocrisy.

However i am dead against Hearts, Partick and Stranraer being relegated .IT IS SIMPLY UNFAIR.League reconstruction must be done to stop those clubs being affected( remember players, staff etc have jobs on the line at a critical moment in our history).But it must be done with a longer term future in mind.Not 1 or 2 seasons that suit your agenda.

Personally i would like a return to an 18 top flight ( never going to happen i know) 18-12-12.It would give smaller clubs a chance at the big time again while making the games more meaningful.4 times a season cannon fodder is just boring repetitive and lets be honest, only done for the Old Firm.Infact i would add that the decline in Scottish football in Europe began in 1975 with the inception of the PL.A slow erosion that took hold by the late 80's early 90's.Tartan Presov being a good example.

Whatever the outcome you just hope the longer term future of the game is put first as this is a unique opportunity of meaningful change.However i fear the personal agendas will once again triumph as the SKY booty is shared out amongst the usual suspects.

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