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Conspiracy Theories

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Right, I thought there was a thread for this but couldn't find it - mods feel free to bin this if I'm wrong. A lad I know, really sound, married to a best friend of a best friend but haven't seen for a while messaged me earlier. Long story short, he genuinely thinks that "an alien cube ship ten times the size of Earth was seen by NASA exiting the sun" and that "Donald Trump has saved thousands of children from underground sex dungeons."


Should I have him sectioned? And have any of you ever heard anything as mental as that? Thought I'd heard it all until this batshit crazy nonsense.

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There's people who believe that bigfoot is widely found in the Pacific North West of America, although any evidence of their existence is being systematically covered up by the US and Canadian governments.  

These idiots (the believers, not bigfoot)  actually live amongst us, and are allowed to vote.  

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Conspiracy theories are the narrative of the modern world. Even people who consider themselves reasoned, thinking people often believe in theories about as unhinged QAnon or flat earth.


Every part of politics is now awash with conspiracy theories, from Scottish Nationalists to the Corbyn fans or the pro and Anti Brexit crews. It’s part of the self centredness of our age.


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Guest JTS98
2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Conspiracy theories are the narrative of the modern world. Even people who consider themselves reasoned, thinking, credulous people often believe in theories about as unhinged QAnon or flat earth.

Every part of politics is now awash with conspiracy theories, from Scottish Nationalists to the Corbyn fans or the pro and Anti Brexit crews. It’s part of the self centredness of our age.

A prerequisite, surely?

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A prerequisite, surely?

I mistyped. The lizards took control of my keyboard.

I was listening to the Louis Theroux podcast with Jon Ronson the other day and Ronson said that he thought Alex Jones was play acting and that he didn’t really believe all the things he spouts, he’s an entertainer but that whistleblowers have said that he does. I think saying the Sandy Hook shooting was fake to get likes and shares is worse than actually believing it, although both are bad.
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It's an unfortunate byproduct of an age where the general consensus is that people are allowed to choose their versions of truth and reality regardless of facts or available evidence to the contrary.

The Bigfoot one is a strange one though - it's just about possible that a relict population of some large previously undescribed species survives - or more likely survived until recently - in the forests of the Pacific NW. That being said, anyone that claims they saw one in Texas or Kansas hundreds of miles from the nearest suitable habitat is obviously talking shite.

Some cryptozoological claims are obviously batshit, although the odd one turns out to be bang on the money....the Native American thunderbird legend sounded like a lot of pish until fossils of Argentavis magnificens started turning up...it went extinct recently enough that Paleoindians would have seen them...

Prehistoric Beasts - Argentavis Magnificens - YouTube

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6 hours ago, Jarballs said:


Right, I thought there was a thread for this but couldn't find it - mods feel free to bin this if I'm wrong.


Could it be that there's a spectrum, from the crazy stuff you mentioned at one end, to the proven conspiracies at the other?

As a general rule of thumb, if a conspiracy theorist suggest Jewish people are behind something, then I consign it to the batshit end of the spectrum.


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In the days of the Cold War, some children kicked a ball over the Berlin Wall.  The area was immediately cordoned off.  Nobody was allowed to go near it.  The Stasi was called in and an investigation was carried out to see how it was all part of a fiendous capitalist plot to destroy the glorious People's Republic better known as the DDR.

You may laugh but years later the Berlin Wall did indeed come down.

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I mistyped. The lizards took control of my keyboard.


I was listening to the Louis Theroux podcast with Jon Ronson the other day and Ronson said that he thought Alex Jones was play acting and that he didn’t really believe all the things he spouts, he’s an entertainer but that whistleblowers have said that he does. I think saying the Sandy Hook shooting was fake to get likes and shares is worse than actually believing it, although both are bad.


Didn’t Alex Jones’s defence in some court case (maybe around the custody of his kids???) amount to him claiming Alex Jones was a character he portrayed?

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49 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Morons who dismiss a subject, after having done f**k all research on the matter.

Thank you.

Can you change your username to 'Bigfoot Strikes Again' please?

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1 minute ago, MixuFruit said:

I think quite a lot of folklore has some gem of a real thing at its heart that is now gone. Had never heard of that bird before, jings that's big.

It was an enormo-condor that evolved to feed on carrion of the megafauna that was roaming about the Americas until shortly after we arrived on the scene there. You can imagine someone seeing it way back when, telling their grandkids about it who told theirs until the story grew arms and legs and it became the name of a car and a cheap fortified wine.

Yeah, there are quite a few travellers' tales and legends that turned out to have a basis in reality; the Viking kraken legend is now fairly well established to have been early sightings of Architeuthis dux, the giant squid, and stories of the gorilla were generally put in the same bracket as the yeti legend until the middle of the 1800s when European explorers finally laid eyes on them.


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