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LUCKY NUMBER 7 ~ The Hamilton Academical 2020/2021 Thread.

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2 hours ago, accies1874 said:

I think that's exactly what he does offer tbh. I reckon Rice is a coach and signs the players while Boozy does most of the tactical stuff. It's always difficult to criticise an assistant as you don't really know how much to blame them, but hopefully he goes when Rice goes so we can get proper fresh ideas.

Speaking of which, SURELY the lack of a post-match interview is a sign that Rkce has been punted?

Rice doesn't sign the players.......the Board does. Surely that's the big problem.

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On 09/11/2020 at 12:57, accies1874 said:

Accies aren't letting fans watch their team this week because it will probably cost them money. This is much worse than yesterday's embarrassment.



I see that decision has been reversed and they are now streaming the Albion Rovers game on Saturday. 

So yesterday before the Stranraer debacle when they was still a chance of qualifying and of the Albion Rovers game being meaningful they weren't showing it as not enough fans would watch to make it profitable but now with the game completely meaningless and viewing figures being bound to be rock bottom they are????

Probably reading too much in to this but the only way I'd even consider paying for a stream on Saturday is .................................................................................... if there was a change of manager.

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Rice doesn't sign the players.......the Board does. Surely that's the big problem.

Rice definitely has a hand in signing players, maybe not full control but he defo picks some of them. For example Oakley, Alston, Trafford, OFW are all guaranteed Rice signings.

I see that decision has been reversed and they are now streaming the Albion Rovers game on Saturday. 
So yesterday before the Stranraer debacle when they was still a chance of qualifying and of the Albion Rovers game being meaningful they weren't showing it as not enough fans would watch to make it profitable but now with the game completely meaningless and viewing figures being bound to be rock bottom they are????
Probably reading too much in to this but the only way I'd even consider paying for a stream on Saturday is .................................................................................... if there was a change of manager.

Just to try and stop people gathering outside of the ground on Saturday.
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Yeah, it's been a hard time for the accies, but fairly play to them keeping the clean sheet and scoring 3 at the other end. Rice will no doubt be pleased his tactics worked well today.

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I don't think it's true. Rice's contract is up at the end of this season and I would've imagined he'll go on a rolling contract beyond that (if Accies want to keep him). It doesn't seem to benefit Accies in any way whatsoever.

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I feel for you guys. However, when I saw you'd gone one-nil up I was fearful, as I didn't expect us to hold on for a win. We lost 2-1 at Tannadice, and it's not like you got humped. But if I'm honest, I'd love you to set a record low points total this season.

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See for you guys that use Twitter. Why has yer man Marcus Nash deleted his account? I noticed a few tweets then that he'd deleted his account (or got banned).
Seems it was one argument too many for him. I'm pretty sure he's deleted his account before.
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9 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Suppose it depends on what your definition of 'good' is.

I liked him FWIW. Playing up front for us in the Premiership is no easy gig.

I've just got a daft wee system for rating strikers in terms of being a striker in Scotland (scoring, shooting, winning headers, no passing as such), and hes come out really well.

I have him as your best striker from 16/17-19/20, and unsure if my system is shit because I can't remember him at all.

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3 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Could you post your system/list of our strikers so I could have a look? Sounds interesting.

This is your strikers "ranked" by my shitty system.


Scores are out of 10. Edouard is the 10 rank, Craig Wighton the 0.

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