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Raith Rovers v Dunfermline Athletic

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2 minutes ago, smpar said:

I don’t know about other Pars fans, but the issue about the PPV pricing isn’t merely about £2. I think, even as Fifers, we can all collectively agree that £2 is f**k all and nobody’s claiming it’s putting them in the gutter or meaning their sprogs go without Christmas presents etc.

The issue is, as some of the more reasonably-minded Rovers fans have pointed out, the principle of quietly bumping up the price because they think/know fans really want to see this game and will just accept it because the desire to see the game is far greater than two quid.

A slight increase probably wouldn’t have caused any debate if the club could justify it, and/or announce it in plenty time.

They’ve done neither.

There will be far more Pars fans hijacking free streams now rather than giving Rovers their money based on principle. £2 is not a lot of money, but it's down to the principle. For a live game you can understand it what with the bigger crowd drawing more expenses, however this is a stream with (most likely) bang average viewing quality. Poor from the right-wing capitalist Rovers who have seen this as a way to lap on to the working class black and white pound during a global pandemic. This idea will 100% backfire for them now. 

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12 minutes ago, smpar said:

I don’t know about other Pars fans, but the issue about the PPV pricing isn’t merely about £2. I think, even as Fifers, we can all collectively agree that £2 is f**k all and nobody’s claiming it’s putting them in the gutter or meaning their sprogs go without Christmas presents etc.

The issue is, as some of the more reasonably-minded Rovers fans have pointed out, the principle of quietly bumping up the price because they think/know fans really want to see this game and will just accept it because the desire to see the game is far greater than two quid.

A slight increase probably wouldn’t have caused any debate if the club could justify it, and/or announce it in plenty time.

They’ve done neither.

This is spot on. It's not about the money in fact the money is irrelevant but to increase the price with 3 days to go with no statement explaining it,it's a complete PR disaster and will probably earn them no extra money. 

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I don’t know about other Pars fans, but the issue about the PPV pricing isn’t merely about £2. I think, even as Fifers, we can all collectively agree that £2 is f**k all and nobody’s claiming it’s putting them in the gutter or meaning their sprogs go without Christmas presents etc.

The issue is, as some of the more reasonably-minded Rovers fans have pointed out, the principle of quietly bumping up the price because they think/know fans really want to see this game and will just accept it because the desire to see the game is far greater than two quid.

A slight increase probably wouldn’t have caused any debate if the club could justify it, and/or announce it in plenty time.

They’ve done neither.

Can’t disagree with this.

Don’t think the Rovers board have done much wrong in the last 2 or 3 years.

They’ve dropped a clanger here.

Will still buy it but would probably think twice if the Pars had acted in the same way.
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While I completely agree it’s been handled badly. The concept that more important sporting events having a different price being alien and left field is a bit baffling.


It literally happens in every sport. Again, to be clear it’s been handled badly but the headloss over 2 quid is pretty amusing.


Excited about the incoming over the top enjoyment of found streams and self congratulations. Who needs football?


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4 minutes ago, HoustonRover said:

While I completely agree it’s been handled badly. The concept that more important sporting events having a different price being alien and left field is a bit baffling.


It literally happens in every sport. Again, to be clear it’s been handled badly but the headloss over 2 quid is pretty amusing.


Excited about the incoming over the top enjoyment of found streams and self congratulations. Who needs football?


ℹ️ Official Sources state this to be unfound

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2 hours ago, SanStarko said:

I'm guessing whoever it was on our board who came up with the idea of the price increase has no idea how easy it is to find free streams of most of the games.

Doesn't affect me cause I've got my season ticket, but can understand why it's pissed Pars fans off.  I've paid for every away PPV so far but if one of the teams randomly put their price up for no reason I'd probably tell them to go f**k themselves and find a free stream too

Good to know. No danger I’m paying Hearts £18. Especially if I can find a stream online.

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I’ll just be using a free stream at the weekend. I can understand a tiered pricing system when supporters can attend the match in person (pay for increased stewarding, policing, general expenses incurred). However the cost of streaming isn’t dictated by the size of the away support unless I’m missing something?

It’s a matter of principle, not quibbling over £2.

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1 hour ago, smpar said:

I don’t know about other Pars fans, but the issue about the PPV pricing isn’t merely about £2. I think, even as Fifers, we can all collectively agree that £2 is f**k all and nobody’s claiming it’s putting them in the gutter or meaning their sprogs go without Christmas presents etc.

The issue is, as some of the more reasonably-minded Rovers fans have pointed out, the principle of quietly bumping up the price because they think/know fans really want to see this game and will just accept it because the desire to see the game is far greater than two quid.

A slight increase probably wouldn’t have caused any debate if the club could justify it, and/or announce it in plenty time.

They’ve done neither.

The board have now decided the cost will be £12 and 57 shiny new pence.

Slight increase. 😂 

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7 minutes ago, Rob1885 said:

More outrage over rovers bumping their price up by 2 quid than when we didnt furlough 17 players in May. Says a lot.

Bad craic I agree. But what fans need to realise is that a football club is a business. Probably bracketed in the entertainment business. With that in mind they will do whatever suits their budget and business model. BOD are only there for a short period ,compared to the longevity of your club, and should/must make decisions to assure the club survives. If bumping players or adding £2 on PPV is the answer so be it. I would hope that decisions , like these ,are not taken lightly and no feasible alternative was available.  With that said I will be taking my usual seat on Saturday to watch the Fife Derby. On my comfy chair in my living room. 

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It’s just so short sighted. Imagine we were going to play East Fife and they put the prices up, everyone would be annoyed. I fully understand it’s within the board’s remit to change the prices, but they seem to have failed to understand that it’s within Dunfermline fans’ to say ‘f**k you’.

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Jim Leishman’s maw’s a hoor and *checks who else is in the Dunfermline Library/Museum* Barbara Dickson lures small children into her gingerbread house.

Adam Smith shopped at Morrison’s. Gordon Brown wears brown shoes with grey trousers.
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It’s just so short sighted. Imagine we were going to play East Fife and they put the prices up, everyone would be annoyed. I fully understand it’s within the board’s remit to change the prices, but they seem to have failed to understand that it’s within Dunfermline fans’ to say ‘f**k you’.
No they haven't, they specifically said its up to Pars fans if they decide to pay or not, in a "like it or lump it" type reply I've seen.

If you want this nipped in the bud, stand firm and don't be tempted to get the credit card out.
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Pre-season Rovers were going to charge PATG customers more for the bigger games. This is a continuation of that policy. Like all clubs, Rovers will have a big hole in their budget until we are all able to attend. If we win I will be delighted to post details for the benefit of subpar fans, if we lose forget it.

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