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1 hour ago, gogsy said:

Aye and after that they will listen to the party whips telling them to pipe down and don't rock the boat.


And it won't be a silent majority calling them, it will be a very small vocal minority.

That's a fair point as well. What's the alternative though. The only one I can see us abandon any attempt to play a season. Maybe a commitment to play a group stage league cup type thing from about March.

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This is let fans in stuff is all hot air,  all this trying to make a credible league season is pointless and needless drama with no proper real leadership and decision making thats why we have bland statements and zoom calls and surveys all the while clubs future are being put at risk rather than doing the sensible thing and abandoning this season or at very least come back march and try play a cup format to give clubs something. 

The virus is working its way through society the now with very few deaths we need to let it run it course and protect those at risk.  Football with the exception of tier one premiership will need to take a backseat. 

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1 hour ago, rncaa said:

...The virus is working its way through society the now with very few deaths we need to let it run it course and protect those at risk.  Football with the exception of tier one premiership will need to take a backseat. 

At the start of the year the mathematical models were based on assumptions that there would be a 2% fatality rate for people getting infected because that was the info coming from Wuhan and that 100% of the population had no pre-existing immunity given it was a new virus in a human context. That was very scary as it meant up to 1 million deaths could easily be on the cards in the space of a few weeks in a UK context.  It beggars belief that so little was initially done on testing and the sort of routine sanitising and social distancing methods we are now used to as infections in the UK went through exponential growth from Jan to late March given that backdrop.

The lockdown when it came will probably turn out to have been implemented too late to make much difference. We were very lucky that it subsequently turned out instead to be more like 0.2% on the fatality rate after infection and possibly up to 50% having some sort of immune response although there's a lot more research still needed on that second part. What many of us are arguing is that lower level football does not necessarily need to take a back seat at this point and that people need to start moving on from the doomsday scenario that was being predicted by mathematical models back in late March and respond to what has actually happened around the world since then and is actually happening in the here and now in Scotland.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Just back from today's game Roman Glass 1 Cadbury Heath 0 att 100+ in the Western League. Sanitizer, the track & trace, one way system etc. Most people spaced apart, odd groups of 6-7-8.  Luckily it's a 3g pitch, but changing rooms were used and it again felt ok being there. Another game kicked off later, players getting changed on the touchline. Think the biggest problem is when a club gets a positive, then has to miss/ p-p a few games. 

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Just seen a east Stirlingshire player has tested positive Now full team has to isolate for 14 days player and team mates will now miss work as well as players mostly not getting paid just now until competitive games start I’m sure won’t be long until players at this level decide they won’t be playing 

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What has happened at East Stirlingshire surely throws our game at this level into even more doubt? 

5 minutes ago, Derry said:

Just seen a east Stirlingshire player has tested positive Now full team has to isolate for 14 days player and team mates will now miss work as well as players mostly not getting paid just now until competitive games start I’m sure won’t be long until players at this level decide they won’t be playing 


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1 hour ago, ToffeeTalbot said:

What has happened at East Stirlingshire surely throws our game at this level into even more doubt? 


1 hour ago, Burmah Oil said:

Did Shire take a coach to a game or have have they been training indoor or using changing rooms?

Positives in the West and teams in the Fife amateurs but just players that did car shares had to isolate. Kirkcaldy YM had a positive Monday posted about theres on Fife forum:-



Posted Monday at 12:50 PM (edited)

I've just had a call from track and trace again 10 minutes ago and they're saying there is no need for us to isolate or stop playing as they don't deem grassroots football as a big concern to the virus spreading.All they've said is if anyone travelled in a car with the positive case they have to isolate and if anyone else starts showing symptoms they have to isolate..so technically going by there guideline we have cancelled Saturdays game against kirkcaldy albion training this coming week and Saturday comings game v kincardine for nothing.


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2 hours ago, Darvel legend said:

League season put back to 24 th October and 70% of teams don’t want to start without fans , and I’d have to agree with that 

"In terms of a start date, we have proposed to clubs that the league commence no earlier than Saturday 24th October."

That's the wording, it isn't a start date, just saying it won't be before then.

Totally agree that without fans I don't think the games should start.

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3 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

There might be a bit more to it in that the Lowland League does fall under the Professional Game Board so might have different protocols than Non-Proffesional Game Board clubs.

The players self isolate on instruction from NHS test and protect if deemed to be close contact, i.e within 2m for more than 15 mins. It would seem their one case was a close contact of all.

Edited by cmontheloknow
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Before the various groups lose the plot, just announce the season starts on October 24 with a restricted number of fans allowed, say  300 limit, with tickets having to be pre-booked. After October/November it's getting to the point where you ask 'could a season be played starting in January ?'

A few things. It’s already at that point. I would guess an average team will loose 6 games due to the weather in winter (some will loose more some less). That’s a lot of games to make up by the middle of may.

Secondly it’s not in the gift of the league to just say start the league with 300 fans. Like it or not it’s a government decision and this is no where near their radar.

Other posters have brought up the point that if we pressure politicians they will change their minds, well there is a lot of political pressure being brought down on things that are more important than non league football, such as allowing family to visit loved ones in care homes, and there has been no change to that. The government (especially in Scotland) can’t be seen to do a u turn on restrictions while case numbers are, to quote Jason Leitch, accelerating in Scotland.

Clubs need to make their own minds up in terms of starting up without fans and hoping that we can return in a few months but it’s a gamble.

We are not a priority as the game at our level doesn’t have a major impact on the livelihood of people, I want the game back but we have to be realistic and say that we aren’t a priority to have any restrictions relaxed.
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Correct regarding the-p games as well, the question next would be Can we finish the season ? which would reignite last season's farcical endings. Suppose football joins the list of gamble situations we now face in our lives, and at which point we say stop. A shame that all levels of the game are being treated equally, obviously not the way forward.

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17 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


A few things. It’s already at that point. I would guess an average team will loose 6 games due to the weather in winter (some will loose more some less). That’s a lot of games to make up by the middle of may.

Secondly it’s not in the gift of the league to just say start the league with 300 fans. Like it or not it’s a government decision and this is no where near their radar.

Other posters have brought up the point that if we pressure politicians they will change their minds, well there is a lot of political pressure being brought down on things that are more important than non league football, such as allowing family to visit loved ones in care homes, and there has been no change to that. The government (especially in Scotland) can’t be seen to do a u turn on restrictions while case numbers are, to quote Jason Leitch, accelerating in Scotland.

Clubs need to make their own minds up in terms of starting up without fans and hoping that we can return in a few months but it’s a gamble.

We are not a priority as the game at our level doesn’t have a major impact on the livelihood of people, I want the game back but we have to be realistic and say that we aren’t a priority to have any restrictions relaxed.


There is no way restrictions are going to be relaxed 

Stop sitting on the fence and make the decision to start next spring 

We all know it the only sensible option.

As for the 12 non returns name and shame them!!

Edited by The Ilford Drummer
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Correct regarding the-p games as well, the question next would be Can we finish the season ? which would reignite last season's farcical endings. Suppose football joins the list of gamble situations we now face in our lives, and at which point we say stop. A shame that all levels of the game are being treated equally, obviously not the way forward.

But it’s not about equality. The Scottish Government don’t want people to travel unnecessarily and they view people travelling to sporting events and other such like as unnecessary.

Personally I agree with that as if I lived in an area with low transmission and people were coming into to go to a sporting event from areas with high prevalence and risking my health just to go to, for example, a non league football match I wouldn’t be happy.
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Every time I see a pic of people watching non-league down south, I see people not socially distancing. This 'we will social distance' is crap IMO. People won't, not entirely anyway. They don't want shouting and singing. the latter not something heard that much in SNL, but plenty of shouting! All about trust as well, men more likely to not follow the guidelines perhaps and men make up the bulk of the fanbase.

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