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Conspiracy Theories

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3 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Can you explain why it could happen, it's quite amazing. IMO.

Likely due to the sort of pressure wave that flying a massive jet into a building would release. There was a blizzard of paper came out the buildings.

If it was planted why would they do so 2 blocks away from the building? They'd know that absolute dafties would be scrambling to discredit it, which they did, because they're dafties

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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

Loch Ness Monster

Mokele Mbembe


Solway Spaceman

Crop circles

I dunno if conspiracy is correct as only some people regard the lack of evidence to be as a result of a conspiracy but you get what I mean.

I don't regard the Yeti or Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster as conspiracies.  These are simply stories.  Some people believe them.  Some people don't.

Conspiracy is when people don't believe what they are being told and that powerful people are deliberately trying to deceive them.  Typical examples are JFK, the moon landings and 9/11.  

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

The internet has brought American paranoia into the global mainstream. Look at the number of posters on here and elsewhere who insist we don't know what we're talking about unless we watch some midwestern fruitloop or shock jock giving a youtube lecture from his basement. I'm mainly talking about 9/11 here btw, but an awful lot of them start over there, like the moon landings and Area 51 or whatever it is.

Yeah totally, and even the UK based imbeciles that believe covid is a hoax etc, when you engage with them they pull out arguments that are entirely US-centric, banging on about liberty, hospitals being paid more for covid deaths etc. I pointed out to some bell end a month or so ago that while he was sitting furious in his house about having to wear a mask in public, the government was up for sale to the highest Russian bid etc (this was around the time of the Russian reports publication) He responded by telling me I'd bought into the msm anti-russian propaganda, i should do my research, use critical thinking etc. He didn't seem to realise that the msm in this country had actually glossed over the importance of the Russia report, ie they weren't anti-russian at all. They were complicit if anything - neutral at the most generous. 

Anyway, so yeah, y point is that I'm not sure if they don't see the differences between here and the US, or they just swallow as true everything they read on www.whatreallyhappened.com and don't even consider the theories might not be relevant here. 

Edited by madwullie
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1 hour ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Likely due to the sort of pressure wave that flying a massive jet into a building would release. There was a blizzard of paper came out the buildings.

If it was planted why would they do so 2 blocks away from the building? They'd know that absolute dafties would be scrambling to discredit it, which they did, because they're dafties

The conspiracy theorists act as if only the passports survived from the planes or the buildings which wasn't the case at all.  Documents and paper from the WTC was found all around that area of Manhattan.  The life vests from the planes were also found having been blasted out when the planes struck the towers.  

Maybe they were planted as well of course... :rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I don't agree as when pushed on why there's no evidence for them, believers often say it is a conspiracy. But OK - what about great flood, flat earthers, MMR antivaxxers?

I think that probably every society on earth has an ancient Great Flood memory, there have been an awful lot of them. It's just convenient now to place them all in modern day Turkey for some reason.

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Greatest conspiracy about 9/11 is the truth. How a group of people could nearly ruin a country while the security services were aware they were dodgy. It certainly suited American foreign policy at the time, I don’t think that they allowed it to happen but it’s complete incompetence all round.

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18 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Greatest conspiracy about 9/11 is the truth. How a group of people could nearly ruin a country while the security services were aware they were dodgy. It certainly suited American foreign policy at the time, I don’t think that they allowed it to happen but it’s complete incompetence all round.

It might have suited their foreign policy but it certainly didn't suit their domestic policy.  Quick Google search suggests  it cost them about $40 billion.

Certainly agree with the incompetence issue.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I think that probably every society on earth has an ancient Great Flood memory, there have been an awful lot of them. It's just convenient now to place them all in modern day Turkey for some reason.

Went along to my local building society and asked if they had a great flood memory.  They said No.

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Just now, Fullerene said:

It might have suited their foreign policy but it certainly didn't suit their domestic policy.  Quick Google search suggests  it cost them about $40 billion.

Certainly agree with the incompetence issue.

Perhaps it was incompetence, but as far as I’m aware, the intelligence services had identified the probability of a major terrorist attack.  I’m not sure what intelligence specifically pointing to 9/11 was missed in order to be able to accuse the intelligence community - which is both imperfect and largely reactionary - of incompetence.

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