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  1. You are not wrong there, Jimmy is that and so much more.
  2. The long delayed AGM is next week so should know more then.
  3. On the 1st point in bold, you are right up to a point. It is unusual that the better team doesn't win, but there are always reasons for the opposite (missed chances, outstanding goalkeeping, and element of luck) but fans are not stupid enough to ignore the poor performance that results in a positive outcome. You want to die on this hill which in fine but again dont make out that fans aren't educated enough to understand the difference in a poor performance with a poor result and a good performance that leads to a poor result and the Hungary result falls into the 1st category. On the 2nd point in bold. If Scotland had smashed them up and down the park against Gibraltar, you might be right, but the result and performance were very poor and even if we won 5-0 and put that performance in, I would still think it was rubbish. You can be happy at a result but not the performance, you seem to think you can't. Your basic argument boils down to 'if my auntie had baws, she would be my uncle'
  4. No they wouldn't and the performance wasn't ever going to be 4 or 5 nil as it wasn't good enough. The Northern Ireland game was the same. I dont care what he said publicly (I guarantee it wasn't what he said behind close doors). Preseason games are not only about fitness (and I have covered how this is nonsense for these games in an earlier post) it's about performance as well and momentum/ramping it up for the 1st game and hitting the ground running, we stumbled into the ground with a thumping off Germany, a decent performance against Switzerland and a mediocre performance against the Hungarians.
  5. They are entitled to their opinion. People who have played and coach dont have a monopoly on good ideas. I never played (I played rugby) only got involved through my support of the team and it went from there. Do you really think Steve Clarke cares what the Scotland fans think? We are here debating, it has no impact on the future of SC. You are more than entitled to want SC to stay just as we have about him to go and debating it is part of the fun and your defence is admirable, but you going around telling people that they dont understand football/tactics and that is why we are all wrong is just ridiculous.
  6. On the points in bold I agree with your last point and this is something that is need quickly. On the point above I agree with but the team's form has been pretty poor since we qualified and imo his time is up. But like I said above I have no issue with anyone who disagrees and wants to debate properly.
  7. So why then were fans and the media had a go at Clarke for the Gibraltar performance (which we won) and were labeled negative normans different. By your (very flawed logic) we should have ignored it and celebrated a victory. I have been involved in running a team and coaching players. I know what I am looking for in a performance. There have been plenty of times I have watched a game that we have won and not being happy. You keep spouting this nonsense, which makes me think you are trolling or are that blinkered to Steve Clarke you cannot see the reality in front of you. I have no problem with people wanting Clarke to stay (I dont) but I really can't stand someone telling me (and others) that we are wrong and shouldn't want him to leave as we dont know anything about the game!
  8. Heard Arthurlie made another big signing today.
  9. If this was the SJFA you would be pointing and laughing (rightly so btw) and calling for Alex McDowall to resign (again rightly) but when some of us do the same we are wrong, why’s that?
  10. Someone has to fall on their sword for this. Clubs have been getting hammered for mistakes (mostly correctly) but some of the punishments have been over the top. The same should be the same for the league management committee. It is extremely unprofessional for them to not only realise they drew a side that they suspended and to not even notice until said club informs them is unacceptable. This is on the league secretary just as it would be on a club secretary and since he cannot fine himself he should probably resign.
  11. Arthurlie beat Thorn 4-2 with Scott Anson getting all 4. Was played at Barrhead High (was announced as behind close doors)
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