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Well, that's Giggs Career over if true.

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48 minutes ago, AMMjag said:

I don't think examples of domestic violence and racism can be properly compared.

In the cases of Mackay and Griffiths, anti-racism charities have (and will) actively discourage booting one-off offenders out of the game permanently, instead preferring to use them as examples of education that a casual racist text or chant in a pub can be just as damaging as saying the N word to someone's face.

That might sound a bit fluffy and doesn't make their actions any less cretinous, but I do think that's a better approach than blanket zero-tolerance in terms of achieving anti-racism objectives.

The public apology -> training course -> carry on and don't do again route isn't really open to domestic violence or sexual offenders though.

Using the Adam Johnson example, I don't think clubs haven't picked him up again just because he's in his thirties. Likewise Goodwillie, who would probably still be playing in the top flight. Even at Thistle, we (eventually) shooed Adam Strachan and Jai Quitongo out the door for slapping their girlfriends about and, even if they weren't very good, I'm sure they'd still have had a much better shot at full-time football if clubs weren't looking at their criminal records.

Any option outside punting him immediately does immense damage to the Welsh FA's reputation that I don't think even the British sporting press could save. I'd be stunned if he manages another game.

Leigh Griffiths is a repeat offender, not a one-off offender.

Goodwillie, Strachan and Quitongo have all continued their careers in football, same as Mackay and Griffiths have. Yeah some may have taken a step down (not all of them have), but the point is that none of their careers in football were finished. They picked up new clubs again and the world moved on. This holds true pretty much no matter what you're convicted of.  If Adam Johnson hadn't done three years inside which likely ruined his athleticism at his age, then I can almost guarantee some English Conference team or some other shite would have signed him.

Giggs may well get punted from the Welsh FA. But if he wants another managers job after that, he'll get one. And fans of wherever he rocks up will either completely ignore what he's done or be very uneasy about it, but support the team anyway (especially if he's good).

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Leigh Griffiths is a repeat offender, not a one-off offender.

Goodwillie, Strachan and Quitongo have all continued their careers in football, same as Mackay and Griffiths have. Yeah some may have taken a step down (not all of them have), but the point is that none of their careers in football were finished. They picked up new clubs again and the world moved on. This holds true pretty much no matter what you're convicted of.  If Adam Johnson hadn't done three years inside which likely ruined his athleticism at his age, then I can almost guarantee some English Conference team or some other shite would have signed him.

Giggs may well get punted from the Welsh FA. But if he wants another managers job after that, he'll get one. And fans of wherever he rocks up will either completely ignore what he's done or be very uneasy about it, but support the team anyway (especially if he's good).

If found guilty he won't manage again at any UK professional club, plus he also won't get any mainstream media jobs.

Times have changed, his Career will be over.


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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:

If found guilty he won't manage again at any UK professional club, he also won't get and mainstream media jobs either.

Yes he will. If Joey Barton and Graham Rix can pick up managerial jobs after their conviction, Ryan Giggs will.

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18 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

If found guilty he won't manage again at any UK professional club, plus he also won't get any mainstream media jobs.

Times have changed, his Career will be over.


It isn’t.  You still get folk moaning about not being able to sing the Jimmy Hill song.  You still get folk complaining that you can’t break a player’s leg and the game’s gone soft.  Football is backwards, still, and although you are correct, Giggs won’t be fired because of this.  Adam Strachan still gets a gig, and if he was even better he’d get a better gig.  

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:

If found guilty he won't manage again at any UK professional club, plus he also won't get any mainstream media jobs.

Times have changed, his Career will be over.


Jamie Carragher spat on a child and still presents a major TV show.

Giggs will deny this even if he's found guilty, and that'll be enough for it to be brushed off.

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21 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Thought that was when he was shagging his brothers wife?


21 hours ago, eez-eh said:

I thought that was about him pumping his brother‘s missus.

Whether this latest allegation is true or not he’s clearly an odious person. Always thought he got off incredibly lightly with the brother thing, the media and public seemed to just forget about it. Compare that to the likes of Terry who (rightly) was vilified for what he done.

I stand corrected. All I remembered was that he'd taken out this super-injunction but it didn't work because his name came out anyway.

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I think if someone is convicted (in the case of Gallagher and Strachan) then they should be allowed to go back to earning a living. I don't see the benefit to society in denying them this. It isn't as if Strachan just picked up where he left off either. He plays in the diddiest of diddy leagues and works during the week as a window cleaner, so using him as evidence of football not caring about someone's past is a bit off the mark. He talks like a man who knows he messed up hugely, and (according to the article I read when he was with EK) wants to help young lads from going down the road he did. So aye, him and Giggs don't seem to occupy the same boat.

Gallagher is one I don't know enough about, but if the judiciary and criminal justice system are happy that he has served his time and is ready to be a productive member of society again then I dare say I'm at ease with it too. He spent three years in prison, which I'm sure our Daily Mail reading chums (hiya JLD, hiya pal) reckon is akin to going for a long spa treatment, but the loss of liberty is profound, and three years is a long think. He will have received various social work and psychological interventions too, which will do a lot to ensure he comes back out determined to live a life that ensures he doesn't go down the road which led to the aforementioned offense (which is the main function of the post custodial part of the criminal justice system).

Giggs, if he is convicted, should go to prison. After his sentence his finished he probably will have too high a profile to get a decent job, regardless of our opinion on the matter.


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  • 5 months later...

As expected hes still denying it, and as expected Wales will continue with him as manager. 

They'll muddle through the Euros, hope it all dies down, then he'll return as manager.

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