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Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)

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I was surprised there wasn't a dedicated thread created about this.

Wikipedia describes it thus:


The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)[5][6] or the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest[a] (CHOP),[6][7][8] also known as Free Capitol Hill,[9][10][11] is an occupation protest and self-declared autonomous zone[1] in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.[12] The zone,[6] originally covering six city blocks and a park,[13][14] was established on June 8, 2020 by George Floyd protesters after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) vacated its East Precinct building.[15]

Local governance in the zone is decentralized, with the goal of creating a neighborhood without police. Purported demands associated with the zone include rent control, the reversal of gentrification, the abolition or defunding of police, funding of community health, and releasing prisoners serving time for marijuana-related offenses or resisting arrest, with expungement of their records.[16][17]



There are updates about it available around the internet. One of my favourites is this Twitter account:

It will be interesting to see how long this lasts, and whether they achieve their stated objectives. 

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5 hours ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

I was surprised there wasn't a dedicated thread created about this.

Wikipedia describes it thus:


There are updates about it available around the internet. One of my favourites is this Twitter account:

It will be interesting to see how long this lasts, and whether they achieve their stated objectives. 

It's a good thing no-one ever claims that anything has been stolen from them in areas where the police operate. 

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6 hours ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

I was surprised there wasn't a dedicated thread created about this.

Wikipedia describes it thus:


There are updates about it available around the internet. One of my favourites is this Twitter account:

It will be interesting to see how long this lasts, and whether they achieve their stated objectives. 


That was a painful read. Not because of the content, but the way it was written.

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4 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

They want the police defunded because they havent got enough training and want them replaced with armed volunteer security guards, aye that’ll work!

They probably mainly want the police defunded because of their penchant for going about murdering.

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4 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

They want the police defunded because they havent got enough training and want them replaced with armed volunteer security guards, aye that’ll work!

It doesn't have to be as daft as it first sounds. Posted this earlier.

On 09/06/2020 at 13:52, welshbairn said:

Interesting article about defunding and disbanding a police department, maybe not as daft as I originally thought for Minneapolis.



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Disbanding the police department allowed Camden to hire far more police officers because the new County department wasn't bound by expensive union contracts.  This allowed the County to increase the number of police which allowed them to embrace a form of "broken windows" policing - they shut down the open air drug markets, as the CNN article says, but they also hugely increased ticketing for things like failing to wear a bike helmet, tinting on car windows, disorderly conduct.  Complaints about excessive force also went up, apparently.  Camden is also still a complete shithole city, as President Trump might put it - 40% below the poverty line, 30-40% unemployment, median income a third of that of New Jersey as a state.

So if you are using Camden as an example, it's one of union busting and cracking down hard on minor crimes.  I doubt that's what many advocates of police defunding/abolition want.

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Most entertaining reality show going right now. Kind of shows you why an anarchist community should probably never ever happen.

Attempts at agriculture:


Redistribution of wealth:

Priviledge tax:

I for one cannot wait for the Netflix documentary on this debacle.

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Being absolutely honest, if there hadn't been loads of press about this no-one would care.  There are places kind of like this around the world - a few years ago when I was on holiday in Copenhagen we visited Chrstiana, a commune in the city that has the reputation as being an anarchistic commune that doesn't obey Danish law, mainly regarding drugs as there is open selling of cannabis in the commune.

I thought it was a complete dump, full of stupid stoned idiots selling hippy crap and shady drug pushers giving you the side eye.  A complete hovel.

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35 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

  There are places kind of like this around the world - a few years ago when I was on holiday in Copenhagen we visited Chrstiana, a commune in the city that has the reputation as being an anarchistic commune that doesn't obey Danish law, mainly regarding drugs as there is open selling of cannabis in the commune.

I thought it was a complete dump, full of stupid stoned idiots selling hippy crap and shady drug pushers giving you the side eye.  A complete hovel.

I was in Christiana in January and the atmosphere round there was just weird.  I didn't see any trouble or feel particularly threatened but you could sense that things could kick off.  All in all, a nice idea that had just been hijacked by scum and lunatics.  

Had a very nice hot chocolate there though, which thankfully and despite my fears, didn't seem to be laced with anything. 

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5 hours ago, ICTChris said:

So if you are using Camden as an example, it's one of union busting and cracking down hard on minor crimes.  I doubt that's what many advocates of police defunding/abolition want.

Union busting in America can mean something different, especially as it applies to the police. Under the Waterfront and Jimmy Hoffa come to mind. Minor crimes are the ones that affect most people's lives, and if they're controlled it helps to create an environment where more serious ones are curtailed. I don't think anyone thought that Camden would suddenly become rich by sacking a load of corrupt police, just a bit safer.


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